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Posts posted by Void_Smasher

  1. 12 hours ago, Stoner74 said:


    Impossible to play with such lag. We really need dedicated servers for Lunaro and PvP. It's game breaking.

    I have logged in only to approve this. DE, please, notice that it's not a recommendation - it MUST be done.

  2. Is it only me or bug? i unlocked Chimera Breath which is supposed split the beam into 3. but it only appear one straight beam.. Someone else happen like this?


    Same thing. I am also spent 75000 to unlock next level for it and still no changes.

  3. New patch (18.0.3), but still no fixes for operator skills. "Unlimited use" happened again, so I make some more tests.

    When host left the game, and host migration were done (and I became a client again), I still be able to use operator skill with no cooldown.


    Another problem wtih MADURAI skill that it is underpowered. It does not looks like an uber skill which I can use just few times per mission, but destroy everything in my sight oh something close to it. It can't even kill a single enemy some time.

    For example such enemies like:

    - Ancients

    - Boilers

    - Brood Mothers

    are unkillable due to full skill duration with full focus on one target (I have spend a 75000 "focus" for skill duration already). Damage dealt but it is very very very low.

    I can understand that I just have started with MADURAI and there is lots to improve. But it does not looks like it worth a time to improve.

  4. And another problem. MADURAI skill do not deal damage in some cases.


    1) Enemy in close range (not so close, but in skill radius for sure) - idk why, but no damage.


    2) No damage for those targets, which move perpendicular to the direction of a beam. Regardless of how I try to aim at them. It'll be better if enemies will have a proper reaction for the operator, and start to attack him for example, instead of just ignoring.


    3) If I have "Carrier" - it fly behind my operator and looting stuff but not consume it. Beam can't go through loot which is flying around head of my operator. I must move all the time to prevent this. Please, leave pets and guardians to stay near Warframe with no idea what is happening. Also it will show better a spiritual nature of an operator at skill duration. And maybe a special animation for pets. For example, a kubrow trying to wake up a warframe or something like that.

  5. Sometime I be able to use MADURAI skill unlimited amount of times right from the start of a mission and without any cooldown. When skill duration ends it becomes fully charged again. It happens very often. Tested with 2 and with 1 lens equpied with the same results.


    Otherwise sometime skill indicator remain empty, no matter what I am doing at mission. Happens only once for me. Tested with 2 lenses equpied.


    P.S.: and sorry for spoilers and for my 'bed engris'.

    P.P.S: more details below.

  6. I have built a Nova with Antimatter Absorb mod and a huge radius of 235%, and have noticed an error.

    If I am playing as host - Antimatter Drop looks like a giant flying globe.

    But if I am playing as client Antimatter Drop looks like no radius mods were used.

    I don't know is it affects only a visual effect or the mechanics is broken too, has not tested too much yet.

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