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Grand Master
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Posts posted by -CM-True

  1. http://prntscr.com/14z2h5


    Okay. This thread is now invalid.


    In game mate. There are people who will play the game but will never come into the forums. 

    Well in game you get a name on the planet and the Lato Prime (these are the 2 unique things to Grand Master)....but the OP is referring to a primary weapon (and not a secondary weapon like a pistol).


    My personal opinion is: I'd rather much prefer a unique cosmetic item that does not affect gameplay AND that it is something I would equip all the time (so not a weapon or a Warframe). For example: the attachments to the sentinels

  2. I am curious. Why do we need to login to twitter from this app?

    The program can already find alerts without them. (it actually does it once before it tells me invalid username or password)

    The author explained it before. I forget why. However, either way, I just created a new dummy Twitter account.

  3. Loot radar currently only detects materials and containers, which is ok but I would like it to detect mods and lockers too. However, there are posts on this topic already. My feedback goes in a different direction.


    Currently, when a material drops, a yellow dot appears on the mini-map and it does not disappear until all allies pick up the material. This is frustrating when multiple materials drop, but my allies do not go to get them even if I mark with a waypoint, so then the yellow dots remain there on my minimap and serve almost as a distraction.


    It would be better if Loot Radar got changed to either:

    1) All allies can also see the yellow dots or

    2) The yellow dots disappear on the mini-map after the material gets picked up by the user of the mod


    (or allow both to happen)

  4. An item is special and rare because not everyone has it...I would prefer it if there were more hard to impossible items to get. So that it's hard to obtain one of these items, but if there's more of them, then there is a higher chance of each person obtaining at least one of these unique items. Makes more players feel special while at the same time not making everything easily obtainable (thus boring and no more point in playing). Currently, I feel DE could make some items even harder to get, as long as they keep releasing more of hard/impossible to get items.


    Of course my post so far has nothing factual about alerts. So, I'll mention something about alerts now. Here is a solid fact about alerts if you did not know already: not all alerts are RNG. There are special alerts created by DE where they pre-notify players in live streams that they are going to create an alert with orokin reactor or catalyst blueprint as reward. So watch those live streams for special announcements!

  5. i hope I read the comments right. so the login is because the program is using API instead of RSS..

    so anyone kind enough to tell me why RSS is inferior to API in this application?


    im asking this because I'm using a desktop RSS notifier with url https://api.twitter.com/1/statuses/user_timeline.rss?screen_name=Warframe_bot, and I don't need to login, it just fetch the feed in a specific time interval.

    I'm interested in this program because i want more control than just relying on what @warframe_bot retweets, but still why do I need to login?

    I apologize if someone ask it before lol, thanks!


    If you're like me as in I am paranoid with my logins and passwords, then there is a simple solution: I created a new Twitter account that I use for nothing else but WarframeAlerts.



    OK so I just installed it... its taking up 37mb just sitting there in the tray???? That's a little.. large for something that isn't doing anything.


    The older versions took up less memory. The new version is taking up more comparatively. In my tray, WarframeAlerts_v1.4.1.1 took up 9mb, and the newest version WarframeAlerts_v1.4.3.0 is taking up 12mb. These numbers are right after starting the program and logging in. I am on Win 7 64-bit Home, so it might be different based on operating systems.

  6. I have a suggestion for allowing the creation of new custom alerts. Let's say a new Alert comes out like the Glaive that does not already exist on the checklist. The user can type in a new custom alert for the program to track.


    This is in case for the future if you're too busy to update this program.

  7. Ah, glad you fixed it.  I have no idea why anyone would use a 11025 Hz Mono sound in the first place though o_O

    I downloaded the file from the net. The benefit of 11025 Hz Mono is that the file is much much smaller. The size of the original file was 44.5 KB compared the converted one of 2.79 MB. Lower Hz and Mono makes it save space for a sound bite that does not require quality.

    Hey, is there a known bug with crashing on alert? I just ran the exe for the first time and every time an alert comes in, it crashes before displaying anything even. Any help is much apprecated, thanks!

    That is something that is happening to me as well with the current version So I reverted back to using the older version for now. I forgot to mention this because I was figuring out how to make my own Alert Sound wav file.

  8. Solved!


    My sound file is originally a wav file. I figured out why it did not work. My wav file is 11025 Hz Mono. I noticed these specs were different from the wav file you already included. So I converted mine to 44100 Hz Stereo to match your file. It works now. The file name does not matter after all.

  9. Nice program! Really great work, loving it. Thanks for the updates.


    I got a question on the Alert Sound. I have it set to a different wav file that is smaller in size than notify.wav and the path directory for my "Alert Sound" line is: C:\Games\Warframe\chime_big_ben.wav


    The alert sound file does not play though. I placed that wav file and WarframeAlerts.exe into the same folder. I cannot figure out what could be the problem. I played the sound myself in a media player and it works normally.


    As a side note: I set the log file to C:\Games\Warframe\WarframeAlerts.log and that log file works just fine (unrelated, but just wanted to throw it out there).

  10. I have a similar problem. I have a friend that I was able to see online and join his session. Then, starting from around April 14 (sometime after the patch with the Ether blades), we no longer see each other online. Now, the only way we can play with each other is through other mutual friends. We would have to join the session of a mutual friend in order to play together.


    Our "Analyze network" button says All Systems Nominal. Using ports 3960 & 3962. My only guess to this problem is the far distance between us (as in different countries). However, we were able to see each other online and join each other sessions before. We have tried many different settings with the game and our network/firewall, but to no avail, so we reverted back to what we had before when we were able to see each other online.


    Thanks for reading, please help us resolve our problem, much appreciated.

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