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  1. I must have struck a nerve by telling you to read before commenting. Im not sorry. I recived tons of answers, some of them had some truth on their arguments and I was able to understand the logic behind them regardless if I agreed to what they said, some others were baseless slop that came from people that either didnt properly read what I said or simply dont understand what they are talking about or were just being a fanboy of the devs defending the game from any form of criticism, im actually seeing quite a lot of that for soulframe already and the game havent even came out, so maybe is a community issue, who knows. Wonder why I would follow up to responses of a post that I created to discuss certain aspects of a game and would express my opinions to said arguments to get deeper on their reasoning as a way to understand it, hmmm, yeah probably for the sake of argue and for being on bad faith. Take care, hope you get better at reading.
  2. Crafting times present aswell + Nexon is involved on the creation of the game, the same Nexon that lost a lawsuit agaist them acussing them of messing with drop chances in order to make it impossible to get certain items. Thanks for the suggestion regardless. That fails at mitigating the issue as I said several times already, read the comments or dont respond There are mods that cost you part of that power fantasy, yes. Most life-service games does this but there still ones that doesnt, in fact, the first life-service games never did this, World of Warcraft and RuneScape never limited you how many lvls you can get in one day, Warframe does not only limits you in factions/focus by limiting the amount of standing you can get but it even goes as far as limiting your mastery rank to once a day because the trial attempt cooldown. Those older games let the players have unrestricted fun wich is one of the reasons of why they got as popular in the first place, for the freedom and fun they provided.
  3. Well yeah, thats what I said. Intentional bad design for you and I, the player.
  4. Lmao no, the stuff that was not related to the monetization of the game are trash game design and the stuff that was related to the monetization are good design to create benefits but they are still negative factors for the game and players so basically intentional bad design to create profit. Not saying that is wrong, im just saying saying what it is. You are the delusional one when you go on and try to defend it saying is good design.
  5. Biggest truth on the entire post so far, I already had in mind that dailys exist just to create a routine so the devs can do a coin toss for you to spend money but I appreciate deeper explanation for this case in particular. Also dont get me wrong, I would be delusional if I really expected for them to change any of the monetary parts of the game (I still think they should some tuning with the timers for crafting tho), as I said originally this was just a rant (cope) about wishing wasnt this way.
  6. Im just messing around now but it would be hilarious if now they also limited the amount of time you can play the game a day.
  7. Lighting: Already stated that the settings are not good enough to mitigate the issue, there is also a forced contrast changes due how the lighting works, caused by the bright lighting spikes caused by some enemys, General Sargas would be an exmple of this, whenever you get close to him, the bright effect he have from his attacks and weak points will change the contrast of the screen basically blinding you. The rest: Already talked about it more than enough on the comments.
  8. Honestly I'd pick low drop rates anytime, at least I generally can do those without limits.
  9. Oh look, the same thing you said before whinning about what I already stated it was a joke, good job! And when I say something, yes, I belive im right, saying something that I believe is wrong doesnt make much sense to me and im always open to be proven wrong but your argumentation is usually ''game gud'' ''u bad'' ''git gud'' I will just take you as a joke and ignore you. If you want to be mad be it but do it privately, this is just sad to look at.
  10. I see where are you coming from but also think about it from a new players perspective, syndicates are a good portion of the game but not all the game, there way too much content to just finish it one day also this kind of things acts as a filter for them ''Do I want to put up with this crap or quit playing'' the more systems like this you have the less players you get. I myself been playing on and off for years because the daily caps/missions creates burns out. And yeah, crafting times are there from the start for the sole purpose to bully you into buying platinum but you have to at least agree in that it feels a bit outdated, having to wait 3 days and a half to craft a warframe or an entire day to craft a weapon is a little too much. (I could also see how having uncapped syndicates reputation could be a problem for the economy of trading)
  11. You are the one who tries to excuse every thing I brough up and whenever I gived a counter argument or example, look at the stamina thing, I was using it as a example of a bad old mechanic because you were saying that something (being knock down) that was on the game from the very begining cant be bad and then you tried to negate how valid is as an example with an argument that inderectly made you agree with me. You also straigh up tried to lie about the ediolon too saying there is no daily limits despite having a night/day cycles meaning to a degree you are still limited. They are not wrong conclusions, they are counter arguments for your contradictory excuses that can be debonked so easily that now you have to say im making up sh*t as a way to dismiss what I say. You are a hardcore fanboy of the game, and while that is not a bad thing on its own, you are telling other players to stop playing whenever they brought up issues with the game basically white knighting the game and gatekeeping others from playing actively hurting the game.
  12. -So it limited movement... just like being knock down... -There is a daily limit for eidolons still, day/night cycles, so not unlimited plus you have to keep track of the cycles.
  13. Already said that doesnt really help with the issue but ok. Just because it was on the game since the begining doesnt mean is good, look at stamina, you needed stamina to run and do stuff at the start of the game, did they keep it because it was there from the very begining? No, they removed it because it was annoying and absolute chore to play around it.Knock down is an inconvenience in that we both can agree, I dont think is mild since it can happen so often. I have experienced the Ragdoll and I have the same problems with it, unnecessary annoying and obviusly worst that being knock down, hell it can stuntock you and there is not much you can do about it wich is why I would also say is bad mechanic and should be out of the game aswell since interrups the game flow. I did know about the edidolon shards but arent those limited to the day/night cycle aswell? Also doesnt that just adds an extra 80k to the limit?
  14. That last was mostly a joke but of course I think im right, why else would I be saying this? ...You realize im talking about a mechanic and not a person there, right? Do you thinks mechanics are persons and have to be respected like people or something? Also you are the one who began the insults calling me entilted snowflake in case you forgot.
  15. I had a problem with brightness on this game making me go insane for so long, seeing asmon also pointing it out made feel like I wasnt the only one insane, they focus so much on making things flashly that they forget about the possibility of actually flashing the players with all the effects (and using darker energy colors is probably the one actual helpful advice I got from all the comments here even if it cost me a bit of the fashion frame).
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