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Posts posted by (XBOX)CanadienSaintNk

  1. 5 hours ago, Monolake said:

    Sure they are tough for new players because Fortuna mobs hit like lvl~50 despite being lvl~10.  AND thats why noobs shouldn't be lured into it early on.

    But if you have more than ~50hrs in the game you should have no issue doing the low tier ones even solo, I can easily do them on my noob account with crappy barely moded gear just casting few abilities here and there.

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    all cleared with bonus, solo, Magnus with just 2 mods. Mag with basic no-reactor build

    If you play Octavia you just go invis and throw your ball to distract mobs and afk, you must be not using any abilities at all if you struggle.

    thanks for your input, it's actually irrelevant; they claim in these notes that they want to establish a clear path from Earth to Fortuna, so expecting a player to have 50+ hours before they reach what is the (approximately) 15th-ish mission is absurd. Then expecting a new player to have the knowledge/skills of an individual who has played the game as long as you have is an unreasonable learning curve. The issues I pointed out are mainly balance and bug fixes that aren't resolved by playing the game 50 hours and ignoring the second area in the game entirely until that point. I'm sure anyone can understand bugs can often get in the way of the game/dev's intentions and it doesn't invalidate someone's experience just because it doesn't align with your own.

    These bounties up to tier 2 should be manageable tasks for all starter frames solo, tiers 3-4 for those more established, and right now they're a mess that even effect me at MR24 despite using my frames and arsenal to its fullest. Which isn't to say it's every bounty but it is frequent issues where I'm encountering these at least once every 3 bounties and it's demoralizing to waste time on/miss out on rewards through no fault of my own. I think you are too detached from the starter experience to understand the point of view of newer players, the games progression and the experience it will combine into to understand but it could be that I experience an absurd amount of bugs being on the Xbox one and have a skewed experience entirely.

    ps Enemies still hit octavia when invisible frequently, even with maxed range she cannot cover an entire range in Vallis and not to mention energy use vs widely spread out spawns is terrible, using roller-ball is just as ineffective when they are so spread out. In a perfect world your patronizing might be correct but this is game development and there's bugs on bugs where experience is needed

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  2. 33 minutes ago, (XBOX)RaeOvSunshyn said:

    Oh, don't worry, there won't be anything special about Smeeta for much longer. True-to-form, instead of elevating the lackluster until everything is exceptional, Warframe is dragging the stellar down until it's all mediocre. Yay.

    As someone who deals with an abhorrent amount of lost loot and time due to an unending barrage of host migrations, whacky mechanics and overall demoralizing game behaviour; I understand your cynicism but we can only judge based off of these communications and if we want something to manifest in the game, it's our duty to communicate that in a constructive way, maybe email them pictures of your favorite cats and tell them that Ms purrsephone doesn't want to be turned into a decoration? My Barkelona will never be relegated to mediocre thanks to lotus taking care of him because kubrow abilities are vaguely outlined😆

  3. octavia:

    Energy: Base Rank - 215 (from 175) / Max Rank - 265 (from 263)

    • Flow: +100% Energy Max (was +150%)
    • Primed Flow: +180% Energy Max (was +275%)

    =530 energy with Flow

    =732 energy with the sweet sweet Primed flow

    that's the only frame i have built tbh so it was hard for me to judge until I mathed

    Checks out, but it seems superfluous and I enjoy big numbers which are no longer there consequently making it harder for new players to determine their use

    ps: why doesn't this mean we get a discount on upgrading primed flow?????


    gib me back my 20 endo please


  4. Vox Solaris bounties are too hard tbh

    I don't mean hard as in might not gold, I mean straight fail a tier 1 bounty as a MR24 with decent 2 teammates

    -The excavators don't scale well

    -the hack/defend the coildrive doesn't scale well and the enemies frequently are beamed down inside of it,

    -the don't trigger an alarm shows up too late causing new players to trigger it nearly every time
    -wandering coildrives attacking the hacked drone and destroy it immediately and they never despawn even when you leave their area these coildrives are being spammed during the drone hack, they shouldn't be aggressive with the amount of damage and range they have its ridiculous, this can compound into other stages like assassinating targets or doing bounties repeatedly

    -when rescuing the solaris individuals, if you don't have a weapon that can destroy airships, you are toast unless you hide inside the outpost but even then it just causes enemies to

     beam inside the bunker with you

    -Corpus accuracy is insane, even at tier 1 with MR24 with maxed frame Im down if I stop moving, tenno-forbid I aim with a gun sometimes

    -The bounties themselves are whack; you do the same things just in different orders and it gives no sense you are challenging yourself by elevating the severity of task

    -You have an achievement for doing 6 bounties in an hour but what it means is doing 6 bounties without going back into Fortuna, and the game cant handle it; I always crash when I try to start the 5th bounty


    I bring this up because you are aware your introduction to Fortuna is too difficult but you seem unaware how far it reaches into orb vallis

    I play octavia, certainly not a tanky frame by any standard but it shouldnt have a problem with groups as it is

    • Like 4
  5. It's obvious there was a ton of thought and care put into these future changes and I feel like people are getting angry at the difference between going down and dying in the verbage used where the former was used when the latter was meant by devs.

    Having said that; these updates do feel like a first step towards making the companions an additive bonus rather than a standalone entity and the final blurb referencing that there is more in the works reassures me the devs are probably in that line of thought too. To that end I think a lot of these reworks will probably be dispensed with and re-altered, some of which immediately after launch:


    Sentinel Survivability Mod Changes:

    • Metal Fiber changed from max 110% Armor to max 250% Armor   This will be nerfed, something around 200% would be the max with the new pet armour values/health/shields, it's nice for players to feel powerful but it will suck to have to nerf it in six-to-nine months
    • Regen has been changed significantly. Because your Sentinels no longer die after reaching zero Health, Regen instead reduces the Incapacitation time of your Sentinel by 20 seconds, and provides 6 seconds of Invulnerability after reviving. This is useless, sorry to say, and we don't want useless mods in a limited mod capacity Warframe universe we exist in; only 20 second reduction? If they are dying as much as they are now that adds up and is ok, but accepting that they die as much as they do now is a very sore spot not to mention the 35 seconds for primed is tough to stomach given its high cost to max as a prime mod. Is it better? yes, but good enough to still be in the top eight knowing sentinels respawn automatically? questionable at best
      Sentinels don't give additive benefits like Smeeta do, having them down is not as detrimental to us for 20-35 seconds compared to losing other mods that add substance. Combining Regen with Repair Kit seems the best option since neither of them are powerful enough on their own if sentinels will revive but together you can sit it at a 20/6 and 30/12 ratio for revive time/health regen without breaking the game or a players mod limit. Accessibility of companion is what this patch is about; then building towards making that companion have substance in the fight is your next goal it seems, so it eats two 1%ers with one cannibalism because you will need mod capacity when that time comes
    • Primed Regen provides a greater benefit: Incapacitation time is reduced by 35 seconds, and provides 6 seconds of Invulnerability after reviving. see above 
    • Sacrifice still allows your Sentinel to automatically revive you; however, the Sentinel now goes into Incapacitation instead of being destroyed. Adds 15 seconds to your Sentinel's Incapacitation time. Ensuring the sentinel is up is the aim of the patch, why would we add mods that force us into a cycle of regening/reviving our companions versus making their utilities more available so we can focus on gameplay; changing this to something like: Sentinel will revive you but will enter a non-aggressive state for 30 seconds ensures the already limited passives for sentinels can still shine through
    • Repair Kit has been changed from providing your Sentinel with 6 Health per second to 18 Health per second. This will be nerfed to 12H eventually, the problem isn't the regen but the enemies that one-shot them because companions don't scale to masochist Steel path

    Companion Survivability Mod Changes:

    • Link Health has been renamed to Linked Vitality, and changed from max 165% of your Warframe's Health shared with Companion, to max 125% shared Health.
    • Link Shields has been renamed to Linked Redirection, and changed from max 110% of your Warframe's Shield shared with Companion, to max 125% shared Shield.
    • Link Armor has been renamed to Linked Fiber, and changed from max 110% of your Warframe's Armor shared with Companion, to max 125% shared Armor.

    I actually really enjoy these by design, it's a simple implementation that doesn't invalidate new players investing in Enhanced Vitality/Shields/Metal Fiber while also giving end-game players a chance to min/max to pair with their enhanced warframes

    • Medi-Pet Kit has been changed from providing your Companion with 6 Health per second and 72% Bleedout Reduction, to providing 12 Health per second and reducing Incapacitation time by 15 seconds. This is another spot on implementation
    • Accelerated Deflection (+90% Shield Recharge) has been changed from being only equipped on Sentinels, to the Robotic category, which means it is now also compatible with Hounds and Moas. Additionally, it also provides -45% Shield Recharge Delay. I cant believe this wasn't in the game already to be honest but technically a good implementation


    The base stats for all Sentinels is whack too, im more inclined to believe it is a typo than on purpose, for instance:


    Revised Sentinel Stats:
    Armour for our metal friends is much lower than animals??

    Shields on prime are lower than regular versions??? 

    Numbers of course do not tell the whole tale; AI targeting animals is easier than flying sentinels and so sentinels are made a bit more squishy in some areas maybe?

    Carrier: 560 Health (from 200), 250 Shield (from 100), 80 Armor (from 50)

    Carrier Prime: 650 Health (400), 200 Shield (from 100), 150 Armor (from 150)

    Dethcube: 560 Health (from 200), 250 Shield (from 100), 80 Armor (from 50)

    Dethcube Prime: 600 Health (from 300), 200 Shield (from 100), 150 Armor (from 150)

    Diriga: 700 Health (from 350), 150 Shield (from 50), 80 Armor (from 50)

    Djinn: 560 Health (from 200), 250 Shield (from 100), 80 Armor (from 50)

    Helios: 560 Health (from 200), 250 Shield (from 100), 80 Armor (from 50)

    Helios Prime: 700 Health (from 250), 200 Shield (from 100), 100 Armor (from 100)

    Nautilus: 560 Health (from 200), 250 Shield (from 100), 80 Armor (from 50)

    Oxylus: 560 Health (from 200), 250 Shield (from 100), 80 Armor (from 50)

    Shade: 600 Health (from 350), 130 Shield (from 50), 80 Armor (from 50)

    Shade Prime: 700 Health (from 350), 200 Shield (from 100), 100 Armor (from 100)

    Prisma Shade: 600 Health (from 300), 130 Shield (from 50), 80 Armor (from 50)

    Taxon: 560 Health (from 200), 250 Shield (from 100), 80 Armor (from 50)

    Wyrm: 560 Health (from 200), 250 Shield (from 100), 80 Armor (from 50)

    Wyrm Prime: 450 health (from 225), 600 Shield (from 300), 150 Armor (from 150)

    I don't have much experience with the other mods listed but I will say the chance for Djinn to spawn with 3K shields makes me wonder why my sentinel has more survivability than 80% of my warframes.

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  6. I'm relatively new to the game at 2 1/2ish months but I just have one request: please make Hydroid's 4th ability either mobile enough to cover its energy use and/or powerful enough to kill on it's own in steel path. I would say being able to kill them within 1/2 of the Swarms duration by itself would be the minimum. Whether that's giving it a raw damage increase or bumping up how it scales is something that might be relevant.


    Your four abilities stack very well, you've put a tremendous amount of thought into his kit rework and its appreciated but if he has to activate all four abilities or even three abilities with Tidal surge being situational 4th) on every engagement because his 4 is stationary, it's going to quickly be non-steel path viable and betray your own intentions of making Hydroid more mobile and in line with other frames. We can go around spamming Tempest Barrage too but then Hydroid falls back right where he is now: where are my friends? and everything must die by gunfire to be sustainable, with neither being indicative of kraken summoning Hydroid on a surface level.

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