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(XBOX)Eli and Niti

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Posts posted by (XBOX)Eli and Niti

  1. I have been trying to find out what setting it is in the Visual Tab to reduce the brightness of the Volumetric lighting (particularly the multiplicative nature on Grineer Infested Ships) in order to reduce the crazy levels of brightness that we are experiencing since the last big update.  There are some tile-sets that are just too bright and glaring to even be able to see on them.  I understand this is a serious performance improvement with the current algorithms for it, but it has made some maps unplayable for me and my wife (visually impaired).  I have tried with and without adaptive exposure, I have tried with and without Bloom, and I have tried with and without Glare, none of these settings seem to affect the volumetric lighting in these areas.  I have found that reducing the contrast and brightness helps a little, but this affects adversely the other maps and tile-sets.  Is there a way of adding a Volumetric Lighting Intensity option to the menus?

  2. I have for years run with the RB button on the xbox set as my melee button... I literally cannot think of a better button for it tbh.  I recently went to the plains to complete the "fish some stuffs" quest for the Nightwave, and upon equipping my fishing spear, and was told to use the RB button to bring up the fishing gear menu... this does not work as my character melees instead.  Is there any way we could maybe have it so that if you change the melee button to the context actions menu, could we also have the X button do this (since it is the context button anyway)?  I really do not fancy re-learning how to use my controls just to be able to fish, and I do not like the idea of constantly changing my button layout just to be able to fish either.  The old system wherein you pressed the consumables menu again with the fishing spear equipped was much better, and far more user friendly than this current system (at least for those who use a custom control setup).

  3. I would post me and my wife singing it, but I don't think that would help our chances... Maybe we will stream it during our next live stream... we could do with shedding a few followers :P


    Children Of The Void - A Railjack Shanty


    Tenno Sing:

    Through the voids waves, 

    We crash and we tumble, 

    Our victorious Jack saves, 

    And will power not crumble, 

    Cause we're all 

    Children of the void. 


    Ostrons Sing

    Through voids we roam, 

    With Jack under feet, 

    Cetus our home, 

    We'll never know defeat, 

    Cause we're all 

    Children of the void. 


    Solaris Sing

    Our debts left behind, 

    Across voids we fly, 

    Through enemies we grind, 

    With the things that we scry, 

    Cause we're all 

    Children of the void. 


    All together

    Through the voids waves, 

    Our Jack forges onward, 

    With the lives that we'll save, 

    Our paths all wind onward,

    No loss will we know,

    No loved ones we’ll part,

    Our strengths only grows,

    Forever young at heart,

    With the fires all tend,

    These Voids we will bend,

    And to hell enemies we’ll Send,

    Till these worlds we'll mend,

    Cause we're all 

    Children of the void, 

    Cause we're all  

    Children of the void,

    Cause We Are ALL

    Children Of The Void.

  4. Thank you Digital Extremes for allowing and enabling us to hold our dream wedding in the game we both love, with those dearest to us, and streaming it for those unable to attend in person (my grandma was in tears the whole way through she was so happy).

    Thank you all who attended and watched from home, you have no idea how much this meant to both of us. We have been grinning and smiling so much :D

    Thank you all for the congratulations, they mean so much...

    and as far as you go Mr. Regor and Mr. Hek... you will be already aware of the 'gifts' we have for you two... and there are many more like it coming your way.

    Thankyou Stalker for NOT turning up uninvited as you promised...

    Most Importantly, thankyou Megan and Rebecca for the comic relief during the 'disturbance' lol

    You are all awesome, and me and Niti can't ever express our gratitude enough.

    Now I must go get some sleep, I haven't slept since Saturday I have been so excited ^_^

  5. Oberon needs a rework more imo... love his 1, everything else is just outshined by every other frame, he sure looks cool though... just saying feyarch skin makes up for lackluster 2, 3 and 4 lol

    As someone else said, Nyx isnt dps, she is control... literally. Sure psychic bolts are weak, but her 1, 3 and 4 are very good. 4 is not as good as it used to be, but is still good as a support ability for helping res squishy frames... again, its all in the mods lol

  6. Nyx is a very end game frame imo. She basically can keep up with the enemies regardless of level (like mag and trinity). But, like all frames, its all in the build.

    Classic example for Nyx to shine is a lvl 80+ interception, with chaos sphere, she can nearly solo it, her with an ev trinity, bubble mag, and suicide equinox, is pretty much chill to win, at least in our experience.

    Basically, get some infested mods, some nightmare mods, and play around with her builds until you are happy. All frames are better with mods ;)

  7. This is quickly turning into a debate between those to lazy to farm, those who dont understand that you can trade for plat, and those who farm.

    On topic, If you pay upfront for a game (p to p), other than expansions (and I dont mean horse armour here), that should be it, save for cosmetics.

  8. 1 minute ago, TheGuyverOne said:

    The accessories listed were the m320 grenade launcher and m26 rail shotgun I believe, my cousin purchased the bundle shortcuts for 3 and 4 and he didn't receive any attachments.


    Nuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu. The worst part about the microtransaction update was the weapon rebalance. They put a lot of emphasis on the 100 stability/accuracy system, and ended up nerfing most of the guns in that department leaving you with skins as the only option to make them viable again without having to mod them specifically for sta/acc.

    A friend of mine bought the unlock pack and got all the "base" attachments, only a few were not unlocked (those you get from golden boxes). So, no bf4 turned very pay to save time. Which from a pay to play is disgusting. The worst offender imo is Destiny... sorry thats Fridays meeting...

  9. 25 minutes ago, .Zefir said:

    I always get those farming/selling mods and parts. I net 20p and buy those. It's like "farming" for potatoes too. I also don't put them on just any weapon/frame, only the ones I play the most.

    I mean, this isn't all that bad, is it ?

    This and this and this. I choose to buy the prime access from DE simply because I support their business model due to this fact.  I usually give the plat I get away to friends, buy all the cosmetics, and gift stuff to people who have "real" lives and dont have the time or spare money to buy what they need to play with me. Warframe is honestly the best and least money orientated game I have ever played, so I pay to support the devs. I certainly never buy plat outside of the prime access, and take it that prime access is me buying a game (since it costs roughly the same).

    Out side of the plat I get from prime access, every purchase I make for Orokin potatoes, slots, and incubation chambers, I do by farming mods, and selling them.

    Some of the BEST equipment in this game can not be bought via the market place (ok it can be bought via trading, but still). You cannot BUY a Vaykor Marlok, you cannot BUY a Synoid Gammacor, You cannot BUY a Vakor Hek... these must be played for. Unless you want to PAY another player for their time... I got my new loka weapons by trading mods to the guy for the weapons, so technically, I didnt even pay him for those. I traded TIME.

    Warframe is the least "Pay to win" game I have ever played from the Free to Play market. It is however "Pay if your impatient".

    Regarding the subject however, I hate the fact that Pay to Play games are getting more Pay to Win. It sickens me that the games industry is trying to make games for Profit over Fun. The head of activision stated that games were not meant the be fun, they were meant to be profitable... as an Indie developer, I disagree with this person to such a large degree. I make games to be fun, if they sell, great, I can pay my bills, if they dont, oh well... the ones that do cover the ones that dont. I only ever make games for ME, if someone else likes it enough to buy it, great.

    DE are one of the few white knights left in the games industry, them and CD Projekt Red.


    Down with oppression, down with profit, free the prolitariate... wait... sorry thats wednesdays meeting...


  10. You take my money, to make prime honey, with this access prime, the joy will be mine. Bring on the 16th day, dont waste time making hay, just speed up the hours, and make Saryn Prime mine... I mean ours :P


    More Hype Train than a Bay film has explosions.

  11. When asked if Im down with OP, the answer I come up with is always the same... Yeah, You know me. No, Im not kickbot, but I do agree with him.


    Here are my thoughts on OP.


    1) Its good to be OP when you need to be.


    2) You get to choose if you WANT to be OP.


    3) OP is a matter of perspective. There are times that you start off OP, then steadily get less and less OP.


    This is the heart of it. OP is a matter of perspective. Going into appolodorus with 5 forma Kohm, Sonicor, Reaper Prime and equinox would be considerably OP. However taking the same set up into a 120 minute survival would be considered appropriate.


    The reason for this rather random post, is the constant stream of posts with the general sentiment of "this is OP and should be nerfed"... I am getting mildly irrate with these posts. Due to the nature of this game, ANYTHING can be OP. 


    There are times when some people want to feel like Gods. If you take this away, this kills a small part of the game that is very dear to me and my friends. If you do not want to feel OP, simply do not modify as such.


    I believe there is only three reasons someone wouldnt want OP.  firstly, they fancy a challenge... ok... dont use mods, or use mods that are wierd and strange. Secondly, they simply havent either got the mods, or they dont know HOW to modify something. This last one... well its just plain selfishness. Finally, you simply didnt bring the right tool for the job, but someone else did... again, this is short sighted and selfish.


    I do not think that OP should be changed. The only time OP should be nerfed is if it breaks the game (causes crashes or frame rate drops etc).


    I may not be popular in my beliefs, but I do share them with the rest of my clan. I do not beleive anything should be nerfed, I just believe people should be more considerate of those they play with. If you are getting tired of never seeing an enemy, dont complain that the others in the room are OP, simply play with different people.


    Due to the nature of this game, there are times OP is needed... goto wave 100 + on a defence, and let me know if you want someone OP in the room, try going into an infested survival with a lato, an unranked paracyst, and a glaive while playing as mag and try to get to wave 60... thats a challenge, that calls for someone being OP in the room.


    Its your game, play it how you want to play it, but remember, others will play it how they want to play it. If you do not want to play with people who are OP, play with your friends, or play alone. Dont take OP away... some of us come home from a hard day at work, and just want to Kill EVERYTHING... warframe gives us that escape from reality that we crave.


    When I play with my low rank buddies, I take things that are weaker and less effective, simply to offer them more chance to kill things and feel OP. When I play with my high rank buddies, I go all out, we turn it into a game of "whose more OP".


    Just because certain builds work better, doesnt mean we should nerf those builds cause it becomes "the only way", I will run interesting builds just for the hell of it. Certain things will always be more effective at dealing with certain enemies... this is life... this is just how it is. Accept that certain things are better at certain jobs.  Not everything SHOULD be equal. You wouldnt take a knife to a nuke fight?


    Besides, anything can be OP in the right circumstances. Goto appolodorus with a max rank potatoed paracyst with metal auger, shred, maxed out serration and Split chamber and feel like a god. Want more of a challenge, take that into the derelicts. Some things are just supposed to be better.


    Dont complain about it, embrace it, make a challenge of finding a new build for a long forgotten rifle... I have recently been trying the Glaxion out again... in the past I wouldnt have given it a second thought, now, I have been having a "Blast" :P


    Am I down with OP, Yeah, you know me.

    Sorry about the wall of text, its just a side thought and general feedback :) discuss :P

  12. copy paste


    While nice, chilled and emotive, its not the same... but would go on a cd just as well...


    Did anyone ever listen to the tracks from Spellforce? Cenwen was pretty cool, very much like this and the Operator music (track name would require either DE, or some research by the PC crowd). I love it when games get good music... And hate it when they dont... I was not disappointed DE

  13. I just wanted to compliment the composer(s) of this, it is beautiful. Without it I wouldn't have enjoyed this quest nearly as much as I did. Especially the main theme, you can still listen to in the Liset. Please keep up the good work; you definetly deserve more appreciation.

    (Normally I hate such threads but this definetly deserves to be called beautifull!)


    I cant agree more. Love this music, I wish there was a way (without using a slight glitch involving going to the room, listening for a second, bringing up the menu, and teleporting to another console such as navigation) to have this music play in the rest of the ship...


    I was thinking... could we have more of this super chilled awesome music... maybe on a cd... that you could buy in the merch store? maybe? possibly?


    Make It So.

  14. Disapointed mine didnt make the cut, and relieved mine didnt make the cut...


    These are some achievements that I can see being in the game. I would have been alittle more challenging with them, but they are still pretty good for most people to attain.


    Regarding the focus one, there are several achievements in the game that are similar, reaching max rank in a syndicate etc. so it doesnt bother me in the slightest, it at least gives me a reason to unlock the whole tree.


    Its still nice we got the chance to suggest them though... maybe we will get to suggest more for future release :)

  15. As an already avid mag user (have been from day one... litterally she was my first frame), and having spent alot of time messing around and tinkering with builds (I now have about 12 builds I use for different occasions... I need more mag primes now), I can give alittle input into her abilities.


    Pull: I dont really see any problem with this, I would like to see the Greedy Pull put back to the origional state (since it was nerfed due to Mesa... now Mesa has been reworked, surely GP can be returned), but on the whole, its a nice combo builder.  Knock enemies on their rear ends, walk up, hit em while they are down. Sure, haveing them stay down for longer would be nice... but leave as is IMO.


    Shield Polarize: This is single handedly one of the most powerful abilities in the game vrs Corpus... it needs No change. Even when there are no corpus or shielded enemies in the room, this is still useful as a Shield Recharge in a tight spot (it even still gives a slight overshield). So I would leave as is, maybe take away the overshield cap (more OP please). But in all honesty, I think its fine as is. I mean being able to kill level 150 corpus like they are paper bunny rabbits, really makes me smile :)


    Bullet Attractor: This is a MONSTER of an ability if built right. In sabs, the bosses die in single shots from Sonicors due to this, Enemies that survive ragdoll even more. Its a percentage based attack as well. The tougher the enemies, the more damage their bullets do, the more damage they do to themselves and their allies... whats not to like. The only change I would have surgested would have been that the effect switches to any enemy caught in the deathblast for the remainder of the ability... sort of like resonance on banshee... maybe that could have been the augment for it... never mind, missed oppertunity.


    Crush: This was great when you could activate it mid air on the move. It is great against low level enemies. Its pretty much useless after wave 40. Its weak, only give a momentary pause in the battle, and has limited range even at 250% range. This ability above all else needs some kind of tweak. I liked the idea of a toggle on it, you activate it, are rooted in spot, but enemies continue to take damage and be held in place. This would allow for some great synergy with other frames, and would allow mag to play a better support role. I can also see the issues with this, it could be OP if modded right, but if kickbot is ok with OPP, I am ok with OPP.


    just my two pennys. I would have offered two cents, but I dont have any... marbles either.


    Mag will always be my favorite frame, but any rework that makes her better, Im ok with. I like the idea of making her more of a team player, I really like the idea of adding synergy with other frames also. Make it so.

  16. Hi i had the problem and what i did was go and hard reset my xbox off then turn of the router wait a bit turn it back on turn on my xbox and then was able to get onto the chat btw im with BT and i hope this works for u


    Yip, it works... sometimes. But there must be an issue at the heart of it for chat to not connect. My wife (on the same router as me) does not get this glitch at all. Yet an american buddy does. I am also with bt... I feel your pain... litterally every day :(


    Thanks for the heads up though, its at least a work around for the mean time for those suffering from this. But there is definately some issue causing this on DEs end. I appreciate that some had this trouble before the chat server reset, but my trouble (and my american buddies as well) all started with the reset.


    Hopefully, if people keep reporting the exact steps they have to take to temporarily fix it, it will help DE track down what ever is causing it.


    Xbox One Tenno,


    The Ring of Fire update has been sent to Cert! Now we patiently await the green light from Microsoft on the approval of this build.
    More status update to come on the progress of this build- thanks!


    Now about those achievements? It was said that once it had been sent to cert, we would get the results... and the new achievements :)


    No rush though, must have been some late nights getting it in by the end of the week. So how about a big reveal on mondays streams?

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