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(XBOX)Eli and Niti

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Posts posted by (XBOX)Eli and Niti

  1. After teleporting in the clan dojo the screen goes permanently skewed (requiring hard reset). This happens with hydroid, and happens to a random degree (sometimes not at all). Makes it seem like the dojo is lisping to one side or the other. Makes me feel quite sick tbh :( happened to my fiance as well when she used rhino. Doesn't seem to affect any of our clan mates.

    Doesn't reset when returning to the list either. Very random bug tbh :/

  2. "As for clans, I understand that the XB1 and PS4 are much more clan- and alliance-focused than the PC community. That said, I don't think that Syndicates/Factions (as I've called them) should be dependent on clans. I do believe that an aspect of Syndicates can be included in Dark Sectors and other clan/alliance events, but when considering that idea (Arktourus had some ideas about having alliances being a part of certain factions), I backed off of that idea because if clans and alliances were a part of certain syndicates, then that immediately restricts all players of a clan or alliance to that specific syndicate. So I would want clans and alliances to exist outside the scope of syndicates. This is the only reason that I wouldn't have clans and alliances pick their own alliances with syndicates. But, ideally, YES, the hierarchy when it comes to groups in Warframe would be 1) Clans, 2) Alliances, 3) Syndicates, where clans are members of an alliance, and alliances are members of a Syndicate. It'd just be too restricting to individual players, in my opinion." - Quote


    We do tend to be more clan orientated sure, but my point was more that the clans and alliances could switch between the Syndicates as a whole, only being locked into a choice for the duration of a "War" so to speak (3 months... not moths as I origionally wrote).   Again I refer to Chromehounds. 


    As I origionally said, I do like your idea, but for longevities sake, I was merely adding to the origional design you guys came up with... by shamelessly stealing an idea from another game... that wasnt very popular... and pretty much got canned for its online play... and stealing ideas from long lived fiction and pop culture...


    Hey... I must work for Activision?!  


    *Please note that while I am an Indie dev, I in no way condone Activision or any of their affiliates, and I hate the way they do business... I firmly believe that games should be fun... that leads to profit, not the other way round*

  3. Agreed, adding some more interesting AI behaviour would make for more interesting missions.  Not just in Exterminate, but in all sorts.  It would be nice to see how the AI behaves once the "Squad Leader" was taken out as well, see how the rank and file fell to peices, some running away, some running straight at you, some hiding in fear.  


    Like this idea :)

  4. While I like the ideas on the whole, there is a slight issue I have with it, Clans.


    There are some very large clans out there, and while most seem to have shared vision across their members, some may wish to be in different factions as their other members (I have a member who specifically chooses the least popular just to be difficult).  These people often have alot invested both spiritually, and in some cases financially with their existing clans.


    However, I dont want to be a party crasher who doesnt bring any juice for the punch.  Here is the solution I suggest.


    I suggest a similar system as Chromehounds (an old pc/xbox 360 game consigned to the "Not Supported anymore" pile), they had a seasonal war that took place, in which the three factions fought for supremacy over the other two.  At the end of a pre-determined time, or when one faction had reached the "End Game" point, the war was settled, only to be reset, and started all over again (after a few days of showboating by the victorious faction).  Now while this battle was taking place, a Clan supported one faction over the others, and all they did, all the missions they partook in, all the victories (and losses) they suffered went towards that particular factions overall score.  During this time, and depending on their standing within the faction, they recieved faction specific equipment (much in the way you suggested).  At the end of this time, the clan heads were able to then choose to support the same faction, or change to another faction (with no penalty).  This allowed a clan to get access to all of the available equipment that was on offer, but only after their clan had been in three wars.


    In warframe you could have something similar, but instead of three factions, you would have 7, and with the way the alliances between the syndicates currently works, would allow certain amount of your score to go to the other factions as well.  One other feature that could be brought across was the leaderboard for the Contribution points for each syndicate (lets face it everyone likes bragging rights). 


    You could even go so far as to allow an Alliance to support a specific syndicate, then the clans within that alliance could support either the alliances syndicate, or their allies.


    A three month war could be fought (being the length of a season), with an end game condition being owning more than 50% of the known planets.  This could then allow the other factions to steal the victory at the end point by winning the "End Game" missions (much in the same way solar rails are fought over right now), or for the victorious syndicate to push the enemy syndicates into the void.  This would allow for interesting "end game" scenarios such as, what happens when the Grineer win the overall battle, or what happens when the Steel Meridian are just defeated at the last moment.  This would add a feel of your actions having consiquence. 


    Once the season was over, or the end game was won, the whole shebang would reset, with a history section of the most influential syndicates, clans, and individuals.  It would also allow clans to switch alliegences, or maintain them.  Thus allowing members of a clan who didnt see eye to eye with steel maridian, to next season have a chance at supporting their preferd group Red Veil. 


    At the end of each month, updates could also be automatically be sent to each person showing how their chosen syndicate is performing, and maybe suggesting targets for the upcoming month.  An example follows:


    Start of War:  Tenno, we at the Steel Meridian have had enough of the totalitarian nature of the Grineer and their supporters, we feel freedom is worth the fight, we are planning to make a foot hold on Jupiter and Saturn, before pushing out into the outlying planets.  Any supporting fights against other targets are welcome, but we want to at least have a foothold from which to launch.


    Month one:  We have been pushed back, we are on the brink of annihilation, we need to force our way in somewhere, and use the resources there to bolster our efforts, however, our allies the Lotus have been making some solid gains on Phobos, if we can assist them there, they may come and help us elsewhere.  We also wish to thank Clan Midgard for their valliant efforts on Earth, while we are still loosing the war, they have contributed the most towards helping secure much needed resources.  We also want to thank Arch111 for his tireless efforts.


    Month two:  Our sacrifices have not gone without result, we are now pushing for total control of several planets.  A big push by our allies, followed by some devisating efforts from our own clan theCrisisCrew have really helped push our enemies back.  Also, Invisium has managed to secure the most captures and resources of any of us this month.


    Month three: Its the End Game people, one final push, the last month has been amazing, we have freed over 50% of the known universe from tyranny.  Notable contributions from the Aliance TheOrder and specifically from Ragnus4 has allowed us this chance at total victory.  One last push, one last sacrifice, and we shall push them back into the void.


    War End:  We were so close, we could taste victory, and despite Clan Midgard fighting to the last Tenno, we lost.  Raw87 fought late into the fight before being overcome at last.  We have been defeated, but we will rise again, thus is the fate of Freedom.


    *Please note, the use of names, clans, and aliances was purely based on stuff I had seen not ten minutes ago.  Plus I am head of Midgard so some name dropping was needed :P 


    Sorry for the wall of text, but I was inspired by the OP.  Bring on the story mission mid fight I say :)

  5. As a Mag user, I am slightly biased... is she underpowered... sometimes.


    Could she do with a buff? I wouldnt say no ;)


    But, if you have ever been in a defence with a Rhino, Hydroid, Frost and a Mag, you will find you almost never loose.


    Rhino buffs, Frost freezes, hydriod goes into his Puddle, and Mag pulls all the enemies into the puddle... Stragglers are dead hamburger sauce covered in Wall Pie...


    That said, Crush could do with just a tad more power... Its a 100 energy for Lotus sake... should at least annoy the enemies.


    I havent found a Warframe that I particularly think is underpowered compared to the rest, it just depends on the group you have with you.  I find its all about complimenting the team...


    If you are soloing though... well thats another matter.  Loki isnt anywhere near as good as he used to be now assasinate seems to have been nerfed... cant tell you how many times I sneak up behind a low level goon, hit that button... and have the guy go "What the hell was that supposed to be" and me have to punch him to death with his dead comrades.  I guess its all about utility.

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