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(XBOX)Eli and Niti

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Posts posted by (XBOX)Eli and Niti

  1. Strangley the router reset suggestion worked for me, despite my nat setting not changing. Very wierd. Not sure what could be causing this, but my wife (on the same router as me, and litterally sat next to me) doesnt get this problem at all. Very wierd.

  2. I was hoping to apply, but I have no second language. This round is specifically aimed at multi-lingual people. I shall hasten to wait patiently for the next application process... impatiently resigned to the long and enjoyable wait.


    Let me also just say that the current guides of the lotus, including the ones that were just added, are all great people whom (On the xbox one at least) I have enjoyed chatting with...


    Now about my proposal for a position that gives me Green text in chat.... joking... but seriously, I want green text lol


    Good luck one and all, may the focus be with you... and the questions about Omega Isotopes kept to a minimum...

  3. As said in other posts, this issue is affecting a few people I know, me included. I load into warframe, and I can be sat waiting all day and the chat never loads. Before the recent chat server reset, I would have to wait around 15 minutes before chat would load, but for several days now, I have been unable to use chat due to this.

  4. Exactly the same problem here as of friday night.

    It had been taking ages to load chat, then they did the chat server reset, everything seemed ok that night, but as of today, I have no access to Squad, Clan, Allience, Council, Region, Recruiting, or Trading.

    Its especially hard as a friend is a mute, and so uses clan chat to talk to us when she is in party with other people or in the party with us. She is making do with the new feature of Party text chat on the one, but its far from ideal.

  5. Achievement - Only Dreamers Walk.

    Description - Complete a mission without taking a step or touching the floor more than 18 times. Must be completed Solo.


    The picture to go with it would be of Zephyr Naturally :)


    # Edited for extra dificaulty :P

  6. Cheerful? You havent seen my wife... she has been literally been running up the walls (of our dojo) waiting for more snowmen...


    She has been running in circles (around the core) burning anything in sight....


    She has been almost unable to survive (without life support)...


    and has been Spying on the news channel, trying to Intercept the news of snowmen returning... trying to capture or Hijack a DE representitive... she has even tried to Sabotage and Exterminate attempts at redesigning the rooms...


    Ok enough is enough... I do appologise.

  7. I appologise about the gratuatous use of crappy christmas tunes in the previous comment... its just the bells were ringing out for frostmas day... sorry... its the time of year... I must have been Just Walking in the Rain.... but dont worry It's Only Make Believe... if you live in the uk you will be sick to death of these tunes by now...



    it will make Killing in the Name Of christmas quite possible

  8. Last christmas you gave me your heart.... well, you gave us snow men for the dojo anyway... any chance we are getting them back this year?


    My wife has been champing at the bit to complete her snowman army in our dojo, she gets quite annoyed when entering the snowman school only to find 3 little snowpeoples chilling their...


    She feels quite sorry for the singluar Old Age Snowpensioner melting in the heat of our retirement home for long lost snowthings...


    Also, who, apart from me, wants to have the snowey ships interior back... as a permanent cosmetic option to buy?

  9. I have to say, I would have prefered the syndana and distiller be placed in a seperate pack. as a cave man (xbox one player) we never had the chance to get the frost pack the first time round. Instead we could only get frost etc. by farming.


    I would be happy to pay for the syndana and distiller with a small stipend of plat. I do not need another frost prime, I definately dont need another latron or reaper prime, but I do need shiney things to make my cave look nice.


    Please think about a lesser accessories pack for say £25, with lesser plat, and I guarentee more packs would sell, you could even throw in some mod packs (or event mod packs.... hint hint hint). This would make the pack highly desirable still sell the £50 version, that will sell to those that never managed to get frost etc. But please, there are those of us who have frost, latron and reaper.

  10. Thanks Megan :D


    Loving the monkey King Sun Wukong btw...


    in the immortal words of Monkey "Love is no excuse for eating people"



    oh, the same happened to my fiance DarkNisha too.

    Hey Eli and Niti,


    We're currently investigating this issue. Sorry, and hang tight!

  11. HEy DE


    Question about warframe skins.


    It seems that the Trinity and Rhino skins are "fan made" , or at least were made by someone other than mynki at first (I think)

    Do you plan to do the same for all warframes  and if so will Zephyr get his "concept art from his  original artist"  





    Would be nice, but why do people insist on calling Zephyr 'him' and 'his'... SHE must get quite annoyed by this.


    Read the description of tail wind - "Creates a blast of energy, propelling Zephyr through the air, damaging anything in her wake."

    note 'HER wake'


    Just sayin :) because reasons

  12. I submitted a concept on how to tie up some loose ends currently hanging around in the game quite a while back, including a way to bring back the archwing content that was developed for the eyes of blight event.


    Here's the TL;DR: Vay Hek's Prosecutor Beacons currently fullfill no function, with him being completely open on earth without a key now. Those beacons could be changed to build a key for an anti-formorian archwing mission similar to the ones in the Eyes of Blight event, eventually rewarding the same fire/status mods which were dropped in the event. It'd re-use the content developed for the event and just with that already expand the number of gamemodes for archwing from 3 to 4, a 33% increase xD




    There's the admittedly slightly older concept post :)


    Nice reuse of assets :) plus I really liked that event.  I'm assuming that instead of the limited time we had in the event, we would actually get to kill it this time? That would be cool, and make for one hell of a survival/assassination mission, what with the constant spawn of enemies ^_^

  13. The rest of the suggestions are decent if a bit unoriginal. But this one has some logical flaws considering that each clan's dojo is customizable and would therefor look very different from one another. Just trying to imagine how my clan's dojo would look is a bit of a stretch of the imagination considering it is splayed out quite a bit.


    If, however, you could go out and fly around a stock model dojo like the one on the star chart, that would be a different story. 


    Indeed, every dojo is unique, but since the base rooms they use are the same, why then cannot the exterior also be a generic model for each room segment. Just because each lego brick has a generic shape, does not mean the design you make with them is the same.


    I dont see how the exterior of the rooms couldnt be "lego'ed" like the interior. Think more ISS, than relay, with each room having a set exterior that would use the same colour scheme as the interior.


    As far as origionality goes, they werent supposed to be, just fairly easy to implement with regards the current code/art asset database that is already in warframe. However if you or anyone else has further ideas to add, please do. We stayed away from the more 'origional' ideas like fighting 'in' the void, and all the extra art work that would be required etc, but feel free to add anything you feel might be cool... hell, if you want to add Kubrow space suits, space to planet to sea archwing fights, or even giant infested derelict size space monsters, go right ahead ;D


    Actually... Giant space mutants sound pretty cool too (Knights of Sidonia anyone?)

  14. First off, I love Archwing, I just want more.


    There are a couple of ideas that have been playing through our clans collective hive mind.


    1) A dedicated archwing planet... Or rather asteroid belt, where there would be lots of lovely Archwing missions to do.


    2) Assassinate Missions.  Some form of giant (Famorianesque) ship to fight into and destroy.


    3) Mixed missions - This would involve more missions like the first ever archwing mission.  You start off on the ship, fight through, then escape using the archwing. 


    We thought there could be several types of missions like this, for instance;

    You start on the Archwing, fight your way to a Grineer ship, destroy some hatches to gain access to the ship.  You then switch to a standard warframe mission (say a sabotage).  You fight through the ship, sabotage the core, and then have to escape through the hatch you entered in through earlier.  Due to the ships defences still being active, you must then use the archwing to escape (or destroy entering re-inforcements that are trying to repare the ship) until the ship detonates and your Lisset can come get you.


    4) Sharkwing :P


    5) The ability to fly around your Dojo in an archwing and see it from outside for a change... even have a defence type mission as training for archwing (no xp rewards or low xp/drops).


    6) Cosmetic additions to your archwing such as skins, danglies, funky bling and the like.


    7) Adding an archwing element to dark sector conflicts (assaulting through enemy archwings to get to the Solar rail etc).


    8) Dark Sector and Void Archwing missions (maybe kept on the archwing planet).


    9) More types of archwing missions, such as Rescue, survival (where instead of life support, the enemies drop fuel for a ship you are escorting), Escort missions, Hijack etc.


    10) Archwing PVP?


    and finally - The ability for your Sentinals to join you in archwing missions.


    I get that alot of these have been sugested before (or not), and I get most people dont really care about archwing, but we at hive mind Midgard really love archwing, and want more :D

  15. One more little query, we have noticed that our characters no longer rubber band (jump over a ledge/wall/obsacle, only to be mag pulled back to where you were). So thats a 'Yay!'... new problem is your character gets frozen in place doing the bullet time pose from Stranglehold, you can shoot, reload, switch weapons, kill enemies, even drop equipment... but you cant move.  on the plus side your immune to all but AOE effects, and if you get bored you can ground slam to get out of it.


    Its fun and all, and better than rubber banding, but its mighty unnerving in the heat of battle during a T4 survival when a buddy goes down at the 65th minute and your a second away from getting to them, only to find your doing a Tequila from Hardboiled in all its John Woo glory.

  16. Sorry for the confusion! I've amended the patch notes with the following correct information:




    Thanks for the update :)


    Now about the Ninja rooms in the dojo.... just a heads up, it lets you build rooms over the top of trophy rooms... its not as cool as it sounds though.


    On the whole, Everything is more glarey graphically, had to turn off Bloom to make rooms less glarey. Also, why not replace bloom with HDR? Prefer hdr to bloom tbh


    On the whole, damn fine update, loving spy 2.0 :)

  17. In the build notes it states that the eyes of blight trophies went live for the dojo's for all clans that took part, but they are no where to be found in the trophy room. Also, the trophy rooms have disappeared from the minimap, they are still there, just not on minimap. Am I missing the anti-stealthed rooms options? Or are the trophy's and trophy room 'real' ninja, and I am merely a ronin?

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