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Posts posted by Ajreil

  1. Ingame Name: Ajreil
    Age: 22
    Country of Origin: USA
    Mastery Rank: 20
    Will you be able to use TeamSpeak 3 / Discord? I will be active on Discord
    Do you want to be considered for an Officer position in the future?
    Unlikely. I've been staff before, but I don't think I want the responsibility now.

  2. 6 hours ago, folklore504 said:

    I don't think the Tenno have been involved in any Genocides beyond the continually attempted one on the infested.

    Outside of this, I do have to agree that most Tenno probably have a very interesting mental state right now. 

    Stalker's codex entry:


    Some have walked these desolate worlds while you have slept. Some like me. I remember what you did. I remember the day.

    The Tenno appeared at the Terminus, gleaming and victorious. Our cold and gold Emperors, breathless, bathed you in savior's silk. Then came the sound. Across all our worlds, all at once, the ceremonial Naga drums. A royal salute to the honored Tenno. Ten solemn beats to declare the suffering was over. I watched from a distance, with the rest of the low Guardians. With each beat terror began to crush my throat. The Tenno were not stoic and silent. They were waiting. They were poised. I tried to call out but only a strangled whisper escaped.

    When the ninth beat rang a torrent of blood filled the stadium, loosed by Tenno blades. The drums, the Empire, fell silent forever.

    Now I hunt, dividing your numbers. Watching from that dark place, cataloging your sins, I am the ghost of retribution. You may forget but you are not innocent.

    That seems to suggest that when the Tenno were done with the old war, we slaughtered them.

    This is hinted at in a few other places. During The War Within, when Alad V has us hunt down a piece of Hunhow, he said "Be careful. Last time you touched one of those you commited a genocide. But you don't remember that, do you?"

    Also, during The Second Dream we discover that the Lotus wanted children of her own, which is why she refused her order to kill all of the Tenno once their task was done. I don't recall if this was specifically said, but I got the idea that she had us kill the Orokin instead before locking us away in the dream.

  3. Tenno are scattered all over the universe, and we're recovering new ones from cryopods every day. We're finding new weapons, rediscovering old tricks (Focus, operator mode...) and we're making allies with groups like the Steel Meridian and Maroo.

    The Sentient has made his own allies as well, most notably the Stalker and his Acolytes. Based on the fact that Sentients attempt to leave when low on health, and the fact that they all have the same blue light, it seems like Hunhow has a finite amount of energy to draw on. Creating new Batalysts and other minions draws on this resource, and when it's gone, it's gone. We'll have to get some more lore to see if this theory is true of course.

  4. Once the Orokin fell, their technology was free for all to raid. You can find it all over the Warframe universe:

    • Vor drops parts for the Seer, which use Orokin components according to the appearance and description
    • The Corpus see Orokin technology as an amazing source of profit, and have an almost religious devotion to it. This is what they mean when they say "praise the void."
    • Baro Ki'Teer and Maroo both collect Orokin artifacts in one way or another. One collects prime artifacts, the other is a treasure hunter and tries to raid Orokin areas for valuables.
    • Orokin artifacts are buried all over the various planets, and multiple major Grineer characters want to get their hands on it. Sargus Ruk was able to secure the rank of general by gathering buried Orokin tech.
    • When we go on Excavation missions, this is probably what we're excavating.
    • Corpus have made quite a bit of money by selling Orokin tech. I don't recall where I've heard this, but it's hinted at in a few places.
    • During the tutorial, the Lotus mentions that some of the Liset components you recover was from before the Old War. This means it was likely Orokin. You recover it from the Grineer, who stole it.
  5. If you want to run a good community, you should be willing to kick people that you think aren't good for the community you're trying to build. Just make sure you have a clear set of rules that everyone knows how to follow. You'll also need to recruit more members.

    If you want a clan where everyone is helpful, be prepared to kick those who just want to leech off of your resources and help. Good moderation is necessary to build a strong community. If kicking him made the clan better for everyone else, you should consider it a good thing.

    I've been staff on a few well run Minecraft servers, I'm a moderator on a few small Reddit communities, and I was second in command in a Warframe clan for a while. This clan has 70 members at its peak and ran an alliance of 24 clans. From experience, I can say that kicking toxic members is a good thing if done correctly.

  6. On 4/3/2017 at 3:57 PM, aligatorno said:

    What kind of help have you asked of him? Maybe he's more of a solo player? I don't think a kick is really justified here. 

    If he's a solo player, why did he accept help from others?

  7. All three do their tasks in different ways. This gives them different roles, and makes one better than the others in different situations.

    Ember focuses on damage and stuns. She's best suited to Infested because they're more vulnerable to heat and don't have bullets.

    Frost is best for defense missions that require you to lock one area down hard. Unlike the other two, he has multiple abilities which focus on crowd control and not nearly as much damage potential. He's defense first, offense in a distance second.

    Volt is a mobile defender, with a good mix of crowd control and damage. His shields are smaller, but also mobile and unlike Frost, can take an unlimited amount of damage. They also buff ally bullets that go through it. Unlike the other two, Volt's shield can be picked up and moved around, which plays into his niche as a mobile defender.

    Now lets compare their first abilities:

    Ember's Fireball has the longest range of other abilities, and focuses slightly more on raw damage.

    Volt's Shock is focused more on crowd control. It can lock down a few enemies in a larger area, and does less damage. This one is quite similar to Fireball, though.

    Frost's Ice Blast has two extra abilities that can set it apart from the other two. First, it can freeze a small area of terrain, slowing any enemies that walk across it. It can also be used to pop a snow globe, which is a necessary part of Frost's kit. Frost's Snowglobe stops ally bullets, which can cause some problems. Neither other frame has this downside.

    Overall I would tend to agree that they fill similar roles, but I wouldn't say they're completely interchangeable.

  8. On 1/17/2017 at 3:28 PM, (Xbox One)CeaselessSlim said:

    I was thinking. What will happen when the current consoles die out. Would we be able to transfer them? I have a couple of prime accessories and I'm mr 22. Being forced to restart and losing the stuff I paired for will not sit well with me, doubtfully anyone. 

    I don't expect console land to stop existing any time soon, and the two major players seem to have a pretty firm choke hold on the console market. If Xbox and Playstation stop existing, it will either be to a generation five system (which you'll be able to play your Warframe account on) or to PC gaming.

    PC gaming is the more likely option, but I don't really see that happening in the immediate future. Who knows, though. I didn't think cable TV was going anywhere until I saw the explosion of Netflix and the cord cutting boom.

  9. Let's look at a timeline...

    Tenno children are exposed to void energy on the Zariman. Their parents became ravenous beasts and died. The children were fine, but terrified.

    The Tenno were then used as soldiers for the Orokin with what seemed to amount to mind control. They were turned into the perfect killing machines where they controlled the Warframes using projection.

    After the Lotus (who controlled the Warframe project) disobeyed an order to slay all of the Tenno, she had us kill all of the Orokin. This is after defeating the Sentient, which makes two genocides.

    Then the Lotus hid us within the Second Dream, which means we lost our old memories and spent what felt like our entire existence following orders from the Lotus and killing things.

    So we've been involved in at least one genocide, lost all memories from when we were normal, saw our parents get killed by void energy, and spent most of the life we can remember being soldiers on war. Also, as we learn from our operator's comments, when your Warframe gets injured "The transference makes this hurt." So there's probably some immense pain involved when our Warframes get, say, taken and dissected by Alad V or mowed down by a Grineer heavy gunner.

    Bonus points, the closest thing we (who are still children) have to a mother is giving us orders to kill things and put what we only recently realized wasn't our lives in danger. I'd me amazed if there was a single sane Tenno.

  10. I probably won't do anything.

    The day before: Log in and do something fun

    The last day: Play another game

    The day after: Try to log in just to make sure it's gone, then uninstall the game

    I've never been one for goodbyes. I've always just moved on and disappeared. If the game is going to leave, I probably won't be going on just to chat with the people in my clan.

  11. New Warframe content has always build on our old achievements.

    New weapons, Warframes and gear needs to be crafted with credits and resources we've already farmed. Even those that use Alertium use other resources to craft. This validates the times you've spend grinding materials.

    When they release a new Warframe, you need to use your old weapons alongside it to be of any use. You also need to equip it with the mods you've leveled to make it as strong as it can be. You can also add arcanes, use Focus trees or apply the forma you've farmed from the void to make it that much stronger.

    Conclave, despite being a new system with its own mods, still requires you to have any Warframe or weapon you plan to use. If your weapon has forma or potatoes installed, it will have that much extra room for Conclave mods.

    Archwing was to some degree a full reset, with new gear and weapons that you need to acquire to use Archwing maps. Even then, you'll have a hard time completing the Archwing quest without a solid loadout. Energy restores will still work in Archwing, and in missions where you can switch between the two modes,. you'll need a solid Warframe when you leave Archwing mode.

    I seriously doubt DE plans to stop this trend. New content, to varying degrees, has always rewarded players for their old achievements. They're not going to wipe everyone clean.

    I'm sure I'm not the only one who would quit if that happens. Resets are the worst, and one of the reasons I've continues playing this game is that fact that my hard work is still paying off. The day I need to restart from the ground up is the day I leave.

  12. In other words, you'd just tell the game "Unlock any node" and the game would find four other people who need to unlock one of your nodes and select that one? That sounds extremely useful.

    Personally, I'd prefer that every node be given a good reason to farm it. DE is moving in that direction. Spy 2.0 made spy missions useful, new Warframe parts are scattered across random nodes, Ceres is useful for anyone farming the Javlock, etc. Eventually DE seems to want players to be able to choose any node at random and get useful rewards.

    • Ajreil
    • MR19 (20 once I pass the test)
    • The only one I felt attached to was Lux Renati. It was well run, and had a fantastic community. I had a staff position and was responsible for making sure clan chat and the chat it our alliance, New Dawn, ran smoothly. I also helped recruit, where I interviewed people before accepting them, making sure that they seemed like decent, community-minded Tenno. It was a lot of fun, but despite my efforts, the clan is no longer active. Most of the other critical staff members (including our leader Aeriion) have gone inactive.
    • Even though I mentioned it, I'm not looking for a leadership position at the time. I'm looking for an active clan where I can chat, participate in raids and events, and generally not look at chat to find no one had done anything for the last hour. This clan would appear to offer that,

      The fact that you've even asking me this is a huge green flag. I want something that's professionally run with a filter system in place to stop toxic members from joining. It tells me that the clan is well run.
  13. If you load up one of your loadouts that you got from a [song] and start modifying it, one of two things has to happen:

    • You are now the original composer, which means this system isn't foolproof

    • The original person is still listed as the original composer, even though he probably isn't.

    The first option is obviously the better of the two. It's worth noting that people would be able to steal songs, though.

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