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Posts posted by Ajreil

  1. I just had this problem. I was in a group of two and only one person in the group got the wing blueprint. I did not get it, and since I was using a Wifi connection I was probably not the host, so it may be the case that only the host gets the reward.


    Edit: related to https://digitalextremes.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/requests/237862


    I have submitted the above ticket and uploaded the appropriate log files.

  2. If you have the foundry GUI open when an argon crystal decays, it will result in the foundry GUI rapidly refreshing and becoming unusable. As a temporary work around you can restart your client or do any mission. When refreshing, it does not affect other GUIs such as navigation or mods, but opening another GUI does not solve the issue


    How to replicate this bug:
    -Open the Foundry when an argon crystal(s) is about to decay
    -Wait for the Argon Crystal to decay
    -If an argon crystal dissapears (this happens only 50% of the time per crystal), the GUI will refresh
    Note that because of the way argon crystals decay, it might not happen because I think this only happens if the crystal actually disappears.
    I would guess that this happens any time the contents of the Components GUI change while the GUI is open, but since the Argon Crystal is the only thing I am aware of that can do this I have no way of testing it.
  3. I am occasionally getting this issue, but I have also stumbled onto what may be another piece of the puzzle. This occurred for me when an Argon Crystal decayed while I was looking at it in the components screen. I saw a crystal with 10 seconds left, so I watched to see what would happen when it decayed. When it decayed, it still showed in the components GUI and the timer said -1d (for -1 day), and the GUI started refreshing as the OP said.


    How to replicate this bug:

    -Open the Foundry when an argon crystal(s) is about to decay

    -Wait for the Argon Crystal to decay

    -If an argon crystal dissapears (this happens only 50% of the time per crystal), the GUI will refresh


    Restarting the game does fix the issue.


    Note that because of the way argon crystals decay, it might not happen because I think this only happens if the crystal actually disappears.

    I would guess that this happens any time the contents of the Components GUI change while the GUI is open, but since the Argon Crystal is the only thing I am aware of that can do this I have no way of testing it.


    I have saved the log files and I am willing to submit them if someone asks me to, but I assume testing this will be fairly straight forward. Let's hope we can get this issue resolved by the next hotfix.

  4. I was recently in a game of ODD, and one of the members (the host) was targeted by Stalker. At the end of round 5 he was killed, and I think (not positive, I didn't see him) that he was the last enemy killed. After he died, we we're not prompted to claim or continue fighting, and new waves never came. The game just sort of sat there, and we eventually left the game and forfeited the match. We tried and failed to find any enemies to kill, and there were no symbols on the minimap to tell us where stragglers are.


     What happened:

    -Joined a game of ODD (was not host)

    -Battled my way to the end of round 4 (this is when Stalker's signature flickering happened)

    -We battled through wave 5 AND stalker at the same time, successfully killing stalker

    -Wave 5 was cleared and (to the best of my knowledge) no enemies remained. Stragglers may have been stuck outside of

     the map, but we searched thoroughly and even spammed Vaubon's vortex to hopefully suck them up

    -After wave 5 was cleared, we did not get a prompt to claim & exit or continue fighting, and it stayed at wave 5 the entire time (never hit wave 6)

    -After not being able to find another enemy after a few minutes of looking, the host quit the game and I was sent back to the mission failed screen.


    Although I don't pretend to understand how to troubleshoot this issue, my best guess as to what happened is this. The part of the game code that handles waves and decides if the area has been cleared of all enemies counted Stalker as an enemy that needed to be killed. Stalker, being an event and not your average enemy, died in a way that did not trigger the wave handler to tell it that it was dead, and the wave handler kept waiting for some sort of trigger to tell it Stalker had been killed, and when this never happened it got stuck.


    Until the warframe support website (https://digitalextremes.zendesk.com/) is not under extreme load and I can submit a request, I cannot post the EE.log and Launcher.log files for you to analyze. Feel free to point me to another place I can upload them. I have copied the entire AppData/Local/Warframe folder with the logs to a folder on my desktop, so they will not be contaminated/replaced if I continue playing. If I can upload the logs to Dropbox or Drive and you will download them before the backlog has been cleared and I can submit a new request, tell me and I will gladly link you to the log files.

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