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Posts posted by Ajreil

  1. Two things.


    One, bug reports should go in their appropriate sections, not in feedback. The people who handle bugs don't look at this subforum, they look in bug reports.


    Two, how do we replicate this bug? Saying "Bug X is aweful" does nothing constructive. Giving the bug hunters something to use when tracking down the bug is huge, and they need as much of that as they can get. Posts like this to little to help anything at all.

  2. The 2500 credit bundles are a joke. We need something else to fill the drop tables with. Once Starchart 3.0 drops, let's hope they redistribute stuff in ways that makes survival more useful for the 90% of runs that don't drop [insert rare, sought after thing here].


    Speaking of, let's hope I have a reason to use Antisirums on Earth sabotage... or do a Hijack mission... or play any defense node against Grineer or Corpus for rotation rewards.

  3. With the release of the Orokin Moon Trials, several new Exilus mods have been added.


    Why is this an Exilus mod





    But this isn't?




    They seem pretty similar to me.

    For those curious, the Orokin Moon is a huge reveal during the quest line. I consider the fact that this mod exists and is obtainable in the tileset to be a spoiler, by extension.

  4. "why are these changes always unannounced," Because, numerically, most people don't care.

    A lot of small tweaks are made every update. Small PBR tweaks to levels, minor improvements to enemy AI, bux fixes that were too inconsequential for all but a tiny fraction of the playerbase to have noticed. If all of this information was in the changelogs, they would be massive.

  5. Because I had to choose my starter lense during the quest, I made a decision that really should have been done with proper research. Suprize suprize, I wasn't satisfied with my rushed decision.


    Because almost no information existed at the time, I assumed it would be fine if I traded that lense for someone elses much shinier lense. Now I'm worried it may be a progression stopper.


    So, tell me fellow Tenno, did I screw myself over?

  6. In the thousands thats a given . But i doubt you can manage to do these kind of trades .

    Getting people to trust me is the difficult part. Thanks for the rough estimate though, the number is what I am trying to learn with this post.

    From trade chat: "DE does not enforce trades made for promises". I wouldn't try this... just sayin.

    I know the risks. I would either have to make a reputation for myself, sell to people I know in real life, or use some sort of vetted third party site that I'm confident doesn't exist.

  7. Check your settings, there is a setting to stop laggy players from connecting. Somewhere you can set the maximum ping it will allow. A higher ping means a laggier host.


    Keep in mind though, the lower you set it the less players will be able to join you. Set it too low and you will end up looking at the "Waiting for players" screen for a while.


    Warframe's settings sometimes reset themselves when there's an update. See it lowering the ping setting helps.

  8. Good mod. Maybe not for heavy blades. Wonna know what melee category could really use this mod??


    I could totally see this working with scythes. Most of their stances are fairly single-target oriented, with little mobility. They really need some work as well.

  9. Heavy blades like the Scindo have the potential for an interesting niche. They are slow but extremely heavy hitting, and when I think of that kind of weapon I want to see whatever enemy is within melee range sliced in two very quickly.


    When playing with a Valkyr or a berserker build, it's kind of irritating to see an enemy stand up to several swings of the blade. I recommend the following mod - Accumulative Force.


    Accumulative Force


    When you strike an enemy, it deals +100% damage for each time you have hit that enemy with your melee weapon, stacking up to 3 times.


    Thoughts? Criticisms?

  10. Yes, make loki more OP. Appart from disarming and confusing the enemy and removing himself from combat. He should now also be able to freely distract them without any limitations.

    Loki's clone isn't an OP ability. Irradiating disarm should never have happened in my opinion. That said, I do agree that leaving clone as squishy as it is encourages people to use it more creatively by putting them in places the enemy can't reach it.


    I would still like to see Loki's clone get a buff. He isn't overpowered in my view (except for Irradiating Disarm), and giving Loki's clone a survivability buff would make clone more flexible in the end game. Right now it's hard to use because needing to place it where enemies can't get to it limits his flexibility. Loki is a frame that rewards creativity, making his tools more versatile is a huge plus for people who play Loki like I do.

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