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  1. I was running Steel Path Circuit Duviri with a public team of 4 and we progressed very far ahead. (>500+ experience) We reached a Defense mission and suddenly i was lagging. There was no issue on my internet and no high pings as well. We completed the mission and it just keeps loading and does not let us progress into the next stage. After waiting for a long time, 1 of the player left the party and forced a host reconnect. After i was reconnected, i was automatically inside the next stage which is the Jackal boss with no one on my team. I couldnt solo it and i cant leave the mission while keeping the progress. Ended up failing the mission. This is extremely frustrating as Steel path Duviri is very time consuming and not an easy mission. To lose progress after so much time and effort put in is simply mind blowing. Anyone has the same experience?
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