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Posts posted by Kripnex

  1. i would prefer if these Mods came with some decision, rather than just 'lol more stats'.


    so they have higher stats. why?

    or the better question - why aren't we required to make a decision and sacrifice something to get that higher stat, when we have a base set of Mods that increase stats without compromise already.

    What we already sacrifice is: Cores; Credits; Prime parts and Capacity points.

    That's good enough, adding negative effects to them would just make them worthless.


    I mean seriously, 600 rare cores and 1.6mil just to upgrade a mod? I don't think that many people will have more than one of these mods maxed, stop complaining.

  2. Also, take this, we'll need it.

    *Flame Reppelent*


    You do realize that all you are doing is irritating people right?

    "hurr durr u r mad because I want to nerf what you like so that means my opinion iz right" is what that image is saying in my face, stop using it.

  3. I completely disagree.


    Fighting bullet sponges that kill you in one shot is the worst possible thing that this game can aim for, it makes the game harder in a bad way because there is no challenge where there is no hope: you can mitigate damage by taking cover and being on the move, but the damage you do is constrained not by your skill, but by your equipment.


    And when your weapon stops doing damage there is absolutely nothing you can do about it, you can't take the risk and keep going, because you've just hit a dead-end.



    Additional things to take into consideration:

    1. Most weapons are already useless

    2. Ash, Mesa and (especially) Saryn already do more damage than 99% of all weapons

    3. Loki and Ash can survive forever, does that mean weapons need to be buffed by a magnitude of INFINITY?  (Zephyr, Trinity, Mesa, and Valkyr also have great survivability.)



    You need a new reason why we should nerf all weapons, for it seems that your argument has just been rendered useless.

  4. The achievement "Cheater of Death" which requires that you revive 1000 allies seems to keep resetting to 0.


    I think I had 200+ at some point, but now I am down to 32, fix plz?

    ...like, just reduce the amount of people you have to resurrect by 900, because even though it wouldn't solve the bug, it should make the achievement... achievable.

  5. And they should listen to you instead? Tell me, what are your great ideas, farm 1 month (for 8 hours a day) just to get a level&sell weapon?


    Also, what part of "Mesa isn't farm-able" sounds reasonable to you? Obtaining her is pure rng... just like Vauban.

  6. You can change your profile icon from the escape menu, but I don't remember which sub-menu, just go through all of them.

    (edit: ESC -> Profile -> Profile Icon  and pick whichever one you want, you will then have to relogin on the forums for the icon to refresh)


    ...Also, the word you are looking for is "there" not "their"...

    Their refers to someone's possession.

  7. that means that those mods people considered useless like antitoxin or diamond skin can be of use in these situations which is good to get some diverse new builds

    While having -2 mod slots...  gg...


    These moas need a nerf.

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