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Posts posted by Kripnex

  1. Lol oh the redundancy of Primed Charged Chamber. I highly doubt that one will happen ever, since it would overlap with Primed Chamber. I also doubt Streamline(30%) because unless they give that a negligible buff to keep it below Fleeting Expertise(60%), it'll make FE obsolete.The rest could be expected though.

    Primed Streamline will only give 55%, so you still need FE to reach 75% efficiency.

     (Unless you are Loki with arcane essence helmet... Loki master frame. ;D )

  2. Players will now be disqualified from end-of-mission rewards if they've been dead or AFK for over a minute.  This will not affect players that are waiting at extraction.

    Pool 1) Survival, Defense, Interception, etc rewards are revealed during the mission and accumulate without penalty.

    Pool 2) Exterminate, Sabotage, Capture, and essentially anything else that isn't endless have end-of-mission reward items (Blueprints from bosses, etc).

    Pool 2 items are all that is affected by this change at this time.

    Also 'what qualifies as AFK/Dead'?

    This timer only matters relative to when the mission is completed. It isn't a 'catch all' net for 100% of the mission.

    Well, ok then, I guess that resolves most of my concerns.

  3. Yes! Finally a new update. ^^


    edit: "Players will now be disqualified from end-of-mission rewards if they've been dead or AFK for over a minute.  This will not affect players that are waiting at extraction."

    Well that's just utterly terrible...

    ...what if you die at extraction?

    ...what if someone runs out of revives in a survival mission? Does that mean everyone has to abort in under a minute for his sake?

    ...what if you don't move for 1 minute but still shoot at enemies? (Which is common in defense)

    ...what if you get marked as "AFK" while waiting for the interception/defense reward screen to popup? Corrupted Vor causes the reward screen to be delayed by about 2 minutes in defense.

    ...what if you get stuck and are unable to move?


    "AFK" is too ambiguous, I don't trust that it will go well.

  4. Yup... Warframe had this kind of issues for as long as I can remember, they fixed some but then others took their place.

    HOWEVER, I only have connection issues in 5% of the games I join, so maybe there's something wrong on your side.

  5. 1.The grind isn't that bad

    2.Another mod slot = more power = more demand for tougher enemies

    3.Kills trading opportunities, as an example, players will no longer be able to sell maxed hornet strike for 200p

    4.Way too many people will need compensation for losing these mods


    It seems like a good idea but it has its fair share of problems, I'm neutral on it.

  6. If you buy plat using 75% discount it is much more likely to get it as first week and every after seventh-day reward with less chance but still higher than no buy case.


    If you get discounts as often without making any purchases it's just RNG being RNG though.

    Oh, well I did buy the first 2 times, but did someone verify this or is it just speculation?

    Because it seems kinda weird that they would do something like this...

  7. For 1 year and 7 months I've never gotten a -75% coupon, I thought I'd never get to see one, but 2 months ago I was lucky enough to get my first one... and then the second one... then the third... fourth... fifth... and today the sixth one.


    In two months I went from thinking that I am cursed because I was not getting any coupons, to thinking that I am cursed because I keep getting them while I am broke.


    So, is it just insane luck or did everyone else notice an influx of -75% coupons lately?



    ^ My proof

  8. I don't know if serverside tweaks require client updates....


    I have been cheap-killed by ballistas before but not to this extent, i think i went through 17 large team health restores in total in 4 rounds(i was the host) and i had to actually hide in spawn rooms sometimes lol.


    This is either not my day to play games or something is fishy with ai right now.

    Sounds like you need to find better farming buddies, because usually nothing escapes Excalibur's radial javelin...


    Just to be sure, is your party composed of 2 excals 1 rhino and 1 trinity?

  9. Defiance is a dead game... like, what does it have, 1000 online players?

    That's a joke, and at most they had 12642, while Warframe only dropped below 13k when they had technical issues.



    What happens to Defiance is totally irrelevant to Warframe, because that game is as bad as it is dead.

  10. To everyone crying about this, maybe because currently it's way too easy to get the T4 keys? I mean a long T1 defense or rep farm will get you loads of standing, which results in a near constant stream of keys for just about everyone.

    That's true, however... https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/345968-too-many-people-will-host-t4/#entry3864182


    As I've suggested in that thread, they should just increase the price... that is unless DE has other plans for void keys, like making them obtainable from Darvo's shop, but I wouldn't bet on that, buy all you can whilst you still can, and we shall see what happens next, but I will be sad if DE doesn't give us another way to obtain them.

  11. 1. Utter hatred of Archwing

    2. Not enough time to level up Archwing and collect all mods

    3. Only gain 1 point from one Fomorian Fleet

    4. An event during the holidays when people are away with Family.


    Response to these points:

    1. We won't blame you for hating it, but you won't get the rewards either. Your benefit; your consequences; your decisions.

    2. I believe the only ones who thinks this is true has never tried playing on Earth Archwing Interception mission. The mod drops have increased substantially since recent updates. Go type in WTB Archwing mods in the trading channel, you'll be flooded with messages in no time. Not enough time to level up Archwing? Sell your syndicate mods, warframe and weapon mods, prime parts; make up 40 plats, get your affinity booster for 3 days.

    3. The 1 point brings you closer to the rewards, the community did not agree to attack the Fomorian Fleet over and over to speed up the destruction--bringing in new Fomorian Fleets gaining more points. Kronian Relay's Fomorian Fleet went down, Vesper's Fleet arrived before the 1d 12hour deadline. 20 Fomorian fleets in 2 weeks.

    4. "I already got all my points, why bother?" other than the credits it offers, help out the other players unfortunate enough to be away during the holidays. 

    "Are you just mercenaries? Fighting for scraps? Where is this so-called Tenno honor? 

    -General Sargus Ruk

    We failed as a community to help out the others and have proven to be mercenaries fighting for scraps.


    Blaming DE is--meh... 

    The rewards only related to Archwing, despise it? You're not missing out other than another 3k MR points and dual stat mods.

    The progress of the event based on our teamwork as a community.


    These are based on my observations and the facts are not absolute.


    1.Creating an event around that which people hate and then forcing them to "cooperate" (grind) for meaningless rewards is inexcusable, and your response to this point is not even valid.


    2.We had no time to prepare because nobody likes to play pingball-simulator-2014, we should of been told that a archwing event is going to come next.

    And lol, wasting platinum to level worthless archwing stuff... I thought that events were about gaining stuff, not going bankrupt.


    3.I have no idea what you just said, but there are a lot of people who couldn't finish the event because of how badly timed the event was.


    4.I may be a veteran, but I am no fanatic; you cannot make events based on imaginary rewards and expect it to work.

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