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  1. It's alright if they won't return my account, i'll find another game with friendly-multiplayer system like Elden Ring or Monster Hunter World. Thank's for wasting my time.
  2. They gave me the platinum and i gave them some mods or prime to help their progress, and i have to paid their platinum again Thats funny system, i tot the trades works for mutualism but they dont
  3. I just casual player, im rarely to play and when im playing its time to play together. If i make a fresh account, its wasting my time. The problem its not fast progress or something, but this is my account Its not about how expensive the platinum is, if i pay the debt will i get suspend again after another trades in other day?
  4. I don't know that problem. I play with my brother/sister and trade stuffs. just like good mods or bundle pack gift, is that illegal? Why don't they limit it? How horrible this game system, as a new player that want to play serious, i'm getting ilfeel.
  5. I got an email from the Warframe game, that my account was banned for some unreasonable reason. Previously, I had made many product purchase transactions via Steam. And why does Warframe ask me to pay 2198 currency to restore my banned account? Is this a scam or something? This is blackmail. Please follow up again. Whatever it is, it's not allowed. I've purchase a lot in here. Thank you warframe team Please give return my warframe account you can see the picture below https://ibb.co/DgR2Jqs https://ibb.co/5kHXktz https://ibb.co/1zNGpY5
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