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Posts posted by Arkfall

  1. I fidn that if I'm lagging bad enough to not see numbers, there is a good chance Bolto[tm] brand bolts are out of the question that run.

    Bolto[tm] brand bolts... hahaha...

    Love the gun though! I love running down a hall way, Rattle off 3 rounds, get back to running and a few seconds later, watch a guy jump out only to get hit and pinned to a wall as you run by!

  2. Hello my fellow Tennos!

    I'm here today to toss out my ideas for a improved map system that would help with navigation across the Solar Rails.

    Here are my thoughts:

    1 - Use the Planet!

    Take the wire mesh that is the current map system and "wrap" it around the planet it is for, and give us the ability to rotate the world we are on.

    If you’re really feeling inspired, you could make it 3D, and to show off the fact that we are attacking spaceships around the planet!

    The best example I can think of is the EVE Online Planetary Interaction System interface, if you haven't seen it, check it out! In fact, the Even Map system in general is REALLY good and if worth looking into!

    2 - Quick Nav! Get us home!

    Not a hard thing to add in, just give us some buttons on the side (left or right) that will allow us to "zip" right to the planet we are looking for! This can be done with or without the above mentioned Idea.

    3 - Party HUD Time!

    If possible, allow us to have a party interface, so that Host can kick people (Pre or Post game, not during).

    This also brings me to another idea; if possible, allow us to group with people without having to be on the "Map" screen!

    4 - (Insert funny title here) Camera control when not "in" the map.

    I noticed that when you’re in a party, their Frames and Gear show up sitting around the "Map" with you, I would love to be able to rotate the map and get a look at everyone sitting at the table, plotting to take over the solar system!!

    I understand that there is a GOOD chance that something is already in the works (IE: I asked for a hammer in my first post and 2 days later.. I got a hammer! XD)

  3. Update!

    Ok so thinking that Hosting Lag may be a big contributor to this bug, I set out on a Solo mission.

    The firing disconnect was still there, although it was a LOT better (and let me tell you, Pinning S#&$ to walls is downright funny!).

    I also understand that unlike a LOT of other guns in this game, the Projectile has to travel, I'm not talking about that, and personally, think it makes the gun fun to shoot.

    I did notice one MAJOR problem, the Bolt itself actually fires a bit off to the left of center, correcting this could help a LOT.

    Update 2!

    I have one other thing to note, I don't actually see damage numbers come off my target when the bolt hits them... this leaves me to wonder how the Bolt itself is programed. It could be that the bolt has to be created, then launched, and that might be why lag factors into the gun performance!

  4. So i just finished Crafting Bolto, and took it with me to try out this "Implae Enemy to Wall" Handgun.

    I love the firing rate, I love the bolt that fly out and stab things.

    I do not love however, is the disconnect between pulling the trigger and the bolt lanuching.

    You pull the trigger, and there is easly a second to a second and a half where nothing happens, THEN the bolt appers and flys. I assume this is a bug that make it very hard to shoot people with this amazing pistol!

    I hope this helps!

  5. BA-ZOO-KA!

    Seriously, we are missing Anti-Tank weapons.

    And GasMask8888, Try adding some Fire Rate mods to the Gorgon... I have a 50% one, and frankly, 21 rounds per second with a 316 Clip, things die.

    Although graphically, if you’re talking about a Gatling gun being carried around like in Team Fortress 2, Then I can sympathize with ya XD

  6. 1) creating a clan to interact more with friends

    2) big raids for a big bad boss!

    3) new environments +

    4) versus maybe in the future

    5) Party system knowing where your teamate is like an arrow above their character

    6) ability to change your helmet, upper body, shoulders, etc on your warframe for more customization

    7) loudouts so you wont just have 1 loudout

    8) Major events happening throughout the orbit...

    9) in game voice

    10) more to be added...

    1: I thought a Clan System ius already in the game? If not there are buttons for it on the Chat system already, Alluding to it's being worked on.

    2: Give me some Contra Like bosses!!! Like giant armed Walls and such! God that would be so BAD &#!! XD

    3: I'm told they are working on new places already, to inculde the possablity of Planet-side missions! Can't wait to see whats in store for us!

    4: ... I'm... Not a PVP fan. SO... If this doesn;t happen.. I'll be ok XD

    5: This is already in the game as well, If your party members are withen "Range" of your sensors, that have a very techy "glow" that shows you where they are.

    6: I don't think the Charater Models are acually split apart like that, so any graphical changes will have to come from Packs and stuff like that in the cash shop.

    7: I think Loadouts would be coming, they are a staple of Shooters these days, and I can't see these guys missing out on something like that!

    8: Major events... you mean like More Alerts? I'd like that too! Remeber this is still Beta, and lots is being and has been Added to the game!

    9: If by In-game Voice, you Mean VOIP, or Voice Chat... I have YET to see one intagrated VOIP in a game that was worth its programing. Make some friends and start up a Clan, and run a 3rd Party Voip like Mumble, Ventrilo, or Teamspeak (if your desprate ;D)

    10: My only suggest would be to give us an Idea of what you'd like to see too, expand on your thoughts and all that!

    Great Post mate!

  7. Not having played a Loki Frame (Yet) but having played WITH Loki's, i think the Frame just might not be the one for you.

    Loki, the God, much like the Frame, is a Trickster.. you have to use your mind to figue out how best to use these powers to thier fullest effect.

    Example: In large rooms, there is typically work ways and such above the area, I watched a Loki, Decoy up there, Swap, and Start Sniping. it was a brillent play by the Loki.

    Understanding why Invisablity is a Boon.. well, yea.

    Disarm. Disarm is a amazing way to stop getting shot the hell up in Corpus and Grunieer missions, and it has saved my &#! a few times already.

    If your still not happy, Try out Excaliber, or Volt. I have seen Sword Slash do amazing things to all sorts of people, and Overloard, Maxed out, With 50% bouns range from Mods is the single easiest way to Clear out a room (god i love being Volt!)

  8. 2. I didn't know that. o.o

    4. If I am correct credits are shared, but things like resources aren't

    Glad I could help out with #2 :D

    Credits for Kills are shared, but not the ones you pick up from Lockers, Containers, and random mob drops.

    And i would also like that the Melee System gets extended a bit. Just hammering one button over and over if you want to play a more melee oriented style is kind of boring.

    I agree! It would be great to see the melee aspects expaneded, although I wouldn't think a change that involed would happend soon. More then likely, it would require either a change in how the Melee weapon fuctions as a whole, or it would have to become a "Non-readied" weapon, like your Sidearm when your not using it.

  9. Hello everyone! I thought I would share a few of my thoughts on the game now that I have had a few days to play it.

    1- Give us a chance to find our Setting/Options before handing us a gun and telling us to shoot things.

    When you just start up the game for the first time, The default setting are most likely not going to be anywhere you need them to be, ranging from sensitivity to key binds. My suggestion on how to fix this is to give people a prompt during the intro to adjust the options before getting into any combat.

    2 - Explain how the game's Rank system works a little better.

    While working my way though Mercury the first time, I ran into a fellow that was "Stuck at 500! ARGH!” After puzzling out what exactly he meant, and trying my damnest to find how to chat, this left me pondering how you actually "Ranked Up". After some more time pasted, I noticed the little box in the lower left corner that pops up at the VERY start of a run. It was long afterwards I realized that the skill challenge was HOW you ranked up.

    There needs to be a way to pull up what the Challenge is, and your progress on it, my suggestion is tie it to the "View Players" thing. Could change it to a Mission Overview, shows you how you’re doing on the mission, how has what Data mass'/Artifacts/Prisoners Etc., and what the Challenge is, and how far along you are on it, and how much Rank Xp it grants.

    3 - Ok, I get it, Spaceships.

    I'm sure this has come up more that anyone cares to hear about it, but... The inside of the space ship starts to get old... The Infested Touch was nice, but would EVERY SINGLE SHIP IN THE BLOODY SOL SYSTEM look exactly the same on the inside?! Right down to the Hacking Codes and machinery!? Or are you telling me that Wal-Mart still exist and now sells discount Starships to anyone willing to spend the time to buy one?! Planet-side missions, Space Stations, HELL! You could even start on one ship, Wreck it, Board another one that is firing on the one you’re on in a desperate attempt to Kill us Tennos, Only to get it Hijacked for the cause and Lotus (who ever the hell THAT is..) has a new cruiser to command! We could even get like Bases on planets and stuff to defend from invasions and stuff like that!

    4 - Loot, Credits, Rewards, and Locker humping?

    Why is it, that Credits are not gathered into a pool and split up at the end of the mission? Now I understand that some times, right at the VERY end some guy loads in and you'd end up splitting your hard work, but I'm sure we can find SOME way to work around that! Mods, Kind of the same deal. Why not just have the Mod get looted once, and everyone at the end of the map get "their" mod? This also applies to material drops and other such things.

    5 - Rifle, Guns, Swords Oh my!

    I love the art style in this game; it is one of the best in years! But please! Keep it going! We need Hammers for Rhinos, Flamethrowers for Embers, Great swords for Excalibur’s, Cattle prod for Volts, and so much more! Triple Barreled Sniper Rifle. Sure it only got 1 shot per clip, but it only NEEDS one! MUawhahahah!!! And... For the love of god, PLEASE give us a Warframe Version of a BFG... A REALLY Nasty BFG!

    6 - Training/Testing Room

    So the White Room you do the Intro/Rank missions in... Could we get access to that as a Training/Testing Room? A room where it won’t hurt or harm our scores and %s? You could even set it up to give you a target gallery of all the mob "types" you have killed, adding more as you go. (I'd really like a change to figure out WHERE exactly to aim to get headshots and stuff with some of these guys!)

    7 - Last but not least, More Story!

    One of the things that have me wondering a LOT is about the war, the Infested, and the general story about the game! I would love it if we could get SOMETHING that would help us Tenno start to piece together what happened in the days of Yore, why we are all asleep in pods, who is this Lotus, and why does she rub me the wrong way?

    Well, this is just some of the things on my mind after playing the game for a week! Thank you all who take the time to read it all, and I look forward to seeing you all out on the Solar Rails!

  10. So I was running an Alert mission on my own, did well, had a few freak outs (Playing in the dark, Infested, and only the game sounds on.) but I got though it, and finally nailed the last guy.

    So my Comm officer tells me I'm the last living thing and sets me up to head out of there, and walking along my marry little way.. I come to a Elevator room, I stop in the side room to nab one locker.. and proceed to...

    Teleport back to the room I started In?

    "Wait.. What the hell just happend?"

    Being a Volt, Getting back to the, as I am now calling it, "Cursed" elevetor room, I try to get to the elevator without going though the side room...

    One screen fade later, and I'm staring at the Grate I kicked in to get in the ship. Again.

    One more long run back, and another fade to Start.

    Hope this helps! It was an Alert that took place at about 1:30am CST

    Keep up the great work!

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