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Posts posted by Arkfall

  1. Patch isn't even a day old and people are already crying "Change is bad!"

    Anyway, Great job DE! You guys have really shown with this update the work and dedication you have to making this a great game. I look forward to working with you in the Council, and the other like-minded Tennos here on the forums.

    To the people that are Crying about the changes, your here to test those things, give constructive feed back, and assist the studio in making a game that people can enjoy for years.

    return the skill tress back!!!Ash haw 13 slots but rhino haw only 9 slots.uff you want get all 13 slots you just cant take all 13 slots!!make all warframes 45 lvl or turn back skill trees!!!

    This.. is not good feedback.

  2. I've played dozens of MMOs and been in dozens of Closed Betas and I don't recall coming across a system particularly like this one. I have seen systems that take real time to craft or unlock items, but not times to this extent that and that can be sped up by paying real cash.

    EVE. it will literally take YEARS to craft/rank/skill up things in that game.

    Plat is what... $5 for 75? so for $10 you can fast build three items. Sounds reasonable for me, its not like you have to be online for the items to craft! It could always be worst! XD

    That said I have a question about usefulness in group: How useful are you when you need to go back to Venus or Saturn to level a brand new weapon, while your group is sitting in Pluto for Mods the next few days while their brand new weapon or frame builds?

    While, yes, someone that pays money has early/quick access to Weapons and frames sometimes (Hello XP lock), this doesn't automatically mean they are "winning" the game by any stretch... I do just as much if not more damage then Hek-wielding Brothers and Sisters in a run with skills and a Bolto.

    Pay to win is a term at is blacklisted in the market these days... I would acually be suprised if you could find a Pay-to-Win game that was made after 2005 let alone 2010. Not saying I'm absolutely right, Just saying it'd be damn rare.

  3. Greetings Fellow Tennos and Ex-Tenno!

    I'm sorry that you seem to be have a really hard time getting the Ash Prints you need, and yes, while it does cost $20 right out of the gate to just buyout Ash, that is the price you pay for not farming.

    Now.. if there were some metrics for the times you ran, you got X print Y times and Z print A times, that could help the Dev team ajust the drop rates so that it might not be so frusterating to get in future builds.

    Part of the testing also involes the rate at which the masses aquire goods and services. its how you ajust drop rates, make rare things rarer, or more common, depending on what the devs want from the given item, Hell, for all we know there could just happen to be a bug no one discovered affcting the loot tables of the bosses.

  4. 1: Focus beam -25 energy -uses left hand to shoot a beam of light. Chargeable. Higher damage and longer range.

    the Charge would have to make it use more energy, which is not very in-line with how the frames are already set up.

    2: Divine Light - 50 energy - levitates and releases a light around her to push back and stun enemies.

    So something like Volt's 4 animation, with light and stun like Rhino's 4 which cost 100 energy. For half the cost is a little overboard in my opinion.

    3: Protector - 60 energy - increases armor to nearby tenno and self. ( maybe give allies and self bubble shield that takes 70 damage? Or should last a couple of secs? No protection from melee.

    Interesting idea, but making it add a flat number to armor leave problems with scaling up encounters. We already have shields, and 70 dmg at about mid-game right now is a bullet or 2.

    4: Divine Wrath - 100 energy - similar to level 1 but two hands and jumps in the air pointing it downward and steadily moves until it hits selected target. ( like ash teleport a target must be selected. Target can dodge as the beam moves down a straight line.

    Seems a little... DBZ to me. While it would be cool to watch, it sounds like it would take forever to use (in respect to the current game play flow.) Also note that most #4 abilities area meant to hit everything around the Tenno and this just sounds like the father away you can target something, the longer the skill is up and the longer it can kill things. I just don’t see that playing out well in my head.

    All and all a great Idea man, thank you for posting. While I may disagree with you on several points, I'm not agents the idea as a whole. If something like this perks the Devs interest too, then I don't doubt we will be seeing something like it!

  5. Welcome Tenno!

    Please be advise: When providing feedback, be as specific as you can be, Accurate Numbers are best!

    Aside form that, Welcome to the Solar Rail Network, Grab a gun, grab a crowbar, and get ready for some fun!

  6. Think of it as Step 1.

    While there is no offical word about loadouts being saved to frames, I feel as if this is the first step in this process.

    That and Loaudouts have been brought up a million (and one) times now.

    So rest assured that the Dev team knows, and most likely have it on the giant list of things to do!

  7. they reversed the decision in the future. part of lore.

    And god freakly bless them for it, Pluto is a planet, becuase we damn well want it to be!

    Just becuse some egg head was running out of research grants needed to do something ballys to make his investors happy DOESN'T mean Pluto isn't a planet anymore.....

    Yes, This annoys me. Yes I'm still upset about. and Yes, I will be Killing Grineer AROUND THE PLANET OF PLUTO for a while after this post, just to make a point.

    What point that is.. i don't entirly know, but its a good one damn it!

    See you out on the far end of the Rails Tennos!

  8. Greetings fellow Tennos!

    Let me sart with saying that it is good your keeping a open mind about your post, and you've earned my rescpet for it, for what that is worth.

    I looked though your post and i grouped up simular things you wanted to change, hope you don't mind XD

    On with the show then!

    -Ash's 4th is super bugged

    Haven't played on Ash, nor have I seen meny Ashes around, although if it is bugged, I'm sure the DE team is on it.

    -Vote boot people

    I don't know if I'm ok with this.. mostly becuase I have played games like that, and people will kick "non-guild/clan/group" players to let their friends into the run, becuase, why do they care about pick up memebers? I don't want to think the worst of my fellow Tennos, but lately.. its getting harder.

    -Lower cost of platinum

    And how would they (DE) support themselves? Remeber that the cost of Plat is directly related to the cost of development, maintance, salaries, and other assosated cost that we don't know about.

    -Double Warframes (Like an Ice Warframe)

    In otherwords, add more Frames. I'm sure they are working on it, remeber any good dev team is acually working on a version of the game that is 3 or 4 versions ahead of public release versions, even CBT. I mean, just look at how hateful some of the people are now, in CBT, after a lot of bug fixes and balancing issues have been address.

    -Triple guns

    ... coming up with new ideas, that arn't just variations, is suprisingly hard. Try coming up with a gun yourself, starting from rank 1, 15 and 30, add mods to it, and see how you think it would feel.. you might find that your idea is too powerful, or feels too much like other guns. If that isn't the case, then post it in the feedback fourm. the worst part about CBT, or anything really, is waiting to see whats next.

    Hell, if it's really good you may even see it in game!

    -Make getting blue prints easier or increase drop rate

    Isn't that the same thing? haha. In all seriousness, It took me 3 days to get, craft and start building a Rhino Frame, and as of right nowit is the hardest one to build.

    -Add 1-2 more Factions

    With what kinda back story? there are already 4 factions, and one of them has practally taken over the whole system.

    -Outdoor areas

    Now, do you mean, Open World, or planetside missions? Open World is a list of problems I won't rattle here, but they are working on adding in new mission in new locals as we speak. give it time, young pada-tenno!

    -Nerf grenades slightly

    Never had a problem with them, you see a Grineer arm move for no reaosn, GTFO. Other then that, there has been some work on the damage that mobs can do and grenades, as a after effect, got stronger.

    -Add a little customization to the Warframes

    -Customize weapons (like lazer sights and silencers)

    -Gender option

    -Choose and Emblem that would go on Warframe (maybe a clan thing)

    A few color options not enough for you? ;D This has been proposed, A LOT. Dev must know by now, but given that the charater models are acually just one piece, and not seperate pieces, customization will most likely come in the form of Plat-bought skins for frames. Gun options have been proposed too, and while it would be cool, I think the guns, like the frames, are one soild model. Givin that the Models are one piece, there is a good chance there isn't a "base" modal the Frames and weapons go on, making gender options harder, if not impossable without creating a entirely new frame.

    -Add bundles you can buy with platinum or credits that give you 3-5 things. (Mass Effect made more money doing this then they made selling all 3 games total.)

    Lock Boxes that cost Credits wouldn't get them any money. Having played Mass Efect 3, and refusing to give EA any more moeny then they already got for the game, I have a hard time seeing this as a viable option for Plats.

    Lock Boxes have been propsed as a Credit Sink though.

    -Add a Horde mode

    Horde... mode? you mean like.. Defence mode.. but different how? please clearify XD

    -Add Verus mode(against infected players)

    -Add PvP (thouugh i don't like it, a lot of people do)

    PVP is a bad idea given the powers and the current strengh some of them have. Then you get into balancing, and class balance, and it all goes to hell from there. I don't like it either, and to the people that do, there are only about a million other games they could play XD Little heartless I know, but.. when you've watch the PVP crowd ruin one game after another, you get jaded.

    -Improve stealth gameplay

    -Asassionation to unaware targets

    -Turrets don't unfold til facility is alerted

    As I am sure you know, there are about a million post on this, its safe to assume the devs know people want stealth gameplay. Target awareness this is something that will most likely need to be added/tweak in for Stealth gameplay to work, assuming that is the direction the Devs want to take the game. Cameras should be your first priority if your looking to do sneaky works in a grineer crusier reguardless.

    -More advantages to being in a clan, (like weekly challenges for "?" rewards)

    the Clan system is just a foundation for now, more will be added, although I don't think you should add bouns for being in a clan, it just makes being in a clan a requirement to play the game to the best of your ability and frankly, people tend not to like my... abrasive attatude, and thus I find it hard to find a good Clan to hang out with.

    All and all, a good post, and i look forword to seeing more insights to the Ash Frame from you!

    See you all out of the rails!

  9. Heavy weapons as you and many of us call them, will most likely be Long Guns.

    Sidearms are just that, small arms weapons that are small and easy to use. I don't think letting a a Tenno walked into a mission with a Gorgon/HEK, AND a rocket launcher would help balance any, even if the Launcher had limited ammo.

    Would be kinda funny to watch though.

  10. Greeting my fellow Tennos.

    Today's Bug: ..

    Well.. I don't really have one. Pretty much all the bugs in the game get slathered on the fourms like girl at a wet t-shirt contest.

    I suppose though.. if I had to have one, It would the the people out on the rails, as of late.

    Now this might just be me, mostly becuase I have VERY few friends, and the ones I do have, I think the contact list is doing everything in it's power to keep from.

    You see, I thought we were here to overthrow the Grineer Empire, keep the power hungry Corpus Inc from enslaving everyone, and to get this Infection back under control... but lately, all I seem to hear is "This boss wont drop this. You guyz Sux lolz! WTH, I died becuase I tried to Melee Van Dek, solo, what a stupid game!" and so forth and so on...

    Frankly, I have been catching so much of this lately in random groups that I find myself aiming my crosshairs a little less at the boss and a little more at my fellow Tennos.

    Now I for one can fathom that this is normal Tenno behaviour, and thus, think its a bug in the comm devices we currently have.


    I can hope right?

    I hope to see a little more positive Tenno energy out on the rails guys!

    Until then, stay safe!

  11. Welcome to the fold, Tenno.

    Glad to have another gun out there, cuz these Grineer are showing no signs of slowing down.

    That said, there is no real level in this game, just how strong your gear is, and even that isn't a real indacator, becuase player skill with these things can drasticly affect your effective "level".

    If anything, its a pleasure to meet you man, and i look forword to seeing you out on the rails.

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