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Posts posted by Arunasoul

  1. Fail hype is fail.


    At least put up something other than a fuzzy vid feed back dropped on an cockpit. Otherwise it's like... hype-blocking, which can only be compared to 'rooster'-blocking (look up alternate word for rooster, didn't want to invite 'BanHAMMER' to party so I worded it special).


    It's also nearly as bad, when hype is growing with recent events being less than usual usually indicating a major awesomesauce face blast of epic awesome around the corner.

  2. I had just tried to go for high duration on Valkyr's ult to see if it would benefit my playstyle.


    I was using the ult and kicking in faces when the game crashed. This was after fighting several large groups and the ult was about to end.


    The same thing happened a second time.


    Before going for duration spec, I never saw any crashes, and had run void missions several times.


    My conclusion is that Valkyr's ult is absorbing so much damage it overloaded the damage buffer (bit or what have you) that keeps track of the damage taken. As the ult was just about to end both times, I think the point when it goes from storing the number to using it is causing issues. My assumption is simply that the result of increasing the duration, thereby increasing the time for storing damage, causes the buffer allotted to be too small to handle it, or the calculation for doing the damage can't handle a number beyond a certain number of digits.

  3. I dunno about you guys, but I think an absolutely amazing Xmas event would be a super showdown with the Stalker (basically a little bit festive Stalker) to save Santa Lotus.


    They could use this as a reference for making a 'under cover' Stalker that kidnapped the Lotus while she was preparing the surprise party.



    And because the Lotus was caught unprepared while setting up the party, she'd probably be wearing something like this.



    The Stalker would drop a special, Christmas only weapon series which would be like Vandal or Wraith versions of the original Stalker weapons.

    -Melee 'Coal Hatred' (maybe even 'Coaled' Hatred for that extra bit of awesome, since it'd be Cold Hatred like that :P)

    -Bow 'Santa Knows What You Did Last Summer Dread' (LOL, couldn't think of a good one for Dread)

    -Kunai 'Bad Gift Despair'


    When the Stalker 'appears' inside his lair, where he's holding the Lotus, he has new lines.


    "I stole Santa Lotus's list, and put your name down on naughty"

    "All your gifts are belongs to me"

    "Grinch Alad V sent me to punish you for your sins against the Corpus during the Gravidus Dilemma"


    Since it just wouldn't be awesome without minions, I figured he'd need back up to make his appearances (yes, multiple, though he only drops 1 of the weapon BP's per run at max), so the Corpus just seemed perfect. The Grinch always had a dog, and so does Alad V, so throwing in a supporter for the Stalker made Alad V a natural choice. (He's probably just a LITTLE sore over the whole Gravidus thing anyway ;)


    Saving Santa Lotus would play out something like this.

    -Enter, wipe out the first room or so, maybe till alarm is sounded.

    -Stalker acknowledges your presence with his lines, and starts showing up at random intervals. Only 1 Stalker at a time, but he could show up within two seconds of his retreat, meaning he'd be a constant threat. Whichever person on the team had the highest Grineer supporting ratio (For Gravidus) of the team members currently alive Tenno will be the Stalker's target.

    -The constant, endless battles with the Stalker will cease once you enter 'THE FINAL HALLWAY', which features a rainbow bridge connecting a PC and a PS4 (It's being released like, right now, so they should be able to get permission from Sony for it, and yes, that's a live stream reference) on either side, and a single, long bridge. If the Stalker was still spawned, upon entry to 'THE FINAL HALLWAY', he'll do the sitting to leave animation, along with a line like "I suppose you aren't like the others... for you I'll have to get serious" or something more stalker sounding then that but along those lines.

    -Upon entry to... 'THE FINAL ROOM'... You'll see a short CG of the Lotus struggling to get out of candy cane handcuffs (or something equally Xmas-y and awesome) along with the Stalker appearing in a cloud of smoke, and walking out, equipped with the Xmas weapons, looking like a total BAD-A**, and pointing at you before saying something Stalker style before beginning a show down with your team. Unlike the Stalker that was appearing in the rest of the mission, this one will be about 4 times as aggressive and use powers about twice as often. The upgraded weaponry will allow him to kill you quickly, increasing the difficulty of the fight itself.
    -Defeating the upgraded stalker causes Grinch Alad V to come on, mentioning that he's quite upset that you broke his xmas gift to the Tenno, and that the Stalker himself was never actually there, but rather, indoctrinated Tenno made to believe they were the Stalker were used for this. The 'Grinch's Revenge Project' was meant to hit the Tenno during a old holiday that caused them to relax, making it the perfect chance to strike.

    -Alad V would trigger a self destruct and Santa Lotus will escape with you on a specialized sleigh pulled along by seven MOA's, one MOA having a strange red nose on the end of it's gun.


    Completing the mission a particular number of times increases the reward tier, as with other events.

    10 times, a cluster of 10 drops worth of all in game resources (maybe a tad less, considering the low requirement).

    50 times, ?Primed Chamber? + previous (I dunno, it still feels low for that.)

    100 times, a Detron BP, along with all previous rewards.

    150 times, A select, individual thing of your choice (DE opens a Forum thread asking you to tell them what you want for Xmas. Each account has their post logged and, as of a specific end date, the thread locks so they distribute the items. If it's a weapon or Warframe, it comes with a potato) + Previous.

  4. Please reconsider. These were good bugs.

    Sort of like Shield Armor. I'm still curious if DE Steve sticks to his 'why armor?' stance on shields though. Why have armor stats at all? Just multiply all the pools so the armor disappears and we gain customization slots.


    I mean, if armor's so pointless we shouldn't put it on shields cause we could just... 'have more'... then why not do the same with health?

  5. It has less DPS than the starting Lato, shorter range than the Embolist, and ammo efficiency neatly as bad as the twin vipers. Being the single worst weapon in the game at everything makes it unique and unique is good right? ... right?

    Denied. Embolist is hug range, Spectra is approaching spitting range. Therefore, I deny your range claim. That said, the difference is probably about 1-2 in game meters so it really doesn't matter.


    I'm an Embolist lover but I used the Spectra for a while against Infested. Due to serrated blade it's good against the critters, cleaning them up decently, but, as many will point out, Flux does it better with better ammo economy. On the other hand, I'd prefer an Ogris or Ignis in my hands than a Flux almost all of the time, so a mutated, deranged, drooling, IQ rating -500 cousin of the Flux is, in that regard, somewhat worth using, however it's still mostly for mastery.


    Embolist out performs the Spectra in Spectracular (see what I did there ;) fashion, so I wouldn't craft the Spectra unless you have spare weapon slots you want to fill, or mastery to gain.


    edit: Forgot to mention Spectra is a straight line with no innate penetration, where the Embolist is an AOE cloud which makes it several times more effective when you need it to be.

  6. While I do admit the lore surrounding the event had holes, I do have to point out a few things.


    In Defense of DE,

    -Beta Baby, everything changes faster that rich girls change clothes (and you know they change em' for tea time, let alone everything else)

    -Lore stated in anything other than in game areas is garbage because it's not official till it's a cut scene or text in your game. The only remaining exception is if they've developed a 'library' or some similar site and or sub-site that functions as a lore house.

    -The community has been SCREAMING for involvement, meaning, purpose, ANYTHING that even RESEMBLES a plotline, and this was their first attempt to do just that. Answer us. Don't burn the hand that tried and failed, give them something they can pull creative direction from. You have some valid points, but it's not going to be seen around the venom in your massive statement.


    Now, more in line with what your initial statement seemed to suggest...


    Against DE

    -Where the F is the Lore? Game's been rolling for almost a year and we have roughly 10 tabs in the lore button with about a paragraph of story. It's in beta, there's things to stamp out, yes, though I doubt the people on your story board were programmers. It takes a while to code a story, sure, but what the crap.

    -Vor's Prize has been sitting in our faces for what seems to me to be about two months. I don't know if Alad V's cutscenes that we've seen council posts on are critical to the existence of Vor's Prize, though I'd imagine it's really not. Which leads to the next point...

    -Story missions. Yes, I'm talking about something that doesn't exist because it was teased and talked about for likely upwards of six months. COME ON! In six months I write in my spare time over 500 pages of standard sized Word Doc (8.5 by 11) which is more than enough to start filling book shelves. If you have even one person, ONE PERSON, dedicated to writing lore, they should be able to accomplish in 8 hours per day, 5 days a week what I do in maybe 2-5  hours every two days across a hole month. Which means someone's dragging their heels, and it's getting excessive.



    My major complaint is simply the lack of story missions at the moment, not with the event's implementation or errors. What they did was similar to my Tenno Merc's post with a community involvement twist, and allowed them to test the new Invasion game mode. DE, I know you actually read what we're saying because of this event, and I want you to know this.




    But please, God, do something about your story missions. The lore junkies need their lore crack fix and it's making them angry at events made to appease them until you can pass them their next hit of the good lore stuff.

  7. You have earned a cookie. Enjoy thy cookie.


    Just a quick thought but maybe add in an ability that essentially 'radar pings' enemies by using light (refraction...? reflection...?) which also causes 'optimization' of prismatic damage, adding 20% or so of whatever the target is weakest to within prismatic's damage spectrum. The idea would be more like this...


    100 Prismatic + (100*0.2) as highest damage type from prismatic


    It would feed your design, give it support abilities, and give it a little extra kick for nasty situations. Energy wise... probably 75-100 given the dps change that might occur.



    Your design is significant and hopefully DE will place this to the design council so we can vote it though. Hopefully they'll give that chance to put it through a little better then they gave us with Nova, since it was pretty out of our hands and mostly in the DE's, then council takes the heat. Honestly leaves me with the feeling they used us as a scape goat.......


    Either way, nice job on the design and abilities, it looks good. Have another cookie.

  8. Can I get a dual Ogris first? I mean, come on, I don't think it's enough that stealthy space ninjas only have a loud as hell rocket launcher in only one hand. Doesn't feel 'ninja' enough to single wield loud as all F explosives, but dual wield... sounds puurrrrrfect!

    *end semi-joke, cause dual ogris would be nice but horribly OP*


    Honestly, I think they've given us enough melee weapons. Enough primaries and secondaries even. What we should be asking for is something unique. I tossed up Augments on fan concepts a while ago because guns are nice, swords are nice.... but what is the future without weapons beyond what we consider 'normal' in our current, modern world.


    That said, I do support making all 'single' weapons into a 'dual' format since the vast majority would easily be adapted as such in 'reality' (our current world) and there is always at least one psychopath that trends upon dangerous ground, using weapons truly meant for one hand with two.


    It isn't that I don't feel your quest for dual wielding valid, it's simply that I think there are other things DE could do. Such as do something properly Sci-Fi and come up with a weapon type all their own. The vast majority of large scale Sci-Fi franchises have at least one signature weapon that stands a cut above 'realistic weapons', the most notorious being the Lightsaber. I'd really like them to think about that which is why I would ask that you delay your quest for dual wielding long enough for that weapon to arise, and instead place upon them your own ideas for such an iconic weapon.

  9. 300 armor ignoring damage for everything in front of you, even through walls, with a near instant cast and no target limit isn't OP? I can cast it 4 times and do 1200 damage to a group of 20 enemies each through a wall. and you failed to take Focus into account. 390 per pull. 390*4 = 1560, which isn't bad, even for the standards of an ultimate. Note that this is unaffected by any resistances, unlike most ultimates which are ineffective versus certain factions.

    I'm not saying it needs to be destroyed, but for 25 energy a pop, 300 guaranteed damage is ridiculous compared to any other 1st power. Nobody else can do that much damage for that cheap.

    Saryn can kill entire levels on 25 energy, if you do it right. Though I've heard that was dealt with... I have yet to see how......

  10. I was looking at my Frost Prime in the Arsenal today and realized something... he kind of looks like he's wearing a suit. There's a jut out near the throat that looks like a neck tie knocked kinda sideways. Two things that look like coat-tails down in front of his legs, and if you follow the left one upward it looks like a seam that you could almost button up if their were buttons.


    Suddenly, I remember Gentleman Cho'Gath from League of Legends, and burst out laughing on the spot. How funny would it be to see the first actual warframe makeover skin as Gentleman Frost?


    Of course, he'd need a Lady to really stand out, and the first one that came to mind was one that already put a flower in her hair... well, head. Lady Saryn would just kind of play with the already dress like look of the Saryn's armor so that it looked more elegant, as opposed to fleshy. Maybe those long gloves or something of the like to add to the look. 



    As a bit of a 'just for kicks' they could add in a ballroom dance animation to Gentleman Frost and Lady Saryn so that if they stand near each other for a set amount of time, they bow to each other, and initiate a ballroom dance. Might be a pain so I wouldn't push it, but it would be quite amusing to see frigging ninjas having a ballroom dance in a sandstorm or on a space ship. 



    Just a thought, and before the 'NO NOT MY WARFRAME LOOKS! IT WILL DESTROY MY UNIVERSE TO HAVE SUCH THINGS!' I didn't say implement a cotton frigging suit or a pink frilly dress (though, would be a fan for comedic reasons), I'm saying something that looks similar. I know the style of the game is something they don't want to break away from, but there should be some play room within the 'idea' to actually implement it. Maybe as hologram clothes or a more metallic version. I'm also aware that they need to deal with Trinity's SUPREME AND INVULNERABLE iron skirt. The physics required to make it believable would be the same as the ones needed to make Trinity's skirt and such had separate movement from the rest of the frame. 


    So, with that, let me know if anyone among you is tickled by the very idea of a Lady and a Gentleman in your game!

  11. Glad to help. Maybe you could give some smart feedback on my warframe idea :) .



    Feedback given, though you should probably start your own topic. It won't really be seen unless it has it's own place to gather it's peoples. Though I will admit the original post died quickly upon the blades of fantasy.

  12. Recently, I've got an idea for shapeshifting warframe too, so I think it would be appropriate to post it here.


    I would call it Amoeba, like that unicellular organism which changes it's shape when moving.






    Health: 125 - 375

    Shields: 75 - 225

    Armor: 75

    Energy: 100 - 150




    25 energy) Amoeba thrusts his arm into enemy, changing shape to mimic targeted enemy and regenerating a little amount of health. Enemy suffers internal damage and changes in appearance, which causes that other mobs may think he belongs to infested faction.

    Enemies who have seen Amoeba perform this ability will still attack him, but they are more likely to attack their "infested" comrade. Other enemies of the same faction will not be suspicious of Amoeba.

    Both effects lasts... i don't know, 10 seconds?

    Works only on living targets, so MOAs and other similiar enemies are immune.


    50 energy) Amoeba causes his warframe to harden on spots where he is taking enemy fire and strike close enemies with tentacles (similarly to ancient's attack).

    Armor is increased and warframe itself will from time to time strike some close enemy, causing damage and stagger (or maybe knockdown on higher level).


    75 energy) Amoeba greatly hardens surface of his warframe. He is unable to perform any action and for duration of this ability incoming damage is greatly reduced and He is rapidly regenerating health.

    On top of that other players can get into his close proximity and by pressing X they link up with Amoeba, which grants them the same effect.


    100 energy) Amoeba violently changes his shape, growing new weapons which mimics weapons of enemies in the area. New weapons are shooting on enemies around. Grows more weapons on higher levels. This big sudden shapeshift is so disturbing view, that enemies in close proximity of Amoeba are running away in fear, except for MOAs, some strong grineers like bombard, corpus techs, ancients etc.

    Unfortunatelly I don't have any ideas for names of abilities or appearance of this warframe.

    25 energy would be more effective if you retained the shape for longer. It could serve as an infiltration skill. To facilitate that, having a small or cloaked projectile would be better than a humagazoid arm reaching out from an airduct penetrating his soul and stealing his DNA. Epic as hek but raises some questions on the purpose of the skill. Such as why become them if you can not hide among them?


    50, I like it. Seems solid and tanky really. Seems almost like Iron skin during the '% damage reduction' change combined with stagger. I think Knockdown would benefit it more though.


    75, self heal with reduction. solid idea for solo players. May assist with sustain for defense even.


    100, Mimicing enemy weapons is cool and i like the idea. The issue I immediately see is that it's not all enemies in the radius, it's a set number,  which means it would need smart targeting to choose more effective enemy weapons. You'd also need some form of mimic that actually works against Infested, they don't have guns, so it would kind of fall apart there.


    Overall good idea. A little tweaking and i could see it being effective against any faction.


    Suggested tweaks, 100 energy spawns tentacles that grow their ends to take on the shape of an enemy unit. They prioritize higher health/armor targets for mimicry and target weaker targets first when deciding kill priority. Distance to target and any target that hits Ameoba would be focused by all surviving mimics.

  13. definitely interesting concept. but beware of the hundreds of comments saying "no AP damage? how will it survive defense wave 120?"

    Ragdoll effect, that which flies falls off of cliffs into voids and dies. Essentially it's scaling would be limitless because of the instant kill possibilities. At the same time, the amount of hard CC means Kinetica can interupt almost any enemy at anytime. Since bosses aren't seen at wave 120, this is something that's still effective. Against bosses Kinetica would only suffer if people don't understand the power hidden in the 2&3.


    I really, really like this. And why make ultimate hard hitting? Give it longer crowd control effect and make it cheaper on energy. Flying enemy can't shoot and is... I wanted to say easy target but it depends how good are you in aiming.

    Solid point, if it was a shockwave that lanched them upward ragdolled then they would be CC'd for a fairly long duration. Honestly, ragdolling is already pretty long since there's travel time after being ragdolled, the recovery time on the floor, and finally stand up animation. Putting more time into the ragdoll CC effect would be almost insane, since it can already almost hold someone for the same amount of time a Rhino Stomp can. (Rhino Stomp still wins the CC competition though since it not only kills, but armor ignores and holds in a wide area. Kinetica could only compete with that thing if damage existed on the ult.)


    Though, considering Enguzrad raises an interesting point. More CC on it was something I was thinking about but wasn't on how, and I just got the idea. Release a 100% vector trap lasting for 3-4 seconds before releasing it as an explosion. Effect would be channeled and would stop Kinetica from moving. I'll add it in as an 'alternate' ability mentioning Enguzrad as a collaborator. Thanks bro.

  14. Kinetica, Disciple of Physics


    Purpose is Crowd Control/DPS, aimed to be more of a glass cannon as far as actual stats go. This Warframe makes extensive use of the Ragdoll mechanic.

    The reasons I’d like to see this frame implemented…

    Power interactions are existent in this frame far more so then some may realize, since ‘Vector Traps’ are essentially gathering power from Mach Strike and Shockwave. Mag yanking people into the trap would also increase the force of the trap on explosion. Volt would boost the power of continuous force with the speed button. There’s probably still a few I didn’t think of yet that would also apply, like Vauban’s bounce pad (still wouldn’t make bounce pad worth using really). Even without that, Mach Strike ragdolling people on something like… Xini perhaps where there’s a fairly thin ramp with a pit at the bottom would pretty much instantly own anything unfortunate enough to think it was a good idea to be there (provided it actually fell into the pit). At higher levels, the usage of the ragdoll effect essentially becomes your kill tool, making Kinetica possibly the most effective DPS/CC hybrid at higher levels (cause she still kills people) but wouldn’t replace Nyx or Vauban as a more pure CC frame.


    Power 1)

    Mach strike, “Kinetica uses her ability to manipulate kinetic force, reducing the force applied to her and increasing the force applied to enemies in her path. The strike is so fast that she appears to have teleported forward, and after images kick enemies, ragdolling them.”

    Explanation of how it works

    Essentially an Excalibur style forward dash with a twist, the damage wouldn’t be very high, but the ragdoll effect would be the main focus of this attack, as it would toss those struck in almost every direction, splitting up a crowd very effectively.


    Power 2)

    Einstein and the Vector Trap, “Kinetica creates a field that absorbs a portion of all kinetic energy spent within the field, trapping it as vector-less force until the field expires. The resulting energy trapped is not destroyed, but rather released in all directions, blasting foes in the vicinity with the gathered kinetic force causing extreme damage.”

    Explanation of how it works

    The idea would be that the faster something moves, the more damage the vector trap would gain. It also would have the ability to absorb the kinetic energy of other powers Kinetica uses. Shockwave’s effect would be amplified by the usage of several vector traps surrounding the frame at the time of use, since each trap would absorb a portion of the kinetic energy passing through it, reducing the initial effect but allowing it to be applied multiple times, ragdolling and controlling a crowd for a much longer duration. Mach Striking opponents inside the trap would cause most of the energy of tossing them about to be transferred into the vector trap at rank 3, making it a devastating combo that CC’s and blasts them for heavy damage. Bullets, not lasers, passing through the trap are also affected, slowing the bullets somewhat (damage reduction by half the field’s kinetic absorption amount), but adding power to the trap.

    The finky nature of something that gathers power like this and then explodes later would make it difficult to use. Many would call it impractical instead of seeing its use since most things that slip through the field, charging its effect, would also escape it at lower levels. Having a top end kinetic absorption, and therefore slowing effect, of about 60-70% would be sufficient for making the ability useful as a slowing field in and of itself, making the damaging portion significant in its own right. This ability’s expandability is what would make the difference between someone who just plays the frame for mastery points, and an actual master of the frame.


    Power 3)

    Continuous Force, “Kinetica herself becomes a form of Vector Trap, extending a kinetic absorption field around herself as she moves around the battlefield. This field, however, is not applied directly from the Warframe’s outer layer, but rather a meter away from the skin, allowing Kinetica to amplify her speed while the field is active.”

    Explanation of how it works

    Basically bread and butter. This has defensive, offensive, movement and CC characteristics all built into one little package, but comes with a tradeoff, Kinetica, a glass cannon, would have to get close to the enemy. For this reason, the ability would be high risk high reward, as the more enemies near you to absorb kinetic energy from, the more damage you’ll inflict at the end of the ability’s duration, but at the same time, the more likely it would be that you’ll be killed nearly instantly when it ends as well, since some are inevitably going to be outside the explosion, avoiding the ragdoll effect. The higher the skill rank, the faster you move, the absorption value would also increase somewhat, but need to be fairly high to start in order to make it worth using.

    Also, the faster Kinetica is moving, the more damage she would gain from absorbing the kinetic energy of the environment (air/particles in the air or what have you) passing through that field. Meaning Rush almost becomes similar to a Focus, as would Marathon since you could sprint longer. Volt is your number 1 BFF if you like the ability.

    Power 4)

    Shockwave, “Kinetica sends out a wave of force. The initial impact is devastating and throws enemies spiraling threw the air.”

    Explanation of how it works

    This is the “OMG I ABUSED CONTINUOUS FORCE AND NOW I’M SURROUNDED BEHIND ENEMY LINES!” button. Press it, big fat shockwave of awesome-sauce goes out and tosses people everywhere. The shear hilarity of the effect almost makes me want to say low damage on the move so you can spam it to watch the funny little bodies sailing through the air. However, this is meant to be the ult and should have damage representative of that. I’m also thinking armor ignore, since blunt force weapons were the old school way to deal with armored knights and such that got in your way. At the same time, who’s to say they aren’t wearing something like chainmail to soften the blow…



    Reader Inspired/Suggested abilities or improvements.


    Vector Trap Shockwave <Arunasoul developed after input from Enguzrad's input>

    Essentially use a 100% Vector Trap to completely stop out all motion in the area. All kinetic energy is completely absorbed, and this would also stop bullet's, rockets, and physical projectiles from moving within it's effect area (I'm thinking big but not Banshee big. Reach on Banshee clears entire waves at low levels because it hits the whole map. Maybe like a fifth or a tenth of a smaller map or something.) any enemy that would normally be trying to move to cover or something would continue to do so within the effect area and would continue to build energy within the trap. After a 3-4 second channel, all the energy is released in an outward burst from Kinetica, ragdolling enemies.



    Arunasoul's expansion to his ideas since it wasn't really explained perfectly...


    Vector Traps would throw units closest to the center of the explosion the farthest and the absorption of the kinetic energy would increase the distance enemies are thrown. More damage/movement absorbed, more throwing power, more people hitting the roof and falling off of cliffs.


    The Ragdoll mechanic allows you to kill ANYTHING instantly if you find a nice little pit to throw them in. This means that the damage output of the warframe is not necessarily important in comparison to clever usage of terrain elements. There's almost always a bottomless hole in any mission, hek, in most rooms, so abuse of this mechanic means that a level infinity Napalm would still die instantly as opposed to warframe X's 1000 armor ignoring damage which would likely just tickle it slightly.

  15. Weapons..

    My initial reaction was the same, so please edit your post to reflect what you mean now that it's been mentioned and clarified. Also, Focus may still be useful on this warframe, they could implement an effect that would increase the weapon damage % by a % with Focus.


    To deal with some of the negative feedback, namely the... ahem... boring issue, you could add actives upon entering each form. My suggestions on that are below, I've edited the descriptions for clarity as well as modifying out an issue I foresee that warrior would essentially be self maiming in that it would actually WOUND you to enter it at your normal maximum health values since it would decrease your health without restoring it upon exit. It makes more sense to reduce healing received instead of self maiming, though a health restore upon exiting the form would make it more valuable, but open up the nerf hammer box. I like to see that thing firmly sealed away in a vault, so I went with a healing decrease instead.



    1) Base: Stats return to their original base values. All other forms modify the basic stats of this form. Upon entering this form release a blast of cold air, slowing nearby enemies.

    2) Runner: increase running speed by 0.1/0.2/0.3/0.5 BUT shield cap decreases 50%. Upon entering this form, release flame trails for 5 seconds. Low damage. 

    3) Warrior: increases WEAPON damage 10%/20%/30%/50% BUT decreases shield cap and healing by 25%. Upon entering this form, weapons deal 15% bonus elemental (fire, ice, lightning) damage for 10 seconds.

    4) Tank: increases shield cap by 10%/20%/30%/50% AND armor 10/20/30/50 BUT decreases power damage 15% and speed 0.4. Upon entering this form, release a radial knockback blast knocking down and away enemies within 15 meters. Blast deals no/very low damage to enemies nearby.


    I was also contemplating the idea of being able to use the 'upon entry' abilities as a form of active ability while you maintain that form. This would mean that Warrior and Tank would need energy costs reflecting their abilities which would possibly place Warrior as the number 4, since it's almost clearly the ultimate in this Warframe's terms, both in form and the suggested active ability for that form.

  16. holy hell guys wall-o-text much?

    We tried to build a sand castle, but figured a text castle with text walls was longer lasting. :)


    Discussion and debate of new ideas causes long walls of text, unfortunately, I find it in my nature to try and give significant detail to my posts so that my point is not missed. This gives rise to the walls you see, which sometimes serves to drive off trolls, something I'm thankful off.


    Would you perchance have anything else to add about the idea at hand aside from the length? Length and width are important you know! :P

    (I can't really cut it down more without losing some of what needs to be there. I could, perhaps, cut the DE sections but that kind of doesn't make sense since, let's face it, I'm hoping for DE to implement. I've added spoiler tags to cut the monstrosity into somewhat more manageable sections, and marked sections that are more DE important than player important to reduce the amount of reading involved.)

  17. *snip for space*


    As far as resource alerts go, considering they are not nearly as common as I imagined they would be, the amount given should be tripled or quadrupled.

    OR. Remove credit alerts from the list entirely and just add resources to all credit alerts. You'd have then two types of alerts, resource alerts and ? alerts. Sounds much more feasible to me.

    I like the difficulty boost idea by giving individual enemies more to their arsenal rather than the currently very unpopular armor scaling.

    That mostly covers it. The idea is excellent, and I believe DE should definitely check the most liked aspects, true difficulty, enemy scaling and resources are constant complaints, and you have good solutions to them.

    HE'S ALIVE!!!!!!!!!! >.>


    Thanks for the feedback and I do agree with several points you made on resources. Bosses feel like they may as well have been regular kills that were harder then normal because they don't drop a mound of gold at their feet per se, and it kind of kills the feel of slaying the mighty <boss name here> when you take them out only to find they dropped.... 1 mod. Better yet, it fell off the map so now they dropped..... nothing........


    As far as whether or not they serve the Lotus, I'm not positive, but she does seem something like a guide and or mentor to the newly awakened Tenno. The statement she makes (which I, again, believe to be in the tutorial) "It matters not, you are Tenno and I will train you" suggests at the minimum her relationship with you is quite close. I don't know what it is, but it does seem strong enough that the Tenno would not leave her for another without darn good reason, which is one of the reasons I had to suggest an adaptation to "LoveYourEnemy" 's design which had a defected/seperated Tenno group act as a second faction. I don't see this as something overly simple to implement given the close relationship the Tenno have to the Lotus.


    The faction territories are already basically pre-established, which is why I thought implementation of the idea is more simplistic if the regions in questionable control were not capital worlds. As it stands, I don't understand how a race can have a capital world and own no system directly adjacent to it, instead owning ones that are essentially a distance of 2 away from their home world. This kind of kills common sense unless there's some direct reason for that control to have fluctuated in that region. It's not that it would never happen, it's just that I find it very odd for a static map with controlled regions to exist in that method. The player driven system would somewhat explain these oddities as Tenno destabilizing the empires so that they others can hit their center of power, lessening the number of enemies leaving it.


    The player driven system could get a little too rambunctious, yes, however my initially proposed system allows the 'Lotus' to pick and choose our missions. Simply having it so that missions within a certain territory are all for helping one side could easily restore control to a certain faction, and a weekend event after the fact could 'pull the Lotus's attention away' from the system for long enough that a 'unassailable force' is now in that system and mercenary missions for that region are too dangerous to go on. A little while later declaring it a completely control region similar to a capital world would address any final concerns over 'dynamism' could have in addition to boosting their pool of weekend events, allowing those events to interact with us in Tenno Mercs would add additional depth to the experience, something I think I kind of missed mentioning in my original post.


    Hardened Point was meant to be a simple to institute design for DE, basically just requiring a new map and a few devices to be skinned in, along with a more dynamic objectives system allowing for players to choose their course. That's the reason it mimic's currently established game modes, and combines their objectives into, essentially, one epic mode. It's good to see readers caught that and understand why I did that. I do agree with the dynamism possibly getting a little crazy, but as I mentioned, the Lotus is a built in filter the DE can use to prevent it from going too far. I included the Lotus as a filter for that exact reason, 'dynamism' is difficult to contain, and even harder to balance, yet gives players constant enjoyment instead of 3-4 hours every so often when weekend events come up, so I still believe DE would be looking at something that would still be in their best interest to implement.


    I'll add some clarity edits to the edits below the main post to point out the purpose of the lotus in mission selection.

  18. Hey, I made a similar thread a few days ago. I too really love the idea of having another Faction. https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/91698-the-mercenary-faction-an-addon-to-add-story-and-immersion-and-content/?hl=mercenaries


    Interesting idea, and I believe it’s something that we could incorporate into what I’ve proposed to an extent, I have a few questions for you before I can suggest an incorporation of the ideas though. In the hopes of speed of incorporation, I've placed a few suggestions near the bottom that may be needed for implementation and union of our ideas.


    Story Missions which are coming soon would quite clearly be Lotus missions and likely would not have two sides depending upon who you’re with. Tenno Mercs does not change your allegiance with the Lotus, only has her essentially increase your clearance to accept Tenno Mercs missions. If your alligance was not with the Lotus, but rather with the ‘Head of the Mercenaries’, I think this would require at the minimum minor story rewrites as well as implementing a Lotus equivalent for the faction under your mercenaries. If you are no longer with the Lotus, then it wouldn’t make sense for her to still appear on your missions to tell you what’s what (thank god for that, she gets annoying quickly when your scouring for epic loots), and it would also mean she’d have to ‘contract’ you for the story missions.


    Essentially, if you were no longer aligned with the Lotus, the upcoming story missions (which I assume the first off would be very soon) then the plot itself may not make sense as the Lotus babbling on about what’s going on, in addition to possibly requiring additional work from DE to make the plot function with separate factions the player could belong to. This would likely slow content releases. For this reason, I would like to ask you if you were okay with your original concept being adapted somewhat.


    These adaptations would be for making it easier on the DE to implement new content and are as follows:


    -Instead of the ‘Head of the Mercenaries’ (title’s long so I’m short forming to the Head) being a separate faction from the Lotus, they would be a faction within the Lotus that would contact you to deliver higher tier content. Choosing between the Head and the Lotus would then still not change your end allegiance to the Lotus which prevents DE from having to sink more time into the plot line if they choose to implement either of our ideas. (Preferably the union of our two ideas as I believe it’s compatible.)

    -The choice between the two would have your proposed aesthetic changes (+armor or +regen as well), however, would also have a few other changes as well. The Lotus would aim to give you more intel based (Spy and Capture) missions which would lead you into the Tenno Mercs Exclusive content, where as The Head would aim to give you more Mobile Defense missions which drop you into the thick of it. Choice of the Head would then reflect a more mercenary nature which aims more towards the rough and tumble, getting down and dirty fighting aspect of the game causing you to get more missions based on killing enemies. Choice of the Lotus would mean that you’d have more leeway on fighting with missions you could basically just run full tilt through (Capture, Raid, Spy to a point if your cloak is good) which would mean you could play it more as a ghost or ninja, something of the like.


    Suggested but not really needed (if you don’t agree I’ll leave your original concept in when I edit it into suggested improvements with a comment about why I’m kind of on the fence about it)

    -Mastery testing, I think the choice of the Head would be too strongly influenced by not having some of the Lotus’s weird test designs. There’s already a mastery test system in place, and having people choose between doing something they already know (missions) or the Lotus’s pinky acrobatics course may cause people to choose the Head to avoid the Lotus mastery tests.



    Thanks for the up vote and mentioning the similarities (. I look forward to hearing your thoughts on my suggested union of the two ideas.Interesting idea, and I believe it’s something that we could incorporate into what I’ve proposed to an extent, I have a few questions for you before I can suggest an incorporation of the ideas though.


    Story Missions which are coming soon would quite clearly be Lotus missions and likely would not have two sides depending upon who you’re with. Tenno Mercs does not change your allegiance with the Lotus, only has her essentially increase your clearance to accept Tenno Mercs missions. If your alligance was not with the Lotus, but rather with the ‘Head of the Mercenaries’, I think this would require at the minimum minor story rewrites as well as implementing a Lotus equivalent for the faction under your mercenaries. If you are no longer with the Lotus, then it wouldn’t make sense for her to still appear on your missions to tell you what’s what (thank god for that, she gets annoying quickly when your scouring for epic loots), and it would also mean she’d have to ‘contract’ you for the story missions.


    Essentially, if you were no longer aligned with the Lotus, the upcoming story missions (which I assume the first off would be very soon) then the plot itself may not make sense as the Lotus babbling on about what’s going on, in addition to possibly requiring additional work from DE to make the plot function with separate factions the player could belong to. This would likely slow content releases. For this reason, I would like to ask you if you were okay with your original concept being adapted somewhat.


    These adaptations would be for making it easier on the DE to implement new content and are as follows:


    -Instead of the ‘Head of the Mercenaries’ (title’s long so I’m short forming to the Head) being a separate faction from the Lotus, they would be a faction within the Lotus that would contact you to deliver higher tier content. Choosing between the Head and the Lotus would then still not change your end allegiance to the Lotus which prevents DE from having to sink more time into the plot line if they choose to implement either of our ideas. (Preferably the union of our two ideas as I believe it’s compatible.)

    -The choice between the two would have your proposed aesthetic changes (+armor or +regen as well), however, would also have a few other changes as well. The Lotus would aim to give you more intel based (Spy and Capture) missions which would lead you into the Tenno Mercs Exclusive content, where as The Head would aim to give you more Mobile Defense missions which drop you into the thick of it. Choice of the Head would then reflect a more mercenary nature which aims more towards the rough and tumble, getting down and dirty fighting aspect of the game causing you to get more missions based on killing enemies. Choice of the Lotus would mean that you’d have more leeway on fighting with missions you could basically just run full tilt through (Capture, Raid, Spy to a point if your cloak is good) which would mean you could play it more as a ghost or ninja, something of the like.


    Suggested but not really needed (if you don’t agree I’ll leave your original concept in when I edit it into suggested improvements with a comment about why I’m kind of on the fence about it)


    -Mastery testing, I think the choice of the Head would be too strongly influenced by not having some of the Lotus’s weird test designs. There’s already a mastery test system in place, and having people choose between doing something they already know (missions) or the Lotus’s pinky acrobatics course may cause people to choose the Head to avoid the Lotus mastery tests.



    Thanks for the up vote and mentioning the... similarities (I think they are somewhat loosely related myself as your end allegiance does not really change in my initial concept to avoid DE having to write up several more storyboards for each mission, but the concepts could combine well). I look forward to hearing your thoughts on my suggested union of the two ideas. I'll avoid editing it in until you've approved of the merger and had a chance to respond.

  19. Now for Hardened Locations and Dreadnought Assauly at least I can see an AI implementation here. We already have turncoats in the game so why not have them help you disable the base's turrets or turn off the tunnel lasers (just in the nick of time) and eventually you get to meet up with the actual Grineer/Corpus/Infested?/Other (who doesn't want to see a Grineer turncoat actually say stay close to the walls cause 'lasers'?) Depending on how the mission goes perhaps the turncoat can help provide the Tenno with some information on a Hardened location, Destroy Prototype Enemy Units, or Dreadnought Assault.


    Not positive where 'Turncoats' came into the picture, but if you mean the mission givers, the idea wasn't turn coats but rather commanders who know getting the job done doesn't always mean relying on 'internal resources'. Sometimes 'outside assistance' is needed to get the job done. They would not be turncoats, but rather those that would bend the rules to better their empire. Sentiments the Lotus would then use to provide us with a new method of destroying them from inside their own system, but at the same time, they wouldn't be able to fight on equal terms with the enemy without resorting to the same level of underhandedness.


    I do like some of your suggestions though, namely the idea of an escort mission mixed into the ambush design. It would make things a lot more difficult, but it would mean improvements to 'Hostage AI' that are already SORELY needed. Even the ability to duck would be crucial to the diplomat surviving the initial meeting, something that, again, the 'Hostage AI' does not actually have. If they improvements can be made so that the diplomat would survive, this kind of set up would be sweet for adding extra difficulty and flavor to the mode. Brilliant idea that adds more to what was already a lot, and even better, makes it better.



    The spare team of AI Tenno Mercs would be difficult for implementation, so a variation of that could be used. A second team of real Tenno, of actual players. This game's closest thing to raid-like content is Towers and that's just not hard enough for the people that Tenno Mercs is aimed at. The Tower 3 Defense missions, the stories I've heard (I have yet to get a key for that) is more what it's aimed at, so 2 teams of up to 4 Tenno would be a great idea, and would only require expanding existing framework within the game to support more Tenno on a single map, as opposed to building an AI intelligent enough to avoid screwing the whole mission up while your on route to objectives. A second player team at up to 4 players would mean a player team of 3 could split into 2 and 1, or wait for assistance like the world map already does in Online mode. This set up would take up to 8 players and would mean re-writing a section of the code, however would still likely end up the better of the two options, as 4 people could still run it, and a bare minimum of 2 Tenno could run these mission modes, changing the game balance for 2-8 as opposed to 1-4. Of course, only the most elite of the Tenno Mercs would be able to handle that, but that doesn't mean 8 should find it easy.


    If balanced for 2 teams of up to 4, then the leader of each group of Tenno would enter in beside the 'Diplomat' for the end of it, the remaining number outside the room. Afterwards, the framework I previously outlined is basically still usable. Firefighting while someone attempts to open the locked doors (console hack) at which point it becomes a flat out firefight with the Diplomat trying to hide behind the rest of you while you make your way to extraction.


    Thanks for the feedback!



    Turncoats do exist in the Alerts missions. Forgot about them, so the idea with Turncoats would be valid! Still a little iffy on that though, since Tenno Mercs is basically supposed to be difficulty incarnate.


    Edit 2:

    A little outside of game debate on a few things spawned another idea running off of Turncoats and... platinum! I'll edit it into the main post now.

  20. Wow, this really needs more attention. I really, really, really love this idea. 

    Then tell your friends and tell your clan members cause this is only getting attention if we make it known bro. Including myself there's 4 people in my clan so I can't exactly start a large scale movement without your help.


    I did place several things in the text there asking for DE to make themselves known on this thread, hoping that would indirectly tell me if they had both A) read it as they say they do, and B) their initial reaction to the idea which I consider more important because of the fact it's not going to be a two day quick fix or something they were likely to have been working on previous. It'll take some time and dedication to add in new systems to a game that likely doesn't have the code sitting there waiting for the systems to be implemented.


    Yikes. Okay. Hold on. I'm gathering the courage to face this wall of text. Will edit as I go.

    First thought: From my understanding, Lotus and the Tenno have more of a Employer/Mercenary relationship already. The Tenno probably feel honor bound to the Lotus for releasing them, but one of the descriptions of the game before were Space ninja mercenaries, so.

    Anyways, reading on...

    I'm guessing you died horribly in the middle there Gregio. :P


    Looks like you didn't finish since there wasn't any more edits. I'll call an emergency eye doctor to you to deal with supreme text wall eyestrain!


    Let me know if you finish though, I'm always interested in the good and the bad when it comes to an idea I put up. I'm still monitoring some of my other ideas I put up. Cause I care what people have to say, even more so when it sounds like a good idea I missed when I was building it.


    (My monitored topics aside from this one are Archangel <Warframe Concept>, Augments <Weapon Category Concept>, and Merge-tech <Weapon Fusion Concept>. I let my 90% troll topic die cause I'd had my fun.)

  21. Missions with Corpus/Grinner?

    That would give a game big revolution,fun,a lot hours of playing..

    Should probably specify that what I was suggesting wasn't directly being buddies with them, it was having them function as 'employers' buying our services as 'mercs', and the entire game system would function on the idea of the Lotus sorting threw the requests and shipping us out on the ones THEY approve off, essentially meaning we still serve the Lotus. It's a revolution in a large number of ways and kind of indirectly deals with the easiness of nightmare mode, which isn't really harder, it's just like having a bad itch, it's annoying but it doesn't make your life harder.




    That's why this idea needs love bro. Tell anyone with an account to give that a read, if even half manage to get through the daunting wall of super text, then we may have enough upvotes to pretty much petition DE to get it into the game. My clan's too small to start a petition really, but I'm trying to get them on board. This idea is specifically to combat people like the OP in this topic getting bored too quickly as a result of content not difficult enough/meaningful enough to provide a reason to stick with the game. Korean grindfests are only interesting until you've killed everything comprehensively several times, and Warframe is dangerously close to that at the moment, as several of the key indicators of the Korean Grindfest are already present (if not all of them).


    That's the quick overview of the insanity I have unleashed upon the forums. Without your support, Tenno readers, which is as simple as clicking the upvote button, DE will likely overlook what has so far been viewed as a good idea (mostly going on the idea that no one has said they don't like it)  because it's going to take time to implement and allocation of project monkeys, which are in short supply from what was said previously. The more people that read and upvote it, the closer it is to getting their attention for implementation. Consider it like democrasy without campaign promises, no votes and it doesn't seem meaningful to them, a million votes and their wondering where the extra Tenno spawned in from not to mention how it's going to get into the game. Read it, make a suggestion, tell me what you liked, anything.

  22. Yikes. Okay. Hold on. I'm gathering the courage to face this wall of text. Will edit as I go.


    LOL, I know right? Just couldn't cut this beast down though.



    Edit : I think the Tenno were bound in a different method to the Lotus. She says to you "It matters not, you are Tenno and I will train you," which suggests the relationship is different. I believe she says that in the tutorial.
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