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Posts posted by Arunasoul

  1. @Arunasoul

    I haven't actually seen the stumble effect from Null Star...I rarely used that ability beyond the low levels because it doesn't ignore armor.

    Odd, pretty sure everything I've ever hit it with has taken 250 or more damage. I think the Wiki actually lists armor ignore on it. Either way, it's great to have up when infested start the juggle combos. Juggle combos OP, makes me feel like the supple young girl caught in the middle of the boy's locker room after they come back sweaty from a work out.



    Most of the time I have tried to use AMD I see it just randomly disappear without dealing any damage to anything.  So thats the reason I dont get much usage out of AMD.

    Beyond that, on most maps, by the time I've charged it up to a decent level most of the enemies are dead or nearly so making it a bit of a waste.  Only on defense missions do the mobs stick around long enough, and even then there's the disappearing glitch.

    Yup, there's glitches still, but that's why you host. Now, I know only one in 4 can host and such, but ONCE they fix it, it changes the world my friend. Trust me, I've turned more then a few bad situations with a well placed AMD, and that thing hits stupid damage pretty quick with a few snipetron shots. 2 hits and I was doing somewhere between 2 and 5 K I think, been a bit since I've used Snipertron and it together. If your a sniper or long range set up, using wormhole to get to a safe zone or something of the like, then bomb things in annoying spots with AMD, you'll find your kit works in wonderous new ways.


    It's just that the obsession is CQC at the moment, and that kind of takes away from AMD since you can't build it unless it flies free to the space winds for a time before crashing in with horrible prejudice upon poor unsuspecting souls stupid enough to think they should tickle you with space lasers. Far as I can tell though, AMD is a sniper's anti-blind spot tool and it FRIGGING KILLS ANYTHING if boosted on route to target. If I blow anything more into next week with the AMD there isn't going to be enough room for the rest of us when we get there so I've suspended myself from active Nova duty at the moment.

  2. Can we just turn this at Vauban for a minute? Someone was screaming about game breaking Novas so I figured I'd tell you all that Vauban can crash everyone in his party with Tesla.


    At least Nova lets you keep your completion rewards, and doesn't force your machine into a bluescreen of doom auto reset with lost data on your other applications. Vauban's really 'breaking' the game, Nova's just giving you a high speed button to reach defense waves with rewards you actually care about.

  3. @TunaMayo


    I've been both a Nova and played with a Nova.

    When you start getting to the higher waves she really drops off and besides M-Prime she cant do anything.

    And even then M-Prime is 100 energy for 200% damage. Sonar is a ton better than it in that regard.

    She's good at the lower waves. Higher levels...I would take a Saryn, Frost, Loki, Vauban or banshee depending on the mission over a Nova any day.

    My god... the Antimatter drop was not USED!? BLASPHEMY!


    Your gun is your power damage, so long as you have enough bullets to kill something, you can kill multiple somethings. Also, M-Prime mixed in doubles your fun. Know your frame and the weakspots aren't as bad. Yes, M-Prime doesn't wipe high end waves, but that's what your AntiDrop is for. It's called a Drop because it drops them. LEARN IT! LEARNNNNNNN IT!


    Seriously though, if someone wants to scream OP, let's talk Venom from the Saryn. 25 energy wave clearing, heavy pwning ability. M-Prime takes 100, Venom takes 25 and some bullets, even less if you shotgun from a distance hitting basically every inch of someone. Why rage at Nova when Saryn owns entire waves with 25 energy?


    Someone please clear my confusion on this before we rage any further at Nova, cause as far as I can see, it's entirely misplaced as Nova doesn't have armor ignore except on Void Star.

  4. Wow...3 forma will make *any* frame OP compared to most other things. So your calls of overpowered dont mean much.

    She has low health, low shields, low armor, no cc. She only has offensive abilities.

    That is the defination of glass cannon.

    CC = Void Star. Stumble FTW, but I know what your saying. Just don't forget there's a small bit in your kit.

  5. As far as the number 1 goes... yeah, it's kind of silly as a high level power use, but what frame doesn't have at least one ability drop off later. It does more damage to M-primed targets so it helps you get the explosions going. It also costs ONLY 25 energy so pushing it up too much would start pushing people into this frame more then it's ability's already have. Only change that might be good for the number 1 is the ability to release the charges on a second press of the 1 button at a target in your cross hairs at the time. That COULD throw it into a new category of ridiculous though, so I'm somewhat worried implementation would mean major nerfs.


    I like the idea of a antimatter drop that sucks in bullets, as it's somewhat difficult to get your team to hit it with the variable release speed right now (even more so when it stops in mid air at times. I love it when it does it cause I can pound it without missing, but I think it's a glitch which upsets me cause it'll stop happening if they fix it.)


    Just going to throw this down at the bottom to make it easier to see what I'm saying,

    +1 for SMALL suction effect on antimatter drop


    Void Stars with the ability to fire all remaining rounds at a target in your crosshairs. This would then allow you to recast the ability to make more. Implementation would likely mean a drop in Void Star's individual damage so that energy nuking a single target with everything you've got doesn't happen. A short CD effect perhaps. Either way, if this idea was implemented into the game flat out the way it is, then it would likely break balance due to the damage boost from M-Prime and the sudden damage nuke of 6 motes hitting the same person.

  6. It matters when it comes to the fact that those frames don't have high shields either. Getting smacked to the ground by mid-level enemies is stupid. On top of that, Toxic ancients deal damage directly to your health. It'd be nice to have a little more hope than high shields.

    Overheat, not fullproof and doesn't reduce damage that much in the first place. Volt's shield is a 1 sided ability and infested don't care about that shield. As for etc etc, there is nothing beyond those two -.-

    Overheat doesn't reduce damage that much in the first place? Max it and Focus it, stats I saw said 90% damage reduction. But, of course, that was stats from months ago (which likely haven't changed since there was no rework on her to my knowledge as of yet). So yeah, 90% damage reduction. Yup, totally doesn't reduce damage that much, you need like 1000% damage reduction to be effective. Even more so when your damage reduction APPLIES TO YOUR FRIGGING SHIELDS AND HEALTH, unlike armor, which is practically pointless anyhow.



    Now, sarcasm aside, I'm just going to assume that, like the vast majority of the community that 'dislikes'/'misunderstands' ember, you weren't aware that Focus and maxing the rank of Overheat changes things considerably and actually makes her a better end game tank then the Rhino after the rather ineffective changes to his Iron Skin. (1200 damage is crazy for lvls 1-30 missions, but boy does it ever go fast in a tower. I've heard focus boosts it to 1560, but 360 extra is just as much of a joke in T3.) Flat health overcoats pale in comparison to damage reduction when enemies start shooting nukes instead of bullets at lvl's 80-120 (haven't really seen higher yet, but I'd imagine it's just as crazy) so realistically speaking, Ember replaces a 150 armor warframe as main tank at a measly 10 armor. Frost still gets the title as king of the hill, but Ember is technically a DPS frame, so Overheat not only out preforms Iron Skin, it does damage too, meaning there is absolutely no reason to even TOUCH her armor value.


    Ember is the second best masochist, I mean tank, in game right now behind the Trinity. If the Dev's really think Rhino's supposed to be rated as a tank they've either been smoking some awesome stuff, or completely forgotten that a 'support' and a 'DPS' outperform his damage soaking ability. The only tank I've seen built right is the Frost so far, Rhino's changes made him Tanky DPS or a Brawler, if your looking for titles to give him.


    Now, Nyx. Chaos... why did you need armor again? Absorb... wait... wait... armor? I need that? Mind control... nope, still not needing it. Oh! Of course, usages of the only ability no one touches on that frame because the damage is silly, it's number 2! That's why it needs armor! No, just seriously no. Nyx needs no armor.


    Volt was already tanky for a DPS'er, as a result of his shields. Seriously... why give armor to someone that's a walking electrical storm when he's channeling that energy into his shields anyway? He's even got that 3 for boosting damage while blocking incoming damage. Why would he need armor? For the times he uses his 2 to get away?


    Trinity? Why? Link, Energy Vampire, use streamline, Continuity, and Focus. What have we here!? Something that DOES NOT FRIGGING DIE, and when I shoot it, I feel bad about myself. It's almost like it's killing me to hurt this Trinity! Clearly needs more armor so I don't feel bad when it LINKS ME.


    Banshee, okay, I kind of get where your going here. This Warframe is WAYYYY too squishy. It's only survivability tool is a knockdown blast which only works up close. It's great against infested, but FAILS MISERABLY against Corpus and Grineer. a slight boost would likely help her a great deal towards balance as, at the moment, her Sound Quake is weakened by armor, reducing her to using Sonar to kill Grineer. Duration is horribly short, but damage is crazy and Sonar seems to stack from a picture I saw where a single snipertron shot hit for over 12000. The thing is... she seems like an Opera singer to me. I haven't seen much in the way of armor on them, so I can kind of get where their going with the tiny armor value. The Warframe itself looks like it's MAYBE half a centimeter thick in some spots, so long as we're considering someone actually inside the warframe, and that just wouldn't make sense to block major damage. While I agree with raising it's armor to help it, other things should likely be done to balance it instead.


    In short, creating warframe categories like 'light, medium, and heavy' to balance warframe armor values so that their 'easier to understand' or 'make sense' don't 'make sense' when you consider the warframe's abilities. Armor values make more sense on a per frame basis then they do as a categorical idea at the moment, since we aren't building up our warframes with trinkets like 'Seadragon's amulet' or 'Ring of Farting+1'. There are no items in game to balance out later game statistics and it's probably better that way for now, as the closest thing we have are helmets, which are mostly cosmetic but can have seriously beneficial or harmful effects. For this reason, there's little to no point in creating a rigid categorical system for the armor value of warframes.

  7. Really no surprises in what most of these replies have said. So sorry if I like to take on challenges (preferably in co-op) and not let extremely overpowered Nova's impede that chance all the time. I'm so sorry the majority like to have an easy and casual game rather than actually up the depth and difficulty a bit, and I'm so sorry I didn't consider that any of you people who spam complaint threads with "stfu (insert OP item here) is this way and we like it don't tell DE cause they want everything balanced"  would be so damn offended, outraged, and rude about a post from someone who doesn't want everything to be casual casual run around and watch stuff happen. 


     So many of you replied with hate towards this, accusing him of being racist even in one post. ARE YOU REALLY THAT STUPID.  He clearly says playing with Nova is anti-fun for him and I don't blame him cause half of the Nova's i've played with now do the same S#&$ every time ( at least Saryn can be outran for kills)  You can't say he's racist because he wants to have a fun match. Again, you all have an OP frame that you don't want changed cause then it's not top of the line l33t, no longer giving the statement that you're going to be a more efficient player, and you label me and others as whiners, or kill hogs hunting down personal glory, so for that reason we should be "ignored".


    Idc if Nova is a nuker and a frame like Ash isn't supposed to kill as much. I'd like to not waste 100 energy to bladestorm a group but only see 2 go down and the rest are primed and exploded between the 1st and 2nd bladestorm kills. If it had been coordinated with me, I'd have simply used a shuriken to start the explosions, fine that's cool, it sounds worthy of a high five. The other situation which happens a lot ( I like to use my ultimate too did you ever consider that) feels downright inefficient for the waste of the energy and anti-climatic.


    As for all of you who say "this game isn't about kills, Nova is designed to be a 'nuker' ( who comes up with these terms damn it )" If there was an actual attraction to do something else in this game other than kill, then there wouldn't be so many damn Nova's, Saryn's, other "nuker" frames in all the random matches I've played, I can't remember the last time I've seen a Trinity or a Nyx, I really can't. If it isn't about kills, why so many potent killers. The phrase "it isn't all about kills" is becoming a counter-argument used just to help shush anyone that speaks out against this community's precious OP frames, sorry if we all don't like an easy game, or letting just 1 person do a whole group's worth of work. 


    I built my Ash to have resilience, a bit of speed, but also be an effective killer ( through the use of mods) based on several community discussions. Is it fair to trade my kills per minute in exchange for the resilience I have over frames like Nova? Yah I can understand that. I don't think it's fair, however, that no one I know, some even more hardcore players than me, can even come close to competing against a Nova that rush's and wormholes around blowing up everything. EVERYTHING. 


    Whatever, I guess I myself will just kick every Nova out of any game I host for now, call me what you want, I just like a challenge, not to be baby-sat. I still think Nova needs some tweaks before she's 100% team friendly. Flame away l33ts. 

    Simply cause I can't help myself..... "You Mad Bro?"



    That said though, honestly, I get that Nova's M-Prime is a tad much. Here's the thing, nerfing it isn't the answer. Player usage changes are. When your team starts getting overrun on Defense or pinned down in other modes, hit the button, everyone blows up, team's happy. Those who CHOOSE to spam the 4 are the source of your anger, as far as I can tell, so flaming the entirety of the Nova community based upon those who jumped on it cause of the damage potential seems a tad over the top as a reaction.


    I do admit I got a little crazy with the Nova in it's early days, but my clan's small (4 people right now) so I changed my usage of it to match a more player friendly set up cause I could hear the reactions on Skype. Every game has it's 'assassin class' who can wipe out the big bad boss instantly, or it's 'time mage' who just stops time, positions everyone so they fall on a dagger, then unfreezes it to laugh at them, but the key thing here isn't WHAT it's capable of, it's WHAT people are doing with it. Guns don't kill people, YOU do, the gun was a method to an end, and usage of it is on you.


    Hating on something because the people using it are A-holes is common. Raging out and blasting a community because the community drunk broke your car window is understandable. Those who can understand what happened is a result of a person's action, and not the company name on their name tag are much rarer.


    I do have to somewhat support that Reshasis didn't deserve being called racist due to personal dislike of the abuse of Nova's abilities. Personally, it seemed like some people jumped in to attack his personality as opposed addressing the actual issue brought up, which is that Nova's M-Prime is attracting people who abuse it as kill hoggers. This severely upsets those in the community who like to have kills to their name, as it becomes a form of 'why am I here' issue. Nova's potential is astronomical right now, which was expected out of the first ever player designed warframe, and with the implementation of Nightmare Mode, in addition to Tower Defense, we'll likely find out quite quickly that Nova's kit being so incredible wasn't a mistake, but the bar to which other warframes ARE BUFFED TO. They fully intend to make Nightmare Mode a Nightmare, and Nova's likely going to be the teddy bear we cling to for safety until other warframes are given their changes to bring them up to a more level playing field.


    That said, I recognize Nova's kit's a little over the top, but at least she doesn't clear entire maps with 25 (or less with streamline) energy like a certain *cough* Saryn *cough* Warframe can. Nova's less sustainable as a result and those who are don't abuse her powers but rather use them as needed will see themselves going farther in the long run. 100 energy usually drops so long as at least 10-15 enemies go down, but less than that won't sustain it. Not a problem for anything other then defense right now, and a Trinity changes that on the spot, but the point is she still has weaknesses if she's not spoon fed clusters of enemies like most of the AI do right now.

  8. At LEAST give Mag this kind of ability, if nobody else. I mean let's face it, Crush forces an enemy's armor in on itself with them inside, it should hurt MORE on armored targets, not less. Her CC with Crush is pretty limited given it doesn't affect anyone who enters after/while she's casting it, so they could at least do this much for her.

    That. I've been thinking that all along. Armor helps you resist magnetic forces? No, it's affected MORE by them because it's LIKELY made of metal. From what I understand of material properties, space armor could be partially ceramic in nature, which wouldn't really be affected by magnetic forces, but is unlikely to be completely ceramic because the whole thing would shatter from a significant force busting through it.


    For the time being I'd suggest multiple 'waves' of magnetic forces that crush enemies. The 'waves' could be taken from the mechanic already existent in the Banshee's 4, as it has waves. This would allow the affect to hit enemies that enter the radius after initial affect.


    Though, there is something that I must also question at the same time, since we're bringing strangely magnetic resistant likely metallic armor in as a reason the mag should, technically, be doing more damage to armored enemies. Why does the 4 even do much of anything to infested? I think the Technocyte plague was living metal or something of the like, in which case I could understand it, but as far as I can tell, they have very limited amounts of metal on/in them, so being able to not only lift, but crush them, makes me question how it's possible.


    Mag's magical rock lifting/throwing abilities could be pwning vast groups of infested, but I think a visual tweak would need to take place for that to make sense. It just... doesn't make sense to me. It's like saying gravity reverses itself because a child placed it's cup on the roof instead of the floor. The only thing that makes it look true is the fact the cup is on the roof, and even then, only if you disregard the child's hand holding it to the roof.

  9. As I said before, I don't have her, but just looking at her kit..


    1: Red Shells - that's all I think of whenever I see this ability.  Not the best, but for a 1, this is actually pretty decent.  The ability to recast to refresh the ball pool would be nice.

    2: AM Drop: I feel like the addition of this necessitates now more than ever a buff to Nyx's Absorb, but that ability needed help anyways.

    3: Teleport: fantastic movement ability.

    4: M-Prime: nuke of doom


    1 won't scale.  2 will scale.  3 is unaffected by scaling because it's movement.  4 won't scale well.  If 4 makes enemies take more damage, that will help it scale, but the explosive damage will not scale.  Making it lean further towards CC and away from damage might be nice.


    I can't say that I'm gung-ho for this idea, but I do like it and I believe it is worthy of consideration at least.

    First, quoting you cause it saves typing, not aiming at you there Volt.


    Now then, what I've seen here on this page suggests that everyone is missing an important power interaction on the Nova that should be mentioned VERY CLEARLY, because the double damage is already there, you're just missing it because your thinking of it as the squad doing it directly, not in terms of what Nova can do.


    This warframe became my favorite on the spot because the powers flow together exceedingly well together, and this is where I point it out clearly, M-Prime DOUBLES incoming ANTI-MATTER DAMAGE.


    Anti-Matter damage such as your number 2. This, as stated by Volt, WILL SCALE with your equipment. Therefore, your number 4 scales by way of power interaction with your number 2. Do it, fear it, repeat it, abuse it, laugh manically as your team goes on break until you run out of energy. I've reached 12 K with 2 snipetron shots on an antimatter drop, WITHOUT, the M-prime double damage. So, WITH the M-Prime, that's 24K without even trying. If anyone goes boom, which is practically inevitable when 24K hits one of the 'grunt' classification of enemies, then the rest are likely to follow after suffering not only the 24 K hit, but also the M-prime on death reaction damage.


    Therefore, there is little need to touch the Nova to 'balance' or 'nerf' it, as it already has a great deal of scaling and can be used, by players like myself who ABSOLUTELY FRIGGING LOVE power interactions, to extremely amazing effect. Also, the number 1 increases in damage against M-primed targets. Trust me, look into the interactions your 4 has that I've listed here and you'll quickly see there is little to no need to change a single thing about Nova because it's already scaling with Anti-matter Drop, and M-Prime can NOT become lack luster at higher waves when it's existance shifts from a wave wiper to a pre-wave wiper that sets the stage for your drop. So long as your weapons are not useless against your enemy, then neither is the Nova, especially not when you know about her power interactions.


    Learn to abuse the power held within your Warframe and you WILL dominate the enemy. I have played every Warframe, reset my account for my plat back, regained almost all of them again, raising up from rank 0 to rank 30, learning every tactic and trick I could for them. Nova's kit, her ON RELEASE kit, has the closest to unlimited potential, but all frames have their place. I could continue to say my piece on each, but this is about Nova. There's a fair deal of spanking I'd like to do with the community who doesn't understand our misfit punk rocker Ember, but I'm trying not to start wars at the moment. Suffice it to say that many who down play her potential are overlooking something not quite on par with M-Prime's double Anti-matter damage, but is quite significant to her kit as well.


    Short form for those that don't like text walls, and for those of you that want a quick summary.

    Nova number 2 scales on weapon damage, so as long as your weapon is effective, so is your number 2.

    Nova number 4 increases Anti-matter damage dealt to enemies primed to explode on death.

    Nova's Kit is all about interaction and understanding it. Abuse of your diversity as well as your interactions makes it a top tier Warframe.

    Nova's 2 combined with the primed effect from the 4 cause devastating damage which is effective possibly longer then your weapons are.



    Nova is the highest player skill requirement frame to draw it's full potential at the moment. Read your abilities, read the wiki, and most importantly, think about your interactions. Anyone can see a use for a single power, fewer can combine them effectively, and even fewer still master a Warframe like the Nova who's kit supply's insane potential.

  10. Noticed the same. One other thing to add, only my Nyx, who I happened to be on at the time it was implemented, is the only warframe who's clan emblem badge updated correctly. As in, only Nyx has the emblem showing as OUR clan emblem and not the lotus emblem place taker.


    Re-equipping the emblem on my frames didn't change things, and re-equiping my Nyx's emblem had it come back as our clan emblem. I honestly don't know what is going on, but it's pretty weird that 1 of several warframes is okay when the others are not. The only thing that stands out in my mind is that the Nyx was the frame I was logging into on the day when our clan emblem was implemented. 

  11. Please don't change Trinity too much. I love her as she is. And Well of Life is actually an amazing skill, it just requires high-level enemies.

    Wait... what? Where and when did enemy level remove the hard cap of 100 health restore? That's the issue with well of life... as far as I know restore isn't capped at 'enemy_level*(0.??_Health_Restore)'. Could you maybe... explain that Noogums? Cause at the moment I'm in agreement with Amistyrja at the following...




    and in english-ified japanese...



  12. Now then, what I'd like to see them do is focus on Trinity being more of a Commander's Warframe. At the moment it's the only Warframe with target marking abilities that reward your squad for hitting targets that you want dead. I'm fine with the slight annoyance of losing the chance to fill up my own energy if the squad actually focuses anything with a Well of Life or Vampire on it.


    That said, there's three things that might benefit the Trinity more then giving it offensive powers, since it wasn't originally envisioned as a offensive frame it's not likely they'd implement damage powers anyway.


    1, combine well of life and vampire. If you do that, you open up a skill slot for something else, possibly more useful, and the two that practically overlap in their overall application and usage would be one move that people wouldn't have as much of a problem with. Even better if it retains a 25 energy cost.


    2, Implement a shield restore on the existing well of life (unless option one is followed, in which case the combined trinity of restore would be far too OP to balance without making the cost too stupid to difficult to deal with) so that allies hitting the target are healed for both health and shields, increasing squad survivability ten thousand fold over the original design of Well of Life.


    3, Remove the ridiculously low cap on Well of life. 100 health? What am I healing? Level 0 Warframes? How do I keep my team alive if the thing getting pounded on cause they all need health dies and they have 110/700 health? It's not right for end tier content to have such a crazy low cap on Well of Life, since it means we have to use 100 energy instead of 25 to heal ANY member of our team, and not just 1 or 2 people who got chewed up from bad positioning or being crazy melee psychopathic whirlwinds of awesome. Let me heal my swords-people so I can show my love to my cute little psychopaths.



    Number 3 should be obvious for any who play Trinity a bunch (was my favorite warframe before I hit number 4 on Nova, now Trinity's my second favorite, mostly cause she can't quite match up to other Warframes right now since damage and utility is surpassing the need for heals) it's the other 2 that would require more attention. The first one is only really viable if number 3 is done at the same time, I don't think the spam-ability of 25 energy would quite break the balance with it's current 100 energy and health restore cap out, but with a three hundred health cap out and a 100 energy cap out at 25 energy to mark would make it much more balanced overall, not to mention a slot would be opened up for something new if they merge Vampire and Well.



    Also other than cast time, number 4 isn't that bad right now. I agree the animation is a tad long considering it's energy cost makes you a little cautious on it's use. The major use I have for it at the moment is a heal between defense waves or as things are getting crazy and I know people are going to start dropping like flies from a burrito fart. Invulnerability takes them past the initial pain of a massive wave in defense, and the heal gives them the ability to fight at their best for a bit before maybe another cast in about fifteen seconds if they got careless. It's an amazing ability and they could probably fix it up with a 10 to 25% decrease in cast time. I can't, however, say that giving full energy to everyone is fair under any circumstances, let alone on an ability that provides complete invulnerability for a duration, heals to full health and shields. That opens up the'Ult Cycling' exploit where 2 Trinity's would ult over and over while 2 other Warframes killed everything, invulnerable, spamming powers, perma healed, and the 2 Trinity's would only have issues if CC'ed endlessly. I know your heart was in the right place, but adding energy restore to the ult would break the game on the spot via 'Ult Cycling'. I don't like completely shooting down an idea, but that one can't happen. Sorry bro.

  13. Wrong section of the forums


    And I hate to say it, but Trinity isn't a "push 4 to save everyone's &#! instantly" frame. Have some foresight and common sense when using Blessing. She is a "push 3 to save your own &#! instantly" frame though.

    Was, no invulnerability frames and the delay on start up makes it less of an 'oh crap' button and more of a planned use skill now.

    MoyuTheMedic, on 19 Jul 2013 - 2:59 PM, said:snapback.png

    Blessing is so slow because of link they had to cram so much onto it since they are only 4 slots for skills if link was not there it would be faster ect.


    I already did make a skills slot a V it was my 2nd forma after making one of the useless D slots a -

    currently i have - aura 3 -s, 1 D, 1 V, 3 Skill

    and with link i don't even need that D I mostly use it for stam in the original game i could see using the Ds back when energy was one time pickup between the team and mods where random and we had skill trees but times have changed the game has changed trinity's skills don't match up with the game currently she is under the microscope now with ember they said so in the last livestream this is the time to talk about her or damn her to forever be just a tank this game does not need


    fast casting invincabilitys heals that are faster and potent a better 1st 3rd and 4th that are more about survivability for her AND the team that can be cast while moving or jumping

    maybe even a revision of her mesh like ember got so she no longer looks like a guy ember got a great transformation when they got rid of the original guy mesh instead of keeping the modified guy mesh

    The 3 is already good for allowing you to revive while invulnerable. The only other frame that's close is the Rhino and now that he's damage capped on Iron Skin, Trinity is your only reliable reviving frame. Everything else uses a CC mechanic that could be countered by either being outside the reach or inside your frost bubble. That said, I do agree that the 1, 3, and 4 are due for some revision. I would like to see the 1 and 2 transfer targets, as another poster mentioned. It's fairly upsetting at the moment to have to wait while the corpse of the guy I just set up is eating up my usage of my 1 or 2.

  14. Or rework the fireworks so you can shoot up your clan emblem. That would make them shiny, and more reason to spend plat on an upload!


    BTW, put the capes thing up there to sucker you in to read the thread and the ones who understood my point that clan emblem is bascially not visible would understand, then suggest something useful. That was half the reason, the other half is that the anti-cape coalition makes me giggle with their silly-ness when you mention capes. Draws them in to at least boost the number of views. Yes, I used what you despise to further my agenda in getting the clan emblems visible. FEAR STRATEGY! FOR IT HAS WORKED UPON YOU! MUHUHAHAHAHAHA!

  15. What is with this obsession with scarves?

    Is it some kind of pre-teen "ninja" obsession thing? Because the last time capes were brought up, people were saying "Capes are not ninja enough, we need scarves".

    Scarves are just capes that are better for garroting the user.

    Probably just a lot of people liked pink feather boa's. My dog eats those. Though in all seriousness it's likely Ninja Gaiden's influence.

  16. Maybe a travelers cape / cloak. But no superman style cape.

    Agreed, WAYYY too flashy, the thing is there's sooo many types but everyone jumps on the same image they have with superhero capes. Split capes and mantles are more elegant then the superman cape.


    I mean, we already have superpowers so why add a superman cape? I just want the split cape or mantle really. Mantle preferably, it'd be big enough to show the emblem but not silly enough to be confused with superheros. We've got enough of THOSE things forever ago.


    Kind of surprised no one's even bothered to mention the hologram cardboard box though. Figured at least one Metal Gear player would have come by at some point.

  17. DE agreed to this for a looooooooooooooooooooooooooooooong time.

    That is why Scarves are better than stupid capes.

    Wooly handknitten grandma scarves? OOOOOOHHHHH! EXCITEMENT!


    More seriously though, it would be nice to have something that gets the clan emblem large enough that other people could feasibly see it when you run around at ninja speed blowing things up. Current emblems are too small for that.

  18. A traveler's cloak is good too. Leather is a little old school which is why I said holo, but it all works. Either way, a clan emblem smaller than a warframe's bicep isn't going to be seen. Some form of larger emblem carrying cosmetic item would be better. Hek, i'd lean for a scarf, but I'm lacking in accessories to my war crimes against the grinneer. Therefore, anything that can actually be seen would be appreciated, such as a shoulder to back length 'mantle' that was a 'holo mantle' so we could actually see the emblem would be cool.




  19. A shoulder badge is fine for those who want their clan's emblem to never be seen due to epic smallness, but for those more interested in the world knowing the clan that just blew up the map, let's see a back planted holographic emblem!


    More importantly, I need a cape. Split capes for the shoulders, full capes to just cover the back... hekl, even a mantle or... heaven forbid... a traveler's cloak!


    You could even make the above entirely holographic, with stealth purposes even! Or for the flashier ones have it deploy the holograms AFTER we've been detected so we can annouce to those about to die that <insert clan name> is here to own you, and wipe the Grin off your Grinner.


    We could also use a 'stealth hologram... like a deploy-able cardboard box hologram that activates when you duck and are not yet detected, allowing some old school metal gear funnies!

  20. Odds are this is part of an initiative to add unique boss lore weapons that drop from each individual boss once the story catches up to them. Vor's a chump, less so now, but still a chump cause noobs have to be able to slap him, say 'Bad Vor, out of my way so I can actually play this game,' and carry on out of the system. Up until the systems start branching out and you can make a choice, you have to be noob friendly so he has to be a chump.


    That said, I agree it's easy to farm him, but a well equipped warframe can solo the Void atm, so it makes little difference. And I've I'm right about boss lore drops, they'll end up being similar to research weapons for players that aren't in a clan yet, which increases solo-ability of this game. They'd also likely be near the top of their respective categories, like the Seer is near the top of it's category, which makes them sought after as more then trophies on the wall.


    Drop rate is bad though, I think the Stalker drops more often then Vor does, and the encounter rate is a lot lower for the stalker.

  21. Hey man, it's got the BIGGEST clip in category! Don't go making the gun feel all small, it doesn't like that....



    On a more serious note, I've barely managed to fit my mods into the thing when it was at lvl 15 with a supercharge, and it was fine until about lvl 50 grinner, then started to go back to subpar. Good news was that it leveled up and I had more slots, so I put more in and it started to be okay against lvl 50's, but definitely didn't one shot like a Hek.


    I've cleared rooms with the Sobek before reloading with upwards of ten people in there though, let's see the 4 shot Hek do that! (Of course, the Hek with a minor reload speed upgrade reloads fast enough you don't really care, but the Sobek isn't exactly slow there either.)

  22. Or, instead of reverting it all, why not make the 'skins' tag for weapons at least, have the ability to raise mastery for something that alters the whole weapon, such as a 'prime skin'.


    The idea is simple, the system already exists, and the weapon, as well as all variants, could hold the same potato. Sharing it like the last noodle of pasta between two lovers.


    Potatos, forma'd slots and everything would then carry over 'smoothly' (not completely, considering prime versions have an additional polarized slot which, in some cases, is pointless and you kind of want to forma it out...), mastery would be unaffected as the variant could have it's own mod slots/leveling ability, and the majority of the complaints listed against moving prime weapons to skins are dealt with immediately without implementing new framework aside from a separate level system being placed on the 'weapon skins' which someone had a decent idea about changing the name to 'variants' so lore junkies are happy.


    Also disagreed with a post I read stating that primes should not be skins as they are the original. Therefore, lore would have to be re-written to accommodate the skins being made. The answer is no. A person changing their hair color does not defy lore that their hair was once a different color. Also, simply because a weapon was made a skin does not mean the lore changed, just the player's way of accessing that weapon. Lore would not be altered, the Boston Tea Party would still exist, America would still exist, and the planet you are standing on are not changed. It's the difference of a few buttons on a remote control, not going back in time and destroying everything leading up to that moment.


    That said, I understand why you would want it to remain separate. Mastery, for people who depend on their primes to be where they are today, and the lore stating it as a separate existence, would make lore junkie crowd go cross eyed unless they saw this as an implementation to make things easier on the players. My suggestion counters the majority of issues (if not all) and gives a simple guideline for implementation. Those of you who don't understand why skins would be better then having separate weapons, read the below, the rest, carry on with your day.




    Skana Prime, +5 damage and +10% swing speed.


    This simple idea gives 2 things. First, the base weapon will be what they buff or nerf, but your skin will always be better then the base weapon because of the modifiers it has. This reduces the temptation of the developers to nerf primes by simply increasing particular statistics from the base weapon, effectively reducing their ability to nerf a weapon in particular as it will draw more community outrage. The skin system's implementation would make them lower the base model to a correctly balanced level, then the boosts upon it for it's prime version would be better suited to end game content as opposed to what the weapons are originally made for which is early to later mid game content.


    Check the nerfs to the Braton Vandel if you really want to see why a weapon shouldn't exist on it's own separate existence and instead as a boosting skin. They've never nerfed a skin to my knowledge and will likely not do so as it would draw more fire then taking the snipertron from us did. After all, no skin should be OP if the base weapon is properly balanced, it should simply give a little extra power to those who spent the time to MAKE it available to themselves.

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