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  1. OK so the current system has the research progress bar that fills faster with more modifiers and that takes roughly 45 minutes to complete. What I am suggesting is a new system that allows you to run through with your saryn +3 incarnons and get all the rewards if you want, but it will still take you 45 minutes over a couple of runs. However, someone rolling atlas/stug (to use the established example) could achieve the exact same amount of rewards in a third of the time across a third of the amount of runs. This would allow people to blast through with their max investment gear, without punishing people for being off meta, having smaller arsenals or only using a handful of frames and weapons they like. In fact, if the system rewards you for a bigger arsenal, that's better for everyone, DE included. Then you take all the current modifiers like no operator, make them less severe and choose 2 or 3 to make global for EDA for the week.
  2. I think you are overall very correct. One thing I will say is that, while RNG is a type of challenge, I think most people find it to be a not very fun one. That's really what I'm getting at here. Obviously the idea is flawed because you're spot on, balancing everything would be a real task, I'm not sure how they'd do it. That's really why I've brought the suggestion to the forums, in the hopes that it might lead someone else to a better idea. Again, spot on, you're right. I just think that's kinda not fun, being punished for using stuff you like. So I'm just leaving a suggestion for how it could potentially be improved in a way that maintains fun, balance, difficulty and still incentivise people to invest more in the game to expand their arsenals I'm not even against RNG personally. I love roguelikes, so when I came back from a break between Excalibur umbra and Grendel PA, circuit immediately became one of my favourite game modes. I actively enjoy the thing I am advocating against because I think it would make a change the largest majority of the player base happy. I don't know for sure, it's all opinion, which is why this is just a suggestion post
  3. Please don't do that. I didn't say you hijacked the post, I said it had been hijacked. Specifically by the two people arguing about RNG in loadouts in EDA, when the point of the post was to attempt and curtail or even remove RNG from the game mode in a way that still feels good for players and DE. I read over your comment. While I agree that something needs to be done about RNG, I though the suggestion wasn't going to make the change we need to see. I personally think giving some arbitrary challenge for double progress doesn't stop the root issue, people exclusively using the same 5-10 weapons and warframes. Additionally, I don't see how restricting people from using them is any better. There has to be a middle ground between your two suggestions of "restrictions on the most used gear" and random challenges. A condition that makes the harpak stronger is cool and may incentivise people to use that gun if they randomly happen to have it invested, but people are still going to go revenant/felarx until an Atlas/stug run can net the same amount of rewards in fewer runs, in my opinion. Obviously the frames and weapons mentioned there could be lots of different things
  4. This idea is a pendulum shift too far in the opposite direction. RNG creates restricted loadouts, but your proposed solution is more restrictions The original point of this now hijacked topic is that the way to fix EDA, in my mind, isn't to restrict people from using good gear, but to incentivise using worse gear. Or you know, a wide ranging balance pass that attempts to close the gulf between really good and bad in this game Again, someone shouldn't be disallowed from using the weapons and frame they have spent countless hours investing in. But if that gear completely trivialises the new game mode, it shouldn't be as rewarding
  5. There's seems to be some general dislike around the way the current loadout system works. People either roll a frame like Revenant to ignore all the other modifiers, or wait a couple days until they get something that can allow them to ignore the actual challenge. I think no matter what you roll, it's not a fun time for a lot of players, even with good rolls. I've seen people saying to limit the pool to only weapons you own, but I actually think that makes the problem worse. I believe that the player base and DE objectively want the same thing, a fun new game mode that is also difficult. In my mind, that can be achieved by having your gear determine your progress rather than modifiers. If someone wants to run revenant with 3 incarnons, they should be allowed to. Just doing make it as rewarding. Make it give the same amount of research progress as 1 modifier does with the current system. If someone wants to roll through with the stug and atlas, they should be rewarded for doing so, not forced to. I don't have any great ideas of how you balance gear. How much progress should octavia give vs Titania? Who's to say. The riven disposition system is there for weapon scaling, but I think that's more of a jumping off point rather than a solution. I'm hoping that someone else piggybacks off of this idea and improves it. It seems to be the only way that allows players to use what they want and be happy while DE also gets a game mode that is fun, satisfying and isn't full of the same 5 weapons and frames we see in all the user statistics.
  6. Amongst the many people requesting a rework for Limbo, after picking him up today I was disappointed to see that he still cannot pick up items in the rift. I stopped playing around the release of Excalibur umbra, and was assuming after a long break, that this was one of those small things that might have been fixed but isn't widely reported. Unfortunately that's not the case, but I think it should be. I don't necessarily think his kit should be changed all that much. I like the jank. I like that his abilities aren't simple or straightforward to use. I'm not looking for him to become a new revenant. I just want to be able to play the game with him. And unfortunately, that's not really possible. With this type of game genre, not being able to pick up loot in an unobtrusive way makes playing him so miserable Apart from being functionally annoying, it's also quite visually disruptive. Half the fun of the game is designing a cool looking frame, but playing Limbo all I get to see is endo orbs, archgun ammo boxes and mods floating around roughly where my warframe should be. I know that Limbo's kit is old. I know that he doesn't exactly play the game the way every other frame does, and that makes it incredibly difficult to rework him. But being able to pick up loot is such a small change that would make such a huge difference. There's a subset of players like myself who enjoy older, jankier warframes that require more thought and effort to keep up with newer frames. And I think many of us would jump on the chance to play Limbo again if he could just pick up loot. Please consider this one very small change to Limbo. That alone would make such a huge difference to him
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