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Posts posted by StealthyCobra

  1. Any chance we can get better in-game dead zone options for all platform in the options ?

    Modern controllers are notorious for developing nasty dead zones. I've already had three PS5 controllers develop near unplayable dead zones , sadly it doesn't seem like you have enough options in-game to tone down dead zone sensitivy... Like currently on PS5 one of my two controllers keep zooming out on the star chart every time I want to click a planet, and there's not really anything  I can do about it... Opened my controllers numerous times, even ordered new stick component to try and fix this but I feel like many games still don't offer good dead zone tweaks to minimize this...


  2. Just can't bring myself to even play this anymore. It's just not fun. Feels like the devs hates us and he wants to punish us weekly or something. You can't just put five million negative things in a gamemode and expect ppl to enjoy it.

    First you force the player to choose between three frames they don't like. Swear the system is rigged to only pick frames you barely ever use and have very little formas. Choices don't even line up  with your weekly helminth infusions, which at least would make a semblance of sense. Then you get to pick trash tier mastery fodder weapons with no formas and catalysts, It's always the slowest, weakest, worse weapons in my entire arsenal. I'm lucky if I get one usable melee weapon out of this. Then you start looking at the debuffs and you usually have tons of B.S that make is impossible to even use the Frame you wanted to use (example, getting hurt every time you use abilities, having no energy, ability duration, no shield, being unable to heal, etc).... What's the point of making you pick a frame if you can't even use their abiltiies anyway due to all the debuffs. Usually end up having to clutch the entire mission with my least terrible melee weapons hoping it deals enough damage so I don't have to hit these enemies 600 times to take them out.

    Then you start to hover over the missions and it's filled with even more annoying debuffs and stuff to ensure the missions are as tedious as possible. So now you're playing frames you don't like using weapons you hate with all your core systems disabled while doing missions with tons of cheap, not fun debuffs like enemies that can only be killed by cryptic methods or that outright just kill you by standing next to you.

    Then you have to spend like 15 minutes setting up the corrrect frames/weapon/gear combo before even starting.... Wasting formas and catalysts on mr fodder trash you have no intention of using afterwards.

    Then there's the fact you have to do three missions in a row, no breaks, every time you die to some B.S an angel spawns AND there's always at least one mission that takes WAYYY too long (Alchemy where the stupid element holders don't spawn), and you have to waste like 45 minutes on this just to get a couple terrible Melee Arcanes you won't use and a couple more Archon Shards I don't really care about anymore.

    I mean , never had a problem with the duviri cave thing because you had more frame choices, overall more weapon variety, you can use "default" mod loadouts for weapons you don't have any formas on and even bad weapons eventually became decent enough with enough stacked decrees, plus when you have a decent enough operator you can rely on him.... And since Duviri experience was Drifter focused so the frame and weapon combos didn't matter all that much except for the worm boss anyway, and by that time you had enough decrees to do ok on it even with bad weapons, plus you could always grab the archgun if you really had terrible weapons.à

    They really should go back on the drawing board on this one . Either have random loadouts and no debuffs , or open loadouts and debuffs , not both at the same time. Would much rather this be a puzzle you have to solve each week like "Which of my frames/ weapon combo can circumvent the debuffs", which is not possible when all your choices are rigged. Can't even make guides with strategies to beat this , as everyone have their own loadouts and you can't necessarily replicate one person's success wtih different frames and weapon combos.

    See I can make a gamemode nobody wants to play too "Let's make them fight naked, with a toothpick, while their health constantly drains, lightning falls from the sky every two seconds, unkillable enemies spawn from the ground every five seconds if you don't clear the entire room before the timer expires,, powers are disabled for bulk of the mission and any death wipes the entire party"

    At the very least cycle the frame and weapons every day and maybe even the debuffs so you can check every day and wait for a day in the week where the randomiser isn't too bad....

    • Like 7
  3. Honesty don't quite understand why this hasn't been fixed already... Our old forum accounts are still in the system / haven't been purged yet  (EX:https://forums.warframe.com/profile/586462-ps4stealth-cobra/) , they only need to either give us an option in account management to select which one we want to use as our "Primary" forum account, just like they did with our Cross-Save accounts... Also would be pretty easy to combine the posts / reputation / Avatar / Join Date on linked accounts, plus allow us to post of all the linked platform's respective forums with the same account.

    I'm guessing this is considered low priority compared to fixing actual cross-save issues / IOS stuff, but still, it does affect pretty much every single console user that were active on the forums that did cross-save linking... Plus it would actually save them server space since right now they have to keep two users in the system.

    Heck i'm even wondering if I didn't get picked for the Soulframe Envoy Tests because my account was "Wiped" into a new thing...


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  4. Don't really want any more Liches personally. The whole loop is super tedious , from getting the right weapon progenitor, figuring out the combination and fighting the Lich, to having the right element and percentage (and fusing duplicates)  ,to getting the rare as hell ephemeras , to adding five stupid formas per weapon to get the mastery rank points... It's a small miracle I even bothered to grab all the existing ones and waste like 120 formas on these... I'm just not doing this stuff again.

    Doesn't help that Infested is one of the least interesting faction to make liches of, plus the Infested weapons look really terrible and the vast majority are somewhat sub-par and ordinary.

    Would rather get new incarnons tbh. At least you don't have to waste formas on these, you don't have to get them for mastery rank and it's overall way less tedious to get the ones you want.


  5. Not sure if you guys forgot to update Teshin's Cave's weapon roster , but I'm getting the Non-Prime version of Akarius in the cave even though I own the Prime.

    Even worse , I deleted the non-primed version, so now the cave constantly proposes to me to use Akarius since it's the only weapon in the game I do not own according to the cave... And i'm stuck with only the default loadout since I deleted it.

    Really don't feel like farming another Akarius BP and recrafting it just so it stops showing up in the cave, and I really wish I could use the new Prime weapon with it's formas, Arcanes and the like...


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  6. Don't get it either.

    DE : Make the Snowboard Frame.

    Also DE : Give her the only unmoddable Kdrivve, making her the worse at Kdrive.

    The fact that I actually use my regular Kdrive in Open World when using her says alot imho...

    • Like 1
  7. Kinda wish they just added all his current augments into his base abilities and created a new set of four augments that really improve the base abilities. Feels like you need Seeking Shuriken to band aid Shuriken into being great, you need Fatal Teleport for it to work reliably, Sharing Invisibility in a team game is cool but it shoudn't require an augment for it, and the bladestorm augment feels more like a passive than an actual augment...

    For the new augments , for example ,  his shurikens would be closer to the Stalker's Projectile Discharge with tons of homing , stripping bleed shurikens,  his teleport open multiple nearby enemies to finishers with the augment, his smoke shadow augment could have a lingering cloud or shadow trail that shield strip enemies that walk in it. then his bladestory augment would bring the ability closer to the older bladestorm or pre-nerf marked for death.

    Best part is it would not anger existing fans, as the frame they love would still be retained, but you would have options to change the behaviour of the older skills provided you're willing to mod for the new augments.

  8. Also , when you first meet daughter she speaks to you as if you already met her brother , then a short pause occurs and her actual quest dialogue actually plays... Said dialogue about meeting her brother should probably play only on 2nd visit after quest is done....

    And the Zarimann people's faces are covered in void stuff in the Rank 5 Dialogue, even though they say they are cured and they are cured afterwards in the hub...

  9. Would rather we got proper amp modding imho..

    That and finally delivering on the whole appear of Zaws / Kitguns / Amps : Them being modular.

    What's the point of making a complicated system where you mix and match parts and you have to guild them if you can't break them apart into components again to try new combinations ?

    • Like 1
  10. Yeah, so far I've been annoyed by the following.

    1 - Can only log into the PC account I created for cross save. My original PSN account is no longer accessible.

    2 - This means all my posts / reputation / profile icon have been reset.

    3 - Account is also marked as a new user, with a join date that's very recent.

    4 - Also noticed that in-game, when I check on my donations in my clan, it no longer says I did any donations...

    5 - Same with all my Leaderboard rankings... It's now all blank... Like all those old event scores I had, everything is gone. Might as well not have participated in any of these events...

    Really hoping you guys have a solution for this, at least import the player data from our main account into the newly created PC account if your intention is for it to be the new main account... Can't be that hard since the old data still seems to exist (ex: https://forums.warframe.com/profile/586462-ps4stealth-cobra/)

    • Like 6
  11. 17 hours ago, Hobie-wan said:

    Not true. They're just random. I keep getting them, but I don't need them because I have enough slots and plat for now, as well as a diminished "play money" budget. RNG is RNG and overall among the thousands of players, they're rare.

    You seem to be referring to the bonus plat on purchase discounts that are super common now . What i'm talking about are the flat 25%/50%/75% off a single item in the market, two very different things... Those things are super rare now compared to how they were before on consoles... Like you would 100% get them after taking a break from the game and coming back , for example... Now you don't , you get the new "Bonus plat" thing.

    Just to make it clear, what we had in the past before CrossPlatform was the following:

    • On PC, you had a flat 25/50/75% rebate on plat purchases from DE in the past. This was a pretty crasy deal for many newer players ,as they could , for example, buy a 4300 Plat bundle, usually selling for 207 Canadian Dollars , for only 51 Bucks... The 25% off discounts were pretty common, but the other two were quite rare, and honestly, it was a great bang for your buck and it contributed to plat being less valuable on PC than on consoles.
    • On Consoles, this was a little different, since DE was not able to do heavily discounted plat on console storefronts like Playstation Store or Xbox Store. As such , they would offer instead a 25%/50%/75% rebate on a single item in their in-game market. This had quite a few limitations, as you could not use it on items in bundles or on Tennogen items, but for example you could buy a Deluxe Skin worth 165 Plat for 41 Plat if you waited for a 75% deal... These rebates were quite frequent, especially for returning players. I've started numerous accounts over the years to play the start of the game and new player experience again, and every time I would log in after a break, every single one of these accounts was getting 50% and 25% off rebates...
    • As for plat discounts, on consoles, we had "Plat Sales" a couple of times a year , periods of time where you could buy some plat off the playstation or xbox store at a rebate , which was usually capped at like 33% or 66%. This kinda made up from the fact we did not get the super cool plat Discount PC had, as there was still ways for patient people to wait for a plat sale during summer or winter and get a good deal. You could wait for the summer or winter sales if you needed to get some plat.

    Now, things were changed due to cross-platform, and we now have the following.

    • It seems they have retired the flat 25/50/75% rebate on purchases that PC had, replacing it instead with a 25/50/75% bonus plat given on purchase. While on paper it might seem like it's similar, it's nowhere as advantageous, For example, , now , if you buy the 4300 Plat bundle, you'll be paying the full 207 Canadian Dollar Price, but you'll be getting 7525 Plat instead of 4300. Basically, you're paying four times as much to get less that twice as much plat, clearly a huge nerf in terms of bang for your buck. This promotes excessive spending and paying full price, versus the old system that promoted patience and getting a good deal, thus giving DE less overall money. This discount is now super frequent on both PC and Consoles. They really want you to spend more and more money on the game. In fact it has essentially replaced the login reward after an inactivity period. While in the past when I would 25/50/75% discount on a purchase on the market every time I logged back to an old account , now it's always a "Bonus Plat on Purchase" thing.. Simply put, they want you to buy plat.
    • Likewise, the old 25/50/75% off a single purchase on the market we had on console is now extremely rare, to the point where it's almost non-existent. In the past I would wish list deluxe skins and very frequently would get at least a 50% off discount like every month, now I think since the change I've gotten a single 25% off in like six months. They made it super rare. I have like five deluxe skins waiting in my wishlist for a discount that no longer seems to exist... At best you get a messily 25% off every like four months or something...

    This is especially frustrating for veterans that have ways to make platinum, as we don't really want or need to buy more plat... With the old system, we would very frequently get ways to save money on those big , expensive purchases like deluxe skins in the market, but now we instead get temptation to buy moar plat just to get even moar plat...

    Quite frankly i'm surprised not as many ppl are up in arms about this...

  12. De kinda murdered % off discounts , they hardly even exist anymore. Think I had like one in the last four months and it was like a 25%.

    In the past, you were almost guaranteed to get at least a 50% off after logging back after an extended break, nowadays , you pretty much always get "Bonus Platinum on purchase" as login rewards instead ... Which really sucks for any veterans that have steady ways to make plat and just want a discount to but stuff like the Deluxe skins every now and then.

    When they announced they were tying new things in preparation for cross play and cross save, I wasn't expecting them to murder the %off discount to the point they are so rare you can't get them reliably anymore...


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  13. Yeah, can't say i'm happy that:

    • Suddenly I can no longer log on the WF website or forums with my PS account.
    • My forum username is now stuck to being my PC account.
    • All my posts and past reputation is gone.
    • I'm stuck with the default glyph and "Just joined" text instad of an account which dated from 2014.
    • Had to create a bogus email just for Warframe since it refused to use my Playstation Email Account to create my new PC account because it was "Already in use by myself "... Well that's precisely the point... So now I have an empty email as my main Warframe Email... Hopefully I can safely change back the main to my main mail at the very least..
    • My old account and all of it's post is still visible, so none of that stuff is deleted (https://forums.warframe.com/profile/586462-ps4stealth-cobra/)
    • Had to pick a different name because somehow you can't have _ on PC and most lf all , it's apparently offensive to have StealthCobra because it has thC in it... Rip.
    • Can't trade with most people in-game since you need to opt in to be able to trade with one another.
    • Wasn't even able to link my PC account since I did the Switch port a few years back and that forever disqualifies you from any future cross merge , apparently....

    Been a rough day, but at least I didn't brick any account besides my forum history.

  14. 13 hours ago, (PSN)Stealth_Cobra said:

    Honestly, they should just disable merging an already cloned Switch account into any other account since it would be an easy exploit for ppl... Rest of the mergers should be allowed, even if at one point you duped your account to be able to play warframe on the go.

    You know what's sad, this is (PSN)Stealth_Cobra replying to myself, since apparently the stupid blank PC account becomes your default forum identity... Guess that's 1.4K posts and 2700 repuattion down the drain, plus looking like a noob that just joined when i'm a 2014 forum vet.

    Also, love how I had to create a new email just for this AND was not able to use my username because apparently you can't use underscores anymore and the System flags StealthCobra as offensive because it has THC in it... Wish was kidding...

    Al least my account isn't bricked so far.

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