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Posts posted by CCamp88

  1. A while back there was talks of learning/increasing combos by actually using them in combat.  I've always been waiting for it. I definitely think the whole stance/combos could use some loving. Not necessarily a complete overhaul, but some changes and additions for sure.  I definitely think a tree style upgrading system,  where you could individualize to your own liking would be nice. It would be nice to actually increase your melee abilties by using them more in mission, rather than just using endo to unlock it. It sorta like  everyone levels a stance more so for the mod points. It unlocking more combos is sorta just a bonus and it pretty much causes people to pay less attention, and overlook combos in generally. If there was more interaction with combos in general would be nice.

    When i first started, i kinda figured they were gonna have different mods that you would use to essentially make your own combo. For example, you have 8 (or however many, unlocking more as you level up) mod slots, then you could use different mods to make the order of moves performed in a combo. Having mods for different types of slashes, stabs, kicks/punches, spins, and so on. These mods would have base damage then synergize or give additional bonuses depending on the order you put them in. 

    Anyways, I like the concept

    Has my Tenno stamp of approval

  2. You would be surprised what a half ranked tainted shell can do. I use it on my kohm (along with other RoF mods to not only counter it but increase its rof in general) and one can easily use it like a rifle. Again just with about a half ranked tainted shell, and considering kohm has one of the higher spreads as it is.

    TLDR,   Half ranked Tainted Shell is plenty

    Dont let my comment full you.. i am always down for more implements, mods and weapons in the game :-)

  3. Another decent thing that could be used though if you want to improve his survivability is Health Conversion. Nice because it adds 450, 900 or 1350 armor based on its stacks. Good because it adds the set amount, rather than a percentage, making even frames with low base armor tankyish.   But yeah, i would replace narrowminded with constitution or primed (continuity). Especially so you could get some range back on your 4, which is one of the best CC's in the game, especially with a duration build

  4. Considering this is a fan extra  forum, im notta gonna trash you. Enough of people around here for that. I like the idea. But like anything can always use some tunning.
    I think being able to have a frame that could tunnel, or go under the ground and come up and erupt would be pretty cool. Thats sorta what i was hoping for when Atlas was first mentioned.

  5. Id say constution. or (primed) continuity in there somewhere. Power drift isnt bad then for eximus. Either that or Coaction Drift. If going with the Rage/Quick Thinking, then id deffinately level it up as well as the Primed Flow. Im pretty sure you just havent yet because of the mod points. Looks like a Vazarin Forma could be in the works ;-). 

    EDIT: then if you werent going for rage/quick thinking, id remove them, and probably wouldnt even run flow. Make some space then for extra strenght and duration. Then with the extra space pehaps Reflex Guard, or to really make people say "wtf" a Reflection 

    I have been playing volt a good bit lately myself. He can deffinately be baddd asss melee. 

  6. 14 minutes ago, Chipputer said:

    You go right ahead and introduce your MVP system. I'll just continue to bring my Zenistar, 250% w/ energy conversion Ember, and Radiation/Viral Tigris Prime and continue to get super high damage rankings by simply tossing a disc out every 46 seconds to cover an area that I'm not even fighting at. Guess I deserve more than the person running his Oberon and working his rear end off to keep allies healed, enemies radiated, and killing whenever he can.

    Here's the best part: The faster I kill the less I go down, meaning I'm up to revive because I'm killing things more efficiently than your frame. Top that off with the fact that you may not even get to kill anything in some missions because this setup would allow me to halt chokepoints, kill things through walls, and nuke down priority targets with a quick headshot.

    That sounds like a challenge :-P

  7. Check the codex.. particular any warframe spectre ;-)

    I thought the same as you until not too long ago. The change sorta slipped past everyone and wasnt noticed by many as i dont recall it being announced

  8. uh. no theres not. thats why you see more than one cache at times

    EDIT: Heres a pic of one I did. just 20 mins. As you can see, numerous caches were rewards for the 5,10, 15, 20 min reward rotations\


    Lotus even tells you at the 5, 10, 15, and 20 min marks.

    Heres the drop table.. All avaible at A,B, or C rotations


    1 RIFT SIGIL, RARE, 0.25%

    1 Stunning Speed, RARE, 0.25%

    1 Hammer Shot, RARE, 0.25%

    1 Blaze, RARE, 0.25%

    1 Buzz Kill, RARE, 0.25%

    1 Maim, RARE, 0.25%

    1 Fanged Fusillade, RARE, 0.25%

    1 Sweeping Serration, RARE, 0.25%

    10 80 ENDO, UNCOMMON, 3.16%

    5 80 ENDO, COMMON, 18.97%

    1 3000 CREDITS, COMMON, 18.97%

    1 4000 CREDITS, UNCOMMON, 3.16%

    1 4000 CREDITS, UNCOMMON, 3.16%




    2 Madurai Transmute Core, UNCOMMON, 3.16%

    2 Vazarin Transmute Core, UNCOMMON, 3.16%

    1 Naramon Transmute Core, UNCOMMON, 3.16%


    Anywho, hope this helps. 

  9. It can be a reward for each rotation. Just like any survival. Thus thats why you get different ammounts. Detonite Ampules can be gotten as drops in mission as well as a reward. Remember you are getting a reward every rotation, at 5, 10, and 15 mins, then the 20th. A and B (5,10, 15) can basically only be caches or the resources. 20 is the rotation that can net you the transmute mods, mods, rift sigi, or again, another resource. Anyways, that would explain your different amounts of them each time

  10. Pretty sure he means this as having a way to get limbo, mirage, etc if they get sold. Currently the only other way is to join a mission with someone who is doing it, or buy them using plat. They are supposed to be releasing a way to redo missions

  11. Ment to say guys, for those that think you arent getting rewards. Detonite ampules and mutagen samples are/can be a reward. Mutagen samples are not obtainble on that planet/node any way else. :-/ Saying this because ive seen several posts were people thought they hadnt been rewarded anything. Each time they had one of those two. 

  12. right!? i dont know why they changed it from alloy to ferrite. And it wasnt really mentioned. Frames had Alloy, save for Rhino's Iron skin being Ferrite.  Im guessing maybe because as alloy, the radiation damage was pretty insane. Like the one guy mentioned, detron crewman, could easily nuke a frame, and they (the detron crewman) is a pretty common enemy for lower level missions/frames/tenno. But even that was &#! backwards, as i see it. Rhino shoulda had the superior alloy with everyone else having the standard ferrite. Only other explination could have been they used alloy for everything because of how plentyful it was in the Void :-P. and now its Ferrite there :'-(

  13. afaik, proto shields are the same, they just have different resistances/weaknesses,  Which may equate to more considering the damage type units do. But far as base value, the same as regular. Still, would be neat, or if they made different frames have different ones perhaps. Same with their armor



    Think of it as a electronic slot machine every time you press the button you have the exact same odd if you pressed it 100 times. Unlike the the conventional slot machine which had gears which would count on when you would win and how much you'd get.

    Not true fyi, electronic slot machines are made to pay out so much, its a law. Atleast here in the US anyways, no less than like 94% payout. Genearlly your 1-2cent and nickel slots have the lowest payout, while 1,5,10,20$ ones have a higher 99% or so payout, thats so the overall profit made is somewhat the same. Youd need to take more if its  a few cents at a time vs a few dollars. Mechanical ones have no such garuntee as they truly are random.  Just so you know ;-)  

    As for the credits thing, it will show cache on the first mission results, once you get back to your liset it just shows thee reward i believe

  15. Purely luck, i guess technically by going longer you are increasing your chances at getting it for that mission :-P

    Anywho, just remember part of the Rift Sigil is wearing it with pride, considering how hard it can be to get. Especially we all know it looks like crape on most frames :-D

    Good luck getting it though, wish you the best

  16. Frames USED TO BE alloy. AFAIK They changed it a while back (thinking around when they changed alloy to ferrite in the void, coincidentally)  . Still not a bad idea though. Being able to change or something. Possibly a good implementation when they redo the whole damage 3.0 and elemental types!?.  Rhino's Iron Skin used to be the only ferrite

  17. A better reporting/reputation could be. A type of feedback could be given to players after game. Make it so that more than 1 person has to give the same thing though. To prevent trolls from just downing everyone.

    Meaning, if say someone does bad, not only do you have to report him as so, but so do 1 of the other 2 people, in order for it to count for their reputation score. I wouldnt make it like that for positive standing though, as alot of people wouldnt bother to even give someone a good rating, so a "1 vote" should count.

    Just my thoughts 

    EDIT: Forgot to add, you would be able to see a players rep, and could possible vote to remove them pre-game. Something like this wouldnt really require the Devs to do anything than design and implement it. I mean, they wouldnt have to set there and review and judge every negative person, just let the community decide who they want to play with. Would also prevent someone who could have gotten a bad score to redeem theirself

  18. For sure. Oh dont get me wrong, i hate farming somethings at times too. But that doesnt mean i want things given to me. If it takes a bit to get it, it means you should just wear it with that much more pride. If the thing was given out every mission you did, then what good would it be? Alot of the fashions out there are there to reward people who have earned them. Personally though, id be more worried getting my Stratos emblem upgrade than a rift sigil (provided i didnt have one that is).

    Good luck to you guys still trying. Despite what you may think, I DO hope you get it ;-)

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