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  1. It crashes and won't even really attempt to open. One time I tried it did say there was a ram error, but that doesn't really make sense if the switch can run it with the same amount of ram.
  2. right, and that’s always gonna be a factor with screens with non typical aspect ratios. but like, even then, id rather have a stretched 1080p than a stretched 480p, which any app should realistically be able to do. something I’m also starting to wonder about is some people with similar or weaker devices are actually getting really good performance and resolution, and some with even better devices are getting worse performance. it’s just kinda all over the place which is why I’m not sure what the issue really is
  3. thanks @jeopardy2808 , I’m glad someone can agree cause honestly I was a little worried I was the only one having this problem or something. the resolution does just feel very stretched, ill admit the framerate could partly be lowered by my older model of ipad but regardless I think the actual textures should be sharper and resolution should be higher. now that you mention it anti-aliasing (or the lack of it honestly) could definitely be part of the issue. let me know when you can send those screenshots. 🙏 p.s. I don’t even really know how to tag someone so yeah.. my bad if that doesn’t actually do anything
  4. as an added note I literally cant even open duviri
  5. thats kind of what i was thinking about, mine can at least run like genshin and star rail at the highest settings at probably the same fps as my pc too, so im sure it should be able to run warframe a bit better too no? warframe is pretty optimized
  6. yeah, ive had it on 100, 50, and 0 and completely off and it always felt kind of not good. it didnt really have much of an effect for me regardless
  7. admittedly the game feels a bit better than it did when i first posted but the text feels very small for the screen and still manages to look pretty fuzzy/low quality and the frame rate is really jittery doing even small simple things
  8. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1g6CRcndcndoNk5-IckUFPrC3EfcXx_7q/view?usp=sharing
  9. sorry I didn't know how to sr on an ipad, im gonna start now
  10. It'll take a bit but I'm down for that, gimme a lil while
  11. The one good thing I can really say about mobile right now is that the controller support feels great (with a ps4 controller at least) and the touch support is fairly usable while also being pretty unique. I'll be honest, I'm not even entirely sure how to describe the problem reliably. Framerate feels super low even at the lowest possible settings. The actual resolution, not even just the textures or something, looks like it's running at 480p max. Additional graphical effects don't really look all that great and I'm not sure if all of them even work. Every time an enemy appears it feels like the framerate gets even lower. I've seen videos of phone gameplay and the resolution does seem a bit better, which implies to me maybe it's a scaling issue on ipads? I'm not really sure. I know the game just came out but there's no way it'd be this bad when it looked great in the gameplay trailers and seemed to fare pretty well during the beta. I don't know what what the issue(s) here are but I just want some kind of answer honestly... I'm not looking to complain I was just really excited to play the game and it basically barely works for me Is the framerate capped at 30 or something? Is there a resolution scaling issue on ipad? Admittedly I'm playing on a 9th gen ipad, but I wouldn't say they're old by any means, and why would the game page say that it could run the game if it barely could? I'm sure it's supposed to be better than this or at least on par with switch I just want more information if the dev team could provide any
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