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Everything posted by NexusPrime333

  1. I built a dojo I'm a active mr 15 and I'm looking for good active players min mr 15 players who would like to help me room the dojo and can communicate follow and lead these positions I'm offering are as follows Recruiter Recruit new members not through chat but by playing and seeking out these are few my dojo is open to all players but active new and old Decorator A player who doesn't mind decorating a dojo around the theme of orokin and murmur asking permission before destroying any rooms Treasury A tenno in charge of trade and trade funds and tax Modulator Willing to help set a discord and modulat the chat not much different the chat I'm don't want to to say yes blindly pm tell why you want it and what makes you ideal for the position we can if I agree I would like to invite you to the dojo for a tour I also require that all leaders have a headset and mic I look forward to seeing in-game tenno
  2. I have a idea for true end game fashion frame I like to call erraframes. There some many prime warframe and the grind or money to get them is a real work if the helminth can sacrifice Warframe for abilities and the orokin made warframes, why can't we? I believe the cost to do so should be great. For instance only primes can be sacrifice and it takes multiple. Appearance, ability 1, 2 ,3 ,4 ,shields ,health ,passive; that's eight warframes sacrificed to make one. After it's completion it generates a quest random locations that act like steel path nightmares with negative effectives on the individual player while being timed to completion for all 4 erraframe sigils marks erra sigils are clan logo advertisement cosmetics like a banner following Excalibur umber cloth theme with the clan name in tenno print for example have all four erraframe sigils marks awards the ability to craft erraframe. Even more interesting is that this erraframe requires a dojo room and can only be crafted by that dojo members and each prime frame requires all the prime parts linked to each prime in total 16 prime parts to be donated not brought increasing the end game grind Leave or kicked from clan you lose the erraframe these erraframe advertise that dojo and the erra sigils can't be removed If you add a plexus and erraframe mods that follow the railjack mod fusion. erraframe can become a true endgame build that allow you to equiped the normal 8 mods and 3 erraframe mods and a erra utility mod I personally would like to see tua and with the the last quest this erraframes can help if the void, of it is even half as dangerous as de hints, make a nightmare steel path that require a erraframe and reward erramods erraframe forma and erraframe arcanes They can mr lock it. Interestingly if a player can equiped multiple cosmetics from all 8 sacrificed primes erraframes can make some interesting fashion erraframe Example Appearance revenant Ability 1 wukong prime celestial twin Ability 2 loki prime invisiblity Ability 3 nekros prime desecrate Ability 4 xaku prime the vast untime Passive Styanax prime Health Inaros prime 2215 Shields Hildryn prime 1380 Mission bp sword only Location sp kuva fortress tamu Time 20 minutes Nightmare vampire Conditions eximus stronghold Mission systems unarmed Location Jupiter amalthea Time 15 Nightmare eximus stronghold Conditions no detection all vualts Etc If you noticed the Warframe sacrificed to abilities you get it's ability for that slot 1 from ability 1 of the sacrificed prime Also I believe these erraframes should be melee only with a errazaw, a melee similar to zaw but with boosted stats that acts like the crew members training points, a certain amount of points can be given to stats to get the desired weapon stat appeal What do you think yea or nea comments are welcome as is complaints of you some ideas I would like to hear them the fashion frame and god builds is my favorite aspects of the game . I would also like to note that some abilities can contradict other abilities and once the erraframe is consigned and built to the that dojo it can't be undone or changed and only the warlord should able to start these projects because of this
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