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Everything posted by Moldynuggetprime

  1. Name : grimm (just a basic name) Stats: Health: 900-2000 (base) Armor: 1200 Shields: 150 Energy: 100 Passive: per every soul reaped with the first ability grants you stacks or souls which grant you increased strength and when at full stacks the 3rd ability also applies dmg vulnerability . Full stacks would be around 50 1st ability: reaper Basically you attract the souls from the enemies you kill which in turns heals you and allies and If already full can replenish shields but if full on shields it could provide overguard with augment (would be a bit much to grant overguard base ability kit) 2nd ability: self sacrifice You sacrifice your health to cash this ability which as long as you have health you grant a boost to you and the team that replenshes Energy and of toggled can also provide a damage boost. 3rd ability: cursed grounds Uses health to cast but this will apply a aura around you in a 30m range that will cause bone hands to raise from the ground grabbing the enemies locking them down in place but they can still shoot you. These hands slowly strip the armor 4th ability: harvest You pull out a scythe that has 8m range and allies the enemies weakness to every strike. Every kill from the scythe auto reaper for the passive. I pictured a friend more oriented around consuming hp for Energy instead of having a lavos or shield mommy. I really hope we do get a health frame that sacrifices hp for power which lead to the idea of grimm. He's not really powerful like some frames in the game that map clear but i feel like he'd be fun for a good support and a nice idea for a soul reaper. How i imagined him lookin would be slightly hovering off the ground and having a resembled look to the grim reaper. His signature weapon is a staff or magic wand. Its a primary and is held like a speargun. Fire rate: 5 Ammo: 100 with the battery function Reload: 1sec Crit: 15% Crit dmg: 2.1 Status: 30% Impact for base dmg Alt fire: the magic staff will be held in the air (reloading) and swap elements which are unmodifiable. So heat,toxin,ice,electric that can't be mixed like khora's pistol. The staff has a small aoe that apply the element from the alt fire. Please give your opinions on this as I'm really interested in other people opinions
  2. My opinion on jade is that she is an absolute masterpiece aside from some things i have issues with. Her kit is a perfect combo but her 1st seriously doesn't last long enough like her other abilities. As Pablo said it should be like wisp where uou can only have 3 out at a time which gave me the impression that these are permanent but you got to move them just to spread her curse. That could be a good augment for her and you are only allowed 1 out but range is doubled. Her 2nd is absolutely perfect and i love it alongside her 3rd and 4th. I barely use the 4th but its fun as hell. Evensong (her bow) is basically nataruk and cernos prime baby that is strong as hell but slow like the nataruk. Id say it needs a slight tweak to the draw speed or just use a speed mod but its ok. Centare (the endless darts) is perfect in every way and absolute resembles a weapon idea i had ages ago in the forums and i am not let down as these little things are as deadly as they are fun. Just run throw and watch the dmg fly. Harmony (the scythe) is absolutely amazing and with just a basic build can do endless dmg especially with the new arcane. The only issue i have is that jades 1st was a let down as it was pair along side wisp and gave the feel of being a perm aura but the dies faster than anything while not saying anything about duration in the description and the fact that the the jades ensemble perk is so painful to really use and honestly would be better off using just one weapon perk instead of trying to kill with all 3 to get the better perk simple because it takes to long to even use the perk due to the weapons not being strong enough in STEEL PATH to proc the perks successfully in quick time. Dont get me wrong all the weapons are powerful but killing with them are harder and require far more effort for a perk that isn't worth the trouble
  3. In all honesty i absolutely love the cantare. A ehile back i talked about a weapon idea i had that are almost identical to them. They make me happy with how they functions and do massive amounts of dmg. I throw them and whoever is in the way just get mutilated by them. The only thing i have issues with is the fact that very rarely they do no dmg on return due to the punch threw they posses. But I'm sure DE will fix that. Also i don't mind playing OP angel who is well ya know. I kinda like the idea that she is the one to show this is possible so like what if this leads to the ability to possibly breed them in thr future for hybrids. The only thing i dont like about jade is that her 1st doesn't last very long or isn't like wisp with a perm aura that you move and also jade surprisingly is both tanky but somehow squishy. Jade needs a major fix for ability durations on the first because the aura disappears so fast even after applying insane amounts of durability
  4. Jades secondary was in a post I made a while ago and watching the stream today I noticed something familiar about her secondary. I had an idea I called the boomerang kunai. Which was a kunai you threw and it returned when reloading dealing dmg on return. The only thing about then that wasn't added was the alt fire I thought for it but I don't care. My kunai are in the game with jade and I absolutely hope people like it. I don't know if DE saw my idea or they had the same idea but I'm absolutely excited to use them since I know these are the kunai that I thought up. I just hope everyone else enjoys them Added: if you look at my profile and see past posts you'll see a post with my weapon ideas. The kunai is #4.
  5. #4 made it into the game as jades secondary. I'm really happy
  6. Thats I nice alt for the book for swapping elements. I can see this being useful in many occasions in the game.
  7. It's not a me problem as I find a few ways to do dmg but still the current book is underwhelming and I often end up using weapons that do far higher dmg. I still love the book but would just like to see more of them as this opens up a lot of different idea for how they can work. Also a book about the size of a suit case floating infront of you whole you cast from it would be a pretty cool idea as this can also allow the book swing to be seen better by the players. I know most people don't care but still a good book able to buff/bless then entire team with the tomb buffs (strength, efficiency, duration, and whatever other ones you may have) would make the books looked at by more players as the book is mostly used then tossed aside as Mastery fodder. What I'm basically saying is that the fact that the current book Is electric and has low fire rate it Is tossed aside and deemed useless aside from the buffs. It's nothing but a tool for most. I think that a good fix would be the book being able to cycle through elements with the reload button would fix it or add a tad bit more fire rate. I found a build myself that takes a bit of effort to even use as it's so low on dmg you need abilities or you abuse the elements on it with secondary encumber. Shoot even making the book be the only weapon to use two secondary arcanes would be nice. Like secondary encumber and Cascadia flare. .
  8. Not really archgun and more of a primary book option but just as a more usable book that's more enjoyable as the one we currently have isn't very special aside from endless ammo but no output of dmg.
  9. I thought I'd have a few interesting ideas I've been thinking about the book weapon types and came up with three different book ideas. 1. The grand grimoir It's a primary weapon that is basically a massive floating book that follows infront of the player when used. As you fire from the book it faster than the original book due to the use of both hands and is based impact damage. The alt-fire is more of a buff to all allied players that procs a 10sec dmg aura that charges the tomb mod sharing this to the whole team in affinity range. 2. I don't have a name for this but it let's say four book combo A primary book that's four books that circle around the player as you shoot. 1 book for each element and can't be moved into hybrid elements such as viral (like the hystrix). It's slightly fast as you use both hands. Alt-fire all four books release energy into your hands as you fire a lazer of four elements at the enemies infront of you for 5secs. These four books are found separately and can be used as a secondary like the original book or you can collect all and combine them into this collection 3. Absolute knowledge A secondary book that has decent stats but since these book have endless ammo which makes the reload useless this book uses it to swap elements such as just base elements (hystryx inspired) alt-fire pulls enemies into a group allowing you to use the main shot to build up the tomb for the duration of the alt-fire mode. this would provide a more useful book that is capable of making the new area in the game more enticing for new players to play through the game. Also more books in the game aswell as some other weapons we don't possess since they are rather Seen as a bit much. 4. Not really a book but it's an interesting idea. Boomerang kunai A secondary weapon for the player to use. You posses 6 kunai 3 per hand. You throw them dealing slash and puncture with little impact. When reloading they fly back from the enemies you hit dealing a dmg tick from being pulled out as they return the player. Alt-fire you throw all at once and If they all hit the target you fir this at then they instantly release a slight burst of aoe elemental spread to nearby enemies. 5. Also not a book but still an interesting idea. I call it syphon It's a primary that resembles a minigun. Endless ammo but with a twist. Alt-fire swaps the fire mode to a syphon that drain the enemies armor/shield to replenish ammo for the main fire mode. The magazine is 300-500 in size. Alt fire strips 2% armor/shield from the enemy to replenish ammo and if no armor of shield to drain it shall drain health to replenish ammo. Dmg is slightly increased while filling up ammo but drops when full on ammo which them automatically swaps back to main fire mode. Can swap back to alt at any time if wanted to. While using this weapon the players movement is slowed by 20% to make up for the size and capability for the weapon.
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