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  1. I suppose that is in the vein of what I'm looking for. To be honest I searched other threads and those that mentioned a host kick option never went down well so I tried to propose something that avoided going that route since there seemed to be a distaste for it.
  2. I'd like to propose some sort of option or toggle-able party setting that regroups me with just my friends after a mission. (In other words the team I was with when I started queuing for public lobbies) Here is the scenario I've run into. A friend and myself will run a couple of relics, and normally the party members we were matched with leave after the mission is over leaving just us two in the party to decide what content to tackle next (Which is most appreciated). Sometimes they don't leave, and worst case scenario they try to force start a mission that we would rather not do at the time. At this point we must go through the process of disbanding the party and navigating the menu to re-invite. I'd really like to continue to play in public lobbies with other people because its only beneficial to do so, but I also feel its very tedious to reform the party every time interests collide. If something with my post is incorrect or I've posted in the wrong place, please let me know so I can correct it. I've played the game a bit, but this is my first forum post.
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