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  1. It's not semantics when some people criticism is the idea of actively fighting with a baby on board. If the only arguments being made were solely about the aesthetics then sure but some people's "issue" is the Jade we play as being pregnant, which she isn't.
  2. Personally I mainly care about the gameplay and I love Jade's kit, but beyond that both design/lore wise I think Jade is equally awesome. Although I do think the idea of playing as a "pregnant" frame is weird, for me it's more of a "Wow I didn't see that one coming" and less of an "Ew this frame is gross/traumatizing. Especially since by the time we're playing as "her" she's not actually pregnant. I also disagree that not advertising she was pregnant is the same "misleading" anyone in a negative sense by any means. Sure someone almost certainly would never guess a frame was pregnant, sans Reb's reaction to that question a while back, but the idea of a pregnant frame to begin with has some significant story implications for this update and you could tell something was "off" about Jade when literally all of her promo and "reveal" gameplay solely took place from behind instead of showcasing the entire frame like usual. It's not like they were clearly advertising her as a NOT pregnant frame, they just didn't spoil that aspect for story reasons. Jade's angelic aesthetic and her belly being a pretty clear parallel to the eye of an Ophanim, which is also what one of her abilities is named after, is imo an excellent way to tie the frame's design into the her lore and how she was infected at basically the worst possible time. Sure the "idea" of playing as a pregnant frame is strange but to be fair between the gameplay, lore, and design I think DE nailed it. This is also an excellent reason as to why people shouldn't blindly buy something before learning about it, especially something where all the advertisement was deliberately hiding any front/side view of the frame. Basing the desire to purchase the frame entirely on it's back half is silly, then again between Wisp and that new Ember skin there's certainly some people who would disagree, but I'd wager a decent chunk of the people hating on Jade's design would probably fall into that group. That being said, I think all frames having as many skins as possible for the maximum amount of people to enjoy is ideal, but I whole heartedly disagree with the idea that the reason Jade's design should be changed or an alternate "non-preg" skin should be provided is because her existing design is unappealing or was "misleading". Just like with Grendle or Hildryn, if you don't like the design, don't need play as the frame. It's far from DE's fault anyone bought a frame or skin that DE was specifically obscuring the entire other half of the frame prior to release and doing literally no further research. Also again, despite the appearances, the frame we actively play as literally isn't carrying and is not pregnant, the frame's body is just in the same "shape" it was at the time she was infected. TLDR; There's no aspect of you or anyone purchasing a pack and being disappointed about Jade's design that's DE's fault whatsoever, nor do I think that should be the driving reason behind a change in Jade's aesthetic. All that aside I'm truly sorry about what you and your fiancé went through and understand why you'd feel negatively about Jade's design. Even if I disagree it should be the reason Jade should be changed, do I hope a skin does come out will let you enjoy any and all frames you'd enjoy, whether it's more appealing Jade, a skinny Grendle, or a Wisp-y Hildryn, as the more fashion frame we get, the better.
  3. Damn, literally started building Xaku and was looking forward to trying Xata's Whisper/Incarnon interaction just to see them "fix" something that's been in the game for years. If it was a "bug" how the heck did it take 2 years to fix?
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