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Everything posted by CosinePrime

  1. Yeah, same here, stuck since Thursday actually haha. Submitted a support ticket on Friday too, and no response so far. I’d at least like to see a DE-official “known bug” warning so other people aren’t continuing to get stuck
  2. Ayyye same thing happened to me! I’m also trying to find a workaround for this :,) To clarify for anyone else reading: attempting to select any planet upon opening the Navigation menu at the first archon hunt results in the screen freezing. Clicking any nodes/zoom/etc does nothing but play the “whoosh” sound of the map zooming in/out. Since this is in the lockout section of the New War, I am (as I assume OP is too) unable to do anything aside from opening the game, walk to the Transference room, walk to Navigation, open the map, get the screen frozen, and force quit.
  3. I’m not sure if this is intended behaviour or not, but of the two amps I have, neither will auto-fire despite that option being turned on. This is a bit onerous for a mobile player, since a lot of sections that require amp usage are time-sensitive and generally (understandably) not calibrated to give the kind of leeway touch-control users might need. If this is indeed intended behaviour, I think it would be best to clearly state this before mobile players can invest in crafting their own amps, as this is information that might be quite important to consider when choosing the firing mode of one’s weapon. Another, related, problem I have encountered is the alt-fire mode: is it anywhere in the settings to make that button a toggle? Since its default position is in the left hand corner, where the movement is (which usually requires near constant input), it’s a bit contrary to expectation to have another button that requires frequent, time-sensitive input on the same hand, particularly considering how popular it is for people to primarily control mobile games with only their thumbs.
  4. The “hold crouch to jog” seems to be a bug in the tutorial tooltip; same thing happened to me during the Golden Maw section of War Within, but the actual jog function was fine (you jog the same way you do in the rest of the game, drag further on your invisible joystick). For me, the entire War Within’s tutorial tooltips were borked from top to bottom and constantly told me to press nonexistent buttons, so I was skeptical to start with haha
  5. On Hotfix#4 they implemented the temporary measure that you can do xoris explosions by: 1) turning off auto melee 2) equip xoris, press and hold melee attack button (bottom right) until aiming reticle turns blue (or until it automatically gets thrown) 3) release attack button 4) while xoris is in flight, press and hold left-hand AIM button (while praying to God the game doesn’t just decide to pull out your gun, idk what exactly triggers it) and with aim button held down, tap melee attack button Source: if I hear “I am your past; I am your future” one more time, I’m going to eat my own spinal chord. (if any devs are reading this, please consider this a polite suggestion to add a heavy attack button ASAP. This is an extremely awkward way to fire a weapon.)
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