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Posts posted by zThulsaDoomz

  1. 3 hours ago, Drachnyn said:

    They didnt fully correct the mistake. Frost and Mag heirlooms will stay locked. Dont forget that.

    Honestly it wasn't a mistake

    Those skins were advertised as limited time only and the people who purchased them did so under that assumption.  Personally I'd request a refund if they were to reverse the decision on those skins tbh

    • Like 4
  2. 3 minutes ago, Merkranire said:

    And then someone joins public to play some game and the game’s gone because people can’t be bothered figuring out this stuff that’s identifiable after a few rounds in a mission; it’s not exactly obvious but it’s also seriously not that hard to figure out if someone’s over or underbuilt for a fight, and if they’re overbuilt for a fight maybe that someone could stand to reconsider the stuff that they binned long ago (and in many cases it’s stuff they lament not using more, which in and of itself is a confusing bit of complaining when the option is right there). Shooting the breeze chatting is enjoyable for only so long, and we can either have people play alongside each other on their own terms with the option to bring excessive amounts of power to bear, or the game can force them to conform for the sake of actual multiplayer gameplay, and I don’t think anyone wants that.

    Here we go again......

  3. 14 minutes ago, _Eclips3_ said:

    Would love if DE just released Stalker mode any way and just said "deal with it" on behalf of the people like me who actually like the idea.

    This would be an extremely bad idea on DE's end, but the tears would be absolutely hilarious as a result ngl

    • Like 3
  4. 1 hour ago, Voltage said:

    FOMO creates an inflated value in what you're "missing", because it's not available often.

    If every Prime Accessory was available all the time, lots of players would not justify the price tag. The Prime Vault (which is now Prime Resurgence) has always been slow, and I'm honestly unsure why DE hasn't broken the mold of only rotating 2 Warframes at a time instead of a more frequent rotation. 

    Honestly that first line basically gives an explanation to the last line.

    It makes sense from the standpoint that it somewhat gives people a carrot to chase, or in WF's case, a reason to keep playing, even if infrequently.

  5. 8 hours ago, HeavyFarms said:

    Because we have toxic opinions like yours in the community, that don't benefit anyone, or anything. 

    It's funny how any time someone disagrees with anyone else, it's considered toxic.

    You can pout, get upset, and use whatever buzz words you want.  You have a plethora of options to mitigate ammo issues, with many in this very thread already suggested, but instead you want carry on with this entitled Karen attitude instead of accepting reality and moving forward. 

    I also love how even though your previous comments led towards an entire page here being moderated, you keep going right back at it.

    Go ahead, get the last word in, because that's all you really want anyway, I'm done with your nonsense. 

    • Like 2
  6. Honestly it would take a major overhaul for PvP to even be of slight interest to the larger playerbase tbh, and DE would have to be either bonkers or bored to tears to invest in it.

    While I'm not in the "get rid of PvP" crowd, as there those who enjoy it, I do believe the popularity is so low that a consideration should be made as to making the rewards available elsewhere. 

    • Like 2
  7. 18 hours ago, Schpoopells said:

    Why should somebody not be entitled to compensation when the thing they put effort into getting is suddenly not allowed to be useful for the purpose it was originally good for?

    Why should a game developer make something take hours of time (or just actual, significant amounts of money) to acquire if they will just arbitrarily make it worse whenever they feel like it?

    Why did i even bother waiting 12 hours for my regular hek to build 7 years ago if they were going to nerf the damage falloff so badly that it only does something if i use it as a rectal thermometer?

    Ain't no way you're trying to justify this reasoning with a 12 hour crafting period from 7 years ago.

    I'm beginning to wonder if this is either your first online game or if you've been living under a rock for the past 15 years.  It's called a NERF.  Get over it.  Warframe's community once again proves to be It's own worst enemy.

    This is why I can't take you guys seriously.  The fact that you guys are asking for compensation for a balancing decision in a video game is comedy gold ngl.


    • Like 6
  8. 2 hours ago, (PSN)MYKK678 said:

    Again, more assumptions.

    Why would our gear/guns smell any different than the guns the grineer or corpus carry? If we don't have a scent, we're not leaving one on a gun.

    Also who says the Warframes don't get washed? Where are they when you're not using them?

    I naturally assume Voruna is in a kennel 

  9. At this point they honestly should look into reworking a decent chunk of the casts passives.  

    I'm not saying they all should be great, just not completely useless or counterproductive to a frame's kit

    • Like 3
  10. 7 hours ago, stormy505 said:

    A lot of games give compensation for nerfs when players invest time or money into the item nerfed. Most gacha games come to mind. And considering the time commitment for getting max element lich weapon... Yeah a lot of people will feel jaded having all their work be for nothing. I felt it when they nuked the archon one shot setups. I'm pretty likely to never touch the kuva hek again, or honestly farming new lich weapons in general feels really unappealing cause it feels like they're more targeted than others for some reason.

    A lot of other games also do not give compensation for nerfs.

    And while we're on the topic, why do you feel you need compensation for a balance change?  Do you comprehend how nonsensical and entitled that comes off as? 

    Those gacha games you refer to are also predatory as hell with their MTX.  I can literally count on one hand when WF even had a sniff of how greedy those games are.  

    This generation of society is something else.  

    • Like 5
  11. 1 hour ago, TotalEnigma85 said:


    people spend time and resources to use it well and then got robbed with nerf

    "aoe clearing rooms ruins game" it is called having higher IQ , besides there is nothing stopping you to play slower  ,solo mode or with other players ( LF - no aoe weapons mission runs farming)

    there are other weapons that do the same thing yet still can be used fine

    buff other bad weapons to give players REASON to use them 

    "Robbed with a nerf" is one helluva reach ngl

    And your argument about "higher I.Q" is also baffling.  They're literally weapons designed to be played with your brain turned off.  

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