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Posts posted by UlyssesTheDM

  1. On 2024-05-04 at 8:13 AM, WindShadow970 said:

    You look forward to culling millions of units for fun without question and the name of a mod is what bothers you.

    Ah, yes, because it's a game. The Mark of the Beast is not something to be trifled with. I don't want anything to do with it.

    As the original post reads, this is a request not a demand from some child who says the Christian/Catholic god is their everything while sleeping and drinking with whoever they can. I can do well enough without the mod, but I want to use it, just not when it carries that name.

    I really like the book of Revelation. It fascinated me and I do think that one day we will see those things come to pass. I want nothing to do with those things and that is just my religious belief. If your goal is to silence me or shut me up, that says more about you having a serious issue with how you view the religion these ideals stem from and very little about me.

    On 2024-05-04 at 8:41 AM, johnno23 said:

    Thou Shalt not Kill...........oops loaded the wrong game again.

    Shall I kill you rhetorically, or are you done making fun of something you don't understand?


    On 2024-05-04 at 7:36 AM, ok1n4w said:

    Just drop by the confessional and say some hail mary's. What's the worst that can happen

    I'm not Catholic, how dare you assume my religion. 🤡

  2. On 2024-04-07 at 7:36 PM, Azamagon said:

    Passive - Keep the wallcling bonus if you wish. But I'd also give him +50% weapon damage versus enemies he attacks in their back.

    OOOOH, I like the backstab damage idea! 💡 As long as the backstab damage is always on, and not just when hitting enemies from behind when in wallcling. Think like Bandit from Risk of Rain 2, but less extreme because Bandit always crits when hitting enemies from behind. I think the +50% weapon damage is enough to give Loki some sauce. It would be nice if it is universal faction damage on weapons to give us more DoT on weapon attacks from behind enemies.


    On 2024-04-07 at 7:36 PM, Azamagon said:

    Decoy - Let him recast to remove it early (on holdcast, at least). On Decoy death/removal, make it blind nearby enemies briefly, opening them up to finishers.

    Radial Blind on Decoy Death??? Heck yeah! 💯 Let him cook!!!!


    On 2024-04-07 at 7:36 PM, Azamagon said:

    Switch Teleport - Make it also pull in enemies around a swapped enemy or Decoy (but not allies) at the end location. Preferably in a non-ragdoll fashion. Holdcast to swap with Decoy automatically, if within range.

    A neat idea indeed, as long as it isn't a ragdoll pull.


    On 2024-04-07 at 7:36 PM, Azamagon said:

    Radial Disarm - On top of the disarm, also make it apply a duration-based debuff on all enemies in the radius (even affecting non-disarmable enemies), which does 2 things: 1) enemies suffer X% of their damage dealt back at themselves, converted to True damage-type, and 2) make them "silenced", ie unable to cast abilities.

    I like the idea of Loki looming over enemies and asking, "Why are you hitting yourself?" 😂


    On 2024-04-07 at 7:36 PM, Azamagon said:

    The "backstab" passive also kinda ties the whole kit together - because other than crowd control for safety and shenanigans, WHY would you like to control them, or change your/their positioning? Well, this passive adds an answer to that: To potentially kill them faster (and the self-damage added to disarm directly helps with that too), which is more helpful in modern Warframe.

    Agreed, this really pulls the kit together. It also gives Loki a reason to stay invisible as much as possible so he can get that sweet sweet backstab damage! Very fitting, and I love this!

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  3. On 2024-04-05 at 9:38 AM, SneakyErvin said:

    They could add something so Loki can steal up to say 20k out of those 50% or something, or a lower cap that scales with strength.

    Yeah! A hard cap on it is probably a good idea so we aren't only working with a percentage. 😅 I'd say 20k for overguard and maybe 5k for armor.

    Loki + Rhino would probably make Rhino even tankier.


    Thinking about it further, Loki probably won't need his invis duration extended too much with him having the Switch Teleport ability to get him armor and overguard.

  4. On 2024-04-05 at 9:48 AM, Rathalio said:

    Bandaids" that's an opinion I don't agree with in general. It's normal for me that augments are here to as a trade off for a mod slot to give you more functionality. And if it's enough to make the Warframe good in the meta, I don't see the issue.

    I did say that augments are sometimes used as bandaids. I think some augments are powerful enough to warrant a mod slot, and others should just be built into the base ability. An augment should be a highly beneficial trade-off in certain builds. To clarify further, I do not think that all augments should be built into their respective abilities, but some of them definitely should.

    On 2024-04-05 at 9:48 AM, Rathalio said:

    You have to aim glide with Wisp

    As a Wisp main, I am telling you, you just have to jump. Aim gliding isn't necessary. Wisp's invis does not need buffed or changed, because it is a passive, not a core ability. It doesn't cost her energy, it just happens.

    On 2024-04-05 at 9:48 AM, Rathalio said:

    Ivara invisibility comes with huge restrictions. Not being able to sprint (if not on a cable) and bullet jumping is very high on the list of restrictions in warframe.

    These are good points on Ivara. I still think it would be appropriate to give Loki and Ash a small buff from their invis abilities that isn't just a stealth multiplier though. I would like to hear some ideas from you on what can be added to Loki's and Ash's invis ability to buff them while invis.

    18 hours ago, sXeth said:

    To be fair, he was directly responding to a statement by the head gameplay designer that it was impossible to update Loki without making another armour stripping DPS. Like that’s a serious statement that does not bode well for the. future design of frames or variance of challenges ingame (and Pablo’s tweeted the same thing about Limbo too. And literally did so with Hydroid )

    And sure they updated Decoy simultaneously, and give it a DPS boosting augment literally called “Damage” Decoy. (And randomized status is only logically presented as fodder for Condition Overload.) That really leans into the points made more then anything. In a vacuum it’s just an augment that adds new different utility,  but in context it’s a pattern.

    Loki is better then most people think (although Titania can get the same utility of his 1+4 with just her 3, and it’s invulnerable), but that’s an aside to a concerning statement in reductive design from the #2 person in charge of the game.

    I have very little to add here to this, and you are absolutely correct. We don't need Loki to be a DPS Warframe, but a utility/support Warframe. He should still be decent solo, being able to do some targeted armor stripping/stealing with Switch Teleport, as well as using Decoy to distract enemies from objectives. And of course, invisibility is pretty awesome, albeit a little bit redundant with the Decoy buffs.

  5. 18 hours ago, [DE]Momaw said:

    Vex Armor can charge its damage buff by getting ranged kills and its armor buff by getting melee or ability kills. This is in addition to the existing functionality. This allows Vex Armor to work while having Overguard and also in general provides a nice interaction where you can get the buff faster from playing well and not just from tanking hits.


    I know I'm overreacting a little bit, but this will be huge for Chroma and a really nice QOL change for him. On-kill Vex Armor will be nice to have in addition to the normal on-damaged Vex Armor. Now we don't necessarily have to run something like Combat Discipline to get that part of his kit to work well for us. Thank you for this! 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻


    18 hours ago, Voltage said:

    Why not just remove Line of Sight from Tragedy?


    18 hours ago, Halo said:



    18 hours ago, FierceDeityLinkMask said:

    Remove LOS DE. Stop BS'ing. 


    18 hours ago, KhayziGG said:

    Please just remove the LOS and nerf the range itself

    And now for the main negative, the LOS checks on Dante and a good chunk of Warframes are hot gar-bajé 🗑️🔥 and you even have people who purchased him coming back and opening tickets for refunds. The smart thing to do would be to drop the LOS check and just nerf the range a bit, and I think Dante will be fine based on feedback I have already seen here and in streams/videos.👍🏻 Fixing LOS checks on other Warframes is the long term solution, but I foresee that taking more than just a hotfix maybe. Just keep in mind that it could take time away from other current projects for both Warframe and Soulframe.

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  6. On 2024-03-31 at 10:13 AM, SneakyErvin said:

    Decoy doesnt really need anything since the augment got added this patch.

    Augment = Bandaid

    On 2024-03-31 at 10:13 AM, SneakyErvin said:

    Radial Disarm could just get an eximus/ancient aura nullification similar to silence. That would give it some use versus infested aswell.

    I think it already does this to ranged eximus abilities like the electric eximus.

    On 2024-03-31 at 11:26 AM, Tiltskillet said:

    Now that's a failure of imagination! :P

    No...no you are right, DE could also neuter Loki completely like they just did with Dante. Oof.

  7. On 2024-03-30 at 8:39 PM, Raarsi said:

    I get what Triburos was saying about it in basically having him offer something more beneficial to any party, but he seemed to be spitballing a little too hard on the defensive side of support in order to circumvent Pablo's argument about turning him into a DPS frame.

    If I were to suggest anything for Loki...

    • Decoy could have what Triburos suggested for it which was having it explode after its duration, dealing a damage multiplier based on how much damage it took.  This would require the summoned decoy having either far more health than what it currently does so that it doesn't fall over when a level 30 grineer sneezes on it or give it invincibility at the expense of a shorter duration.
    • Switch Teleport could also do what Triburos suggested of stealing buffs, overguard and whatever else the enemy may have.  I do agree though that the idea of having those buffs be spread to nearby allies is pretty farfetched for him thematically, but I wouldn't be opposed to seeing an augment offer that for players who would want that particular playstyle.
    • Radial Disarm could also come with a debuff on enemies hit by the wave that increases damage taken by 50% or so.  I'd also push for it being able to remove nullifier bubbles too, but I wouldn't be opposed to seeing that part come in augment form either.
    • Loki's passive could be changed to something more like a failsafe, where whenever he falls below a certain health threshold, he automatically goes invisible and teleports backward a short distance while leaving a decoy behind.  Otherwise and above all else, he really does need his passive to be changed to literally anything else.

    Ultimately and I think the major thing to be stressed from Triburos is that the worst thing DE could do with Loki is nothing.

    Awesome input, and these are solid tweaks to Loki's abilities. Gotta really agree with that final point from Trib too.

    • Like 1
  8. On 2024-03-30 at 12:10 PM, SneakyErvin said:

    And the disarm popping bubbles? No just no, we dont need another mindless map covering remove everything skill.

    It doesn't remove everything though? It doesn't deal damage, it doesn't remove any enemies. I don't see anyone complaining about Saryn, Mag, Ember, or Kullervo with their ability to wipe maps.

    On 2024-03-30 at 12:10 PM, SneakyErvin said:

    Also, stealing armor and overguard... I could see it as a thing for Loki but not something to give others, since sharing and caring isnt exactly Loki's path to glory. Unless you consider handing Höder a mistletoe coated arrow to shoot Balder with, or helping Surt burn all 9 worlds by becoming the helmsman of Naglfar. But anyways, the armor and OG would need to be a small fraction of the enemy value, since it wouldnt be interesting if he steals all several thousands of OG and thousands of armor.

    All good points here. I agree with you on this. Maybe at base he can steal like 50% of those values, even from Eximus.

    On 2024-03-30 at 12:10 PM, SneakyErvin said:

    I honestly can only name a single frame that could use help and that is Limbo due to how things interact with him, and he only has CC.

    Yeahhhhh.....poor Limbo. Most of the time people who play Limbo have to walk on eggshells with their team as well lest DPS mains (which is probably the whole team due to the DPS meta) get POed at them.

    On 2024-03-30 at 12:10 PM, SneakyErvin said:

    But there is no practical way to actually improve CC, since it is already strong as hell.

    Ummmmm....let CC affect Eximus for a short period of time like the Sentients and then they adapt? Let CC pop bubble boys?


  9. On 2024-03-30 at 11:42 AM, Rathalio said:

    Decoy's augments primes enemies well.

    I am of the opinion that augments are sometimes used as bandaids for Warframes that have fallen into being irrelevant or underused. Yes, the augment is good, but the base frame needs some tweaks to be better.

    On 2024-03-30 at 11:42 AM, Rathalio said:

    (and Loki has the easiest to use and longest full invisibility spell already).

    Excuse me while I jump over your comment as Wisp. Loki should be allowed to have a longer invis. I would argue that Ash should also. Oh yeah, and Ivara has a channel ability to turn invisible, Prowl, and she gets more than just invisibility and a stealth multiplier.

    On 2024-03-30 at 11:42 AM, Rathalio said:

    A lot about what he says about CC and "DPS meta" is wrong or incomplete at best.

    Perhaps a lot, but not all. Just look at how DE neutered Dante this past update.

  10. If you have not already seen Triburos' most recent video on Loki, please watch it here. In the video, Triburos touches on several points that are holding back other CC Warframes from being relevant, how to help CC Warframes to be more relevant in the game, and he gives excellent examples of how to make Loki a fun and effective Warframe to play with. I am floored by his great suggestions, and I would love to see a change for CC as a whole in the direction that he suggested.


    Now, onto Loki.

    Loki is presently a Warframe that focuses on solely stealth and CC, and I understand Pablo's perspective on the game focusing on DPS Warframes and that changing Loki to be a DPS would feel bad. While I do think this is a bigger issue regarding the state of several enemy units in the game, I do agree with Pablo. However, we do need some bigger changes to Loki to turn him into the trickster we know and love, and Triburos gave some awesome suggestions on how to do this:

    Make Loki a support Warframe.

    This suggestion from Trib is something I can really get behind, and I agree that Loki should not be a healer, but a buff/debuff support Warframe. Specifically Triburos' suggestions on how to tweak Switch Teleport were awesome to me. He suggested that Switch Teleport can be a Buff/Debuff tool that steals armor, overguard, nullifier bubbles, and maybe certain eximus abilities. How it should work in my opinion is a bit different from his suggestion of making the buff affect the whole team when he switch teleports an enemy to steal something from the enemy.

    Switch Teleport: Loki switches places with an enemy, disorienting them and giving Loki a brief boost of speed. When switching places with an enemy, Loki also steals the enemy's armor and overguard for 45 seconds to give to himself. When switching with an ally or his Decoy, Loki replicates his armor and overguard buff on them, or if Loki doesn't have a buff stored he will copy the target's armor as a buff on himself. If Loki or a target ally or decoy already has overguard and/or an armor buff, the buff is refreshed and replaced if the new buff would be higher. When switching with an eximus unit, that eximus unit is silenced for the duration of this ability (which can be refreshed as long as Loki has energy available).

    Radial Disarm: Instantly disarm enemies and pop nullifier bubbles. Disarmed enemies are forced into melee and cannot used ranged attacks, and nullifiers can no longer generate their nullifier bubble.

    Invisibility: Loki becomes invisible to enemies for 6/9/12/15 seconds. (I think allowing him to be invisible for longer is fine. You can now get 30 seconds of invisibility with relative ease.)

    Decoy: Loki deploys a holographic copy of himself, drawing enemy fire. (Just the tweaks from the most recent devstream loom great.)


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  11. Hey, is there a way that we can we keep our holiday auxiliaries please? 🥺 I really love my Easter bunny-girl Ivara and I wish I could have her for more than just 1-2 months in the year. Pweeeze? 🐇

    I also love the glorious mustaches for Warframes like Limbo, Rhino, and Vauban. I just wish they stuck around for longer! Even if we have to get the permanent version in an event like the summer event I would love to be able to keep those auxiliaries around! Also....Santa hats? 😃

  12. On 2024-02-27 at 1:49 PM, [DE]Juice said:

    Helminth Subsume version will be multiplicative and match the exact number for Roar, which is 30%.

    For the Helminth system: Eclipse, because it is different from Roar and it doesn't effect DoTs, or teammates, and only affects weapons, not abilities, should not be getting nerfed this hard. 60% would be a great spot for it to start for the diminished Helminth version of it.

    Helminth is supposed to be a sidegrade at the cost of replacing an ability, not a strict upgrade. People should be allowed to get big unga-bunga numbers on the screen still, but only for their weapon damage in the case of Eclipse, which is fine.

    Also side note, Roar is also fine where it is at since it is also a team-wide buff which is additive to universal faction damage. It makes sense and is good where it is at.

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