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Posts posted by HomeyCDawg

  1. As soon as I saw that it was an ice themed event I thought for sure we were going to get the long awaited ice/status mods. Oh well. I don't need an affinity booster but I'm sure plenty of people are still happy with it.

  2. Just to play devil advocate, are you guys sure the Wraith can still out DPS the vanilla? Wraith is clearly more comfortable to use due to it's low reload, but remember that crit chance/status/crit damage mods take mod slots that the Strun can use for more even elemental damage (which gets higher multipliers on the Strun than they do on the Wraith).


    Wish I hadn't sold my potato'd Strun so I could test it myself.

  3. Sentinels have their fair share of stupid too.  I remember trying to do a stealth run and every single time I tried to sneak attack one, my dethcube launched his SCREAMING LOUD DEATH BEAM  to kill it before I could, putting me in the execution animation and alerting all the guards around me to my presence.




    To be fair,you took a Dethcube, with Vaporize equipped, into a stealth match. That's hardly the sentinels fault.

  4. Some more stability updates would be nice. I'm still getting dropped from my friends lobbies every single match at the mission complete screen, and all too frequently in-match as well.

  5. Not too happy. I've pretty much stopped playing for now. The new tilesets every now and then are nice, but this game seriously needs some persistent story(s). Not just lore, but story. 


    I've been waiting for over a year for this game to become more than a simple loot game with a fancy paint job. Endless looting for the sake of looting gets old. Good stories never get old.

  6. I think they went a bit overboard with the damage (rapid fire guns dropping 1000 shields in 0.15 seconds, really?), but overall I like the idea of enemies dealing higher damage to actually make them dangerous, but without the bullet sponge effect.


    Overall I'd like to see the higher damage enemies worked around a bit to be better balanced and then applied to the rest of the game.

  7. Regulators and corpus ospreys can be melee'd in mid-air if you can aim it correctly with a spin slash or wall jump (regulators are fun to take out with wall attacks), but orokin drones are bugged and don't take damage from melee attacks. IMO they just need to fix orokin drones so they actually take damage from melee attacks like they're suppose to.

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