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Posts posted by Squidfest

  1. So this morning I took down a Lich with a higher percent of damage on a different element. I had one Rank 40 Radiation Kuva Chakkurr with 25% and one unranked Fire Kuva Chakkurr with 33%. So I went to "fuse" them to find out that it would, in fact, give me around a +12% increase as opposed to the 33% I had thought it would. So I said "well, that's disappointing" but then I also read that it would turn my Radiation bonus into a Heat bonus. Well, that wouldn't do, I wanted radiation! So I swapped the order.

    What happened? Oh, I got my buffed +12% damage alright.

    The downside was the loss of five Forma and a Catalyst.

    Yes, that's right. Valence "Fusion" doesn't preserve the highest amount of Forma of the two guns. So let's say that a Lich spawns with a Kuva Chakkurr with a +55% Magnetic bonus. Great, but I don't want that in magnetic damage. Well, too bad: your choice is either gain a FRACTION of the new gun's power and swap entirely to that damage type, or CONSUME ALL YOUR BONUSES and start over with a slightly-buffed version of your original weapon's damage.

    My question is... WHY?!

    It's not "fusing" anything! It's just the old system with a new name! I just lost a gun I spent HOURS leveling and for what? 12% more elemental damage?!

    TL;DR: The Kuva Lich weapon system confused me and it cost me a favorite weapon. RIP 130+ levels of affinity grinding...

  2. So I love the new nemesis system. The Liches add so much personality and a fair bit of challenge to the game. Now, everyone loves the weaponry, but my question is: how many Kuva Liches can I convert? And if I convert a new Kuva Lich, does my previous one disappear? I've grown fond of my good buddy Vibb Telvo as he has saved me from faction hitsquads/assassination targets/capture targets/random kubrows, but I'm also thinking of acquiring another Lich as I don't want the Kuva Ayanga but it's excellent in the hands of Vibb Telvo. Another Lich was generated with a Kuva Ayanga and I'm thinking of converting this one as well, but if it gets rid of Vibb Telvo that's not a risk I'm willing to take.

    Anybody know if you can have more than one Lich show up at random, or only the most recent Lich you've acquired?

  3. So I generated a Lich, my buddy Vibb Telvo, who claimed Phobos as his personal dump. As charming as he is, I have an issue. One of the occupied missions is a Defection mission, which spawns one of the Kavor as a "Vibb Telvo Thrall". Since I can't kill the defector (and neither can the Infested seeing as he is level 65), I can't get credit for opposing the Lich. Every other mission on the planet has been completed and I am one "point" away from the Lich coming after me. As of writing this, I have completed the mission four times but the red stain has not gone away and I have not successfully incensed Vibb Telvo further, which is a shame because I could really use a guy like Vibb as a dependable ally and/or coat hanger depending on how many tries it takes me to Parazon him successfully.


  4. On 2019-04-15 at 2:51 PM, SortaRandom said:

    I mean, not to knock your preferences or anything, but taking such a long break from combat (usually ~1 second on most weapons with Primed Fury-- damn, I wish it were as short as 0.25s) just for a 50% chance for a lifesteal bonus seems a bit, well... not that great IMO.

    I mean, my Zaw deals 30k damage at a 2x combo multiplier. That and radial blind have carried me through countless sorties and arbitrations. Maybe it's my inner Dark Souls player, but I find finishers incredibly satisfying for the sheer spectacle of it. Same reason I love high-slash weapons and sniper rifles; they may not be the most efficient, but efficiency for efficiency's sake is tedium, and college has enough of that for me. I see your point, but at the same time, Exodia Might is viable simply because I built Drifting Contact/Blood Rush and can turn any frame into Inaros, provided they have a blind attack

  5. Warframe is a truly unique game with some fantastic choices for expression. Most weapons you see enemies using are available for use by the player, and following Plains of Eidolon more skins for pets/companions have been added. I, for one, LOVE the Grineer and Feral skins we can apply to our pets, but... there are so many weird and wonderful creatures in the game, surely we can have more than just cats, dogs, and mistakes of nature? Below are some humble ideas to add additional diversity to a beloved aspect of this wonderful game!

    Cosmetic Rewards for Conservation: Okay, let's all be honest for a second: floofs are okay, but nowhere NEAR interesting enough to warrant countless hours in the Vallis tracking rare beasts. But imagine if you could unlock a pattern or gene-mask cosmetic for your pet resembling the unique creatures of the Vallis? Don't get me wrong, I LOVE Kubrows, but... damn it, Virminks are just so damn cute! I want a pet Virmink, DE! So one idea for getting the adorable critters of Venus into our lives would be making cosmetic kits (along the lines of the Drahk/Underbrush/Moonless/Hyekka skins) for our pets to be turned into fuzzy critters from the frozen wastes. Virminks, Kubrodons, and Stovers for Kubrow/Chargers, and maybe (dare I dream) a sort of Giant Bolarola or Horrasque for Kavats? 

    Roaming Decorations for your Orbiter: Maybe this was obvious to everyone but me, but I was severely disappointed by the fact that Teasonai's captured Kuakas effectively sit and breathe dejectedly in your Orbiter rather than scamper around. I thought I'd have little rodent friends to play with my pets, but sadly I got depressing decorations. So an idea for giving us more of those lovely little critters we spend so long catching is to allow us to take home non-floof versions as roaming pets. I want a Bolarola rolling around my Liset, occasionally chilling on a surface in stead of or alongside You-Know-Who (Hey, Kiddo...). Since The Business wants to see to it that these animals are kept safe and secure, who better to do so than the Tenno, protectors of the Origin System?

    New Pet Type: Desert Skate Okay so this one is a stretch but also one of the things I want the most. The long-forgotten smiling stingrays of Mars (or Phobos, before the Great Switcharoo because yes, I do remember when Mars was Corpus, DE. You can't hide the truth from me!) have long been stalwart adversaries of the Grineer and Tenno alike, being devilishly tricky to kill while also rewarding little for the effort. However, as they are evidently capable of surviving inhospitable climates for fish-like creatures, perhaps their burrowing range-focused combat could be utilized by the Tenno? I envision a stealth/sniper-focused pet, burrowing underground to make itself hard to spot then fire deadly projectiles from far away before retreating into the dirt once more. This is admittedly the least likely of the bunch, but... I mean, short of them adding a floating squid companion, it's the closest I can get to living my namesake. Besides, they gave us MOAs and the Infested as pets... what's a giant stingray between friends?


  6. 55 minutes ago, SortaRandom said:

    As someone who uses melee on Excal, I wish more abilities functioned like Blinding Reave. Forced Finishers are the worst.

    As someone who uses Exodia Might, I have to disagree whole-heartedly. The 0.25 second animation of my Zaw getting plunged into the opponent's chest and yanked out is what keeps my Excalibur alive most times in combat, and the ability to consistently trigger its effects is a godsend. 

  7. So they released the first ever Revenant augment, Blinding Reave. It's fairly straightforward: passing through enemies with Reave blinds them for a period of time, similar to Radial Blind, Savage Silence, or Desiccation. It even has the same blinded effect particles. Yet for whatever reason, the blinded targets are not open to finishers. EVERY other Blind ability makes enemies open to finishers. Is this a bug? Am I doing something wrong? Or is this just supposed to be "blind, but worse"?

  8. 16 hours ago, Drasiel said:

    even before the remaster I had a hard time spotting grineer in certain foliage. A mod would be great for this but I think another possible option would be a kit gun arcane.

    That doesn't work for my Lanka though.

  9. On 2019-04-04 at 6:32 PM, (PS4)jaggerwanderer said:

    DE did say combo counter won't affect damage anymore.

    So will a crit build with Blood Rush and Drifting Contact not work anymore? I can't go back to flat damage builds, I just CAN'T!

  10. So if you're like me, you enjoy creeping around the Plains of Eidolon, stealthily clearing outposts on your way to a Conservation target. And if you're like me, you love sniping a Grineer's head clean off from 200 meters and his friends' heads shortly after. But, and I suppose this means I'm stupid enough to fall for Grineer camouflage, it's REALLY HARD to tell what is a bush and what is a Grineer now that the remastered Plains is live. A vitals-spotting mod for Snipers (like the effect of the Agronak or perhaps the Zenith, although I doubt the latter) would be a wonderful addition to the long-range play style and would make those stealthy headshots so much simpler.

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