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Posts posted by ECHOALPHASUD

  1. Similar to the 'Invert Tap/Hold Abilities' setting, it would be nice to also treat invisibility effects on your warframe/companion the same way. The current system is limited to warframes with inherent invisibility abilities. It is ambiguos even if using one of these warframes if gaining invisibility from another source will respect your choice on the appearance of the invisibility. For abilities with a unique appearance, another post mentions that the current options remove that flair (Ivara Prime). This setting should make it easier for the player and developer where invisible effects are added or removed over time.

    Sources of invisibility on warframes not able to be customised:

    • Smoke Shadow (Ash augment)
    • Quiver-Cloak (Ivara, subsumable)
    • Metronome (Octavia)
    • Wisp (Passive and Wil-o-Wisp)
    • Ghost (Shade)
    • Stalk (Huras kubrow)
    • Arcane Trickery
    • Skiajati
    • Untraceable (Parazon)
    • Cloud Walker & Enveloping Cloud (Wukong)

    Other invisibility effects not able to be customised:

    • Void Mode (Operator/Drifter)
    • Penumbra (Itzal)
    • Covert Bond (Companion)
    • Mischief (Smeeta kavat)
    • Like 2
  2. I think the rank up I missed was going from rank 8 to 9, when the pop up for having an On Call Crewmember was added to the gear menu.

    Going from rank 9 to 10 then only incremented the challenge progress from 8 to 9.




  3. Frequently happens while in the open world where I can't pick up any loot such as energy orbs etc. Does not happen immediately but after a few bounty stages it is expected to happen. I'm not sure if entering operator form is a trigger, I use zenurik dash compusilivly.

    Falling into a lake to respawn, entering and/or exiting archwing and entering and/or exiting operator form dosn't fix it when I've tried. I ussually try and spam zenurik dash for energy at that point or fail the bounty such as the liberate the place when I cant cast abilities due to lack of energy.

  4. Please make it so clan halls don't have a child/parent relationship, or have the ability to relocate the rooms you have already built. This might not feel as bad if dojo contruction was a top down blueprint style with nothing time gated so I can immediatly identify problems and solutions but thats not the case.

    While you can argue the current system is adequate for new dojos where the architect is aware of all the intricacies of the system I was not in that position years ago, and have zero intention of destroying all my rooms, almost ONE BY ONE (two hours each) just so I can 'relocate' a Grand Hall I had hastily built to get more capacity so I could lay the foundation of what I wanted my dojo to look like.



    I had intended for floor one to have the lesser halls in some symetrical fashion after I had built the biggest hall to supply excess capacity so that I did not need the lesser halls for capacity. I don't think its reasonable or expected to remove all the work and time put in because someone did not fully understand that building the dojo itself is a game of balancing energy, capacity and the inability of removing previous rooms. Hindsight is 20/20 but as this circumstance is incredibly common for players, an actual solution would be better than "Just build it right from the beggining."

    • Like 1
  5. My laptop has a GTX1060 on which Warframe is set to use. It also has Intel HD Graphics 630 from the i7-7700HQ CPU.

    I had previously had Intel graphics driver version dated 4/18/2019. I was getting minimum fps of 60 (capped) in the orbiter and login screen at 4k resolution, fullscreen and with dynamic resolution set to auto. Upon the system updating the Intel graphics driver to version dated 5/15/2019, I noticed a significant performance drop in the orbiter and login screen (sub 30 fps). I confirmed that Warframe was still running using the GTX1060 and there were no other applications/windows open. I uninstalled the Intel driver through device manager, then updated the Microsoft driver which resulted in Intel graphics driver version dated 16/06/2017. Now the game runs as expected previously before the 5/15/2019 update.

    From what I have gathered after the update I got a dramatic performance loss, and after reverting that specific update I recouped the lost performance.

  6. Some personal screenshots with bloom enabled (at 25), fullscreen resolution (4K):





    Some observations: Oberon's, eyes, clan emblem, Aseron emblem, champion sigil, Helios have this awful 'doubling' effect where a blurred mirror image is produced. Its not even a static effect and it becomes painful to see the effect contort violently along with the contrasting borders of the screen while idling with zero input.

  7. During the login screen and moving the cursor in the orbiter the mouse cursor moves painfully slow. Setting the value for UI Cursor Sensitivity in the settings to 300 (max) did not remedy this.  I'm not sure since which update this is occurring.

    Currently playing on fullscreen (4K), when I switch to borderless fullscreen the cursor sensitivity issue does not persist. However I do not wish to play on borderless fullscreen because of the terrible performance loss experienced.

    With no other games I play do I experience this issue. I have a Logitech G302 without the Logitech Gaming Software installed. In windows settings my mouse pointer speed is set to default with enhance pointer precision turned off and display pointer trails turned off.

    Any advice on how to remedy this or a prompt update/hotfix to fix this issue would be appreciated.

  8. To add to the discussion:

    Since I too use muscle memory to access both my emotes and gear items, the items being in different positions every time I acess the wheel is very annoying. Trying to learn that the wheel loops, so if I'm at the last item it'll loop back to the first, was actually worse since intuitivly I believe that item 1 is always the top item when it isn't and changes every time you loop back to the beggining. Added with my high dpi attempting to rotate the wheel quickly to access an item or cancel a toggled emote can be frustating if I track the wheel poorly.

    While having an option to revert back to the old UI may not be ideal as change is inventiable and needed, another implementation would be nice. Having a keybind/mouse click to change pages instead of tracking the wheel would be considerably better for me. Possibly having the gear items be catogrised like how fishing items have its own wheel (restores have its own wheel, specteres etc) may take longer to deploy manually without further keybind support but I'd still prefer that so I have the freedom to have more gear items while learning to acess items at an acceptable speed.

  9. I noticed that if I change the settings from borderless to fullscreen the performance is acceptable. (over 80 fps)

    However I would like to keep it borderless without the immense performance loss from the only variable being updating my drivers.


    Fps numbers pulled from being in orbiter, physx on and 4k resolution (native display on my laptop).

  10. Running on latest windows 10 update (Version 1803 OS Build 17134.1)

    When using nvidia driver 391.35 there is no noticeable issues (~67 fps) but other programs frequently crash so I updated it.

    Nvidia driver 397.31 produced notable performance loss (~33 fps). Hotfix 397.55 did not rectify the performance loss.

    I've checked Nvidia control panel to confirm Warframe is running off the dedicated GPU. I'm not sure if it is normal for Intel HD graphics 630 is under load while Warframe is running.

  11. Name: ECHOAlphaOmega

    Tier: Ghost Clan

    Amount of Members: 5

    Activity status: All members have logged in within the past month

    'Warlord(s)' equivalent: ECHOALPHASUD; AceDestroyer666; DarkCherub

    'Officer(s)' and specific role(s): None at the moment (and there isnt any assigned unique resposibilities for 'officers' in the clan)

    Clan founded: Approx November 2014

  12. Hypothesis:

    Game doesn't allow you to hack when in the rift (confirmed). Occasionally the game will bug/glitch out so that you are not able to hack a console even when out of the rift. This can pose a problem when other teammates can also not hack a console when it is required (eg void sabotage).

    Tried using the /unstuck command to see if it would reset the character/console. It didn't.

    Other notes: Was caught in a hacking animation loop whenever I used an ability (btw kinda cool to be stuck "floating" up in the air for screenshots). Carrier/me could no longer pickup items.








    ps: After using the /unstuck command it requested to send a crash report. Crash report failed to send and this is basically what I typed in the description excluding the screenshots.

  13. Recently on Triton, Neptune it appears that the extraction marker on the mini map will point to the true extraction location instead of the desired route to extraction. It appears to only affect client(s) and often me and most of my teammates will be stuck at a dead end after following the marker. 

    These are some screenshots of one particular mission after I decided that I was not satisfied without bring awareness to the issue.






    PS: I couldn't find a/the thread that addresses this issue so i make a new post. Please inform me if there is a thread about this.

  14. Well for me slash dash being able to "auto aim"/target his enemies makes it very powerful and on top of the damage dealt it staggers enemies that don;t survive. Compared to other frames abilities that cost 25 energy slash dash is ridiculously powerful (eg rhino charge while dealing high damage has a cast time and so makes it even harder to hit a moving target).


    Exalted Blade as well does not consume a lot of energy on the initial cast and can basically one shot an enemy in almost all cases in close quarters (which is acceptable) but also at range because of the energy slash thingies. I haven't tested if the punch through still remains in PVP for the energy slashes and if you auto parry away damaged but if it's still there i believe it needs to be removed or reworked.


    Any comments on why Excal is not as OP as I think he is would be appreciated :P

  15. Do you want the content to be user inspired/made or content made by DE? Or a mixture of both? I guess you can make a short list of what stations you want to hear and their content to get more precise feedback on what people want. Might be cool as well if there's this mission thingie which unlocks a whole array of new customizations for the liset, one of them being the ability to change the radio/scanner.

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