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Posts posted by Thingy-

  1. Hi me and a friend were just having a go at t2 Void Survival in hopes of some argon so we could make a Kubrow and we came accross this bug.


    If the Host (we tested non-host) of the game checks the mission progress during survival it will stop all enemies from spawning permanently and stops the timer for the mission. Meaning no rewards every 5 minutes and if you glitch it before 5mins you can never extract.



    Edit: Here are some screens, you can see by me being in different spots and the progression of the chat that the time has stood still and you'll noticed no enemies spawn after the first group we killed.









    This problem seems to be working in non-void Survivals too. Tested on Ophelia. We tested to see if it affected Exterminate spawns and it doesn't seem to. 





  2. So, As far as I can see I've done the Kubrow quest, I have my Kubrow hatched and waiting in my ship.


    Killed Jackal

    Went to the Codex, started the quest.

    Went to Elara, got the egg.

    Hatched a Kubrow & Named it.


    The problem is, the quest icon keeps popping up in the bottom right corner as if to tell me that the quest is unfinished but there are no quest markers on the map and nothing in my inbox (There was the intercepted Corpus message but since reading it nothing has happened as far as I can tell.) Tad bit confused!

  3. PvP games offer different experience everytime you play, and it requires a lot of skills, so people will hardly get bored.

    On top of this, TF2 is so well designed, it is balanced and heavily based on teamwork(though a pro soldier can carry the whole team), so people just won't get tired.

    I am not quite a verteran at TF2 cause I suck at RJ(and playing as soldier) and sniping, but I'm quite good as demo, scout, engine, and spy.

    I'm not pround of this but I'm also a fine W+M1 pyro lol.


    PvE games mostly attract players by the story , art, and whatever makes you feel you live in that universe.

    The actual playing experience should be nice too but the new world you offer as a whole is what really matters.

    Therefore DE should speed up on the story or mission thing as players are starting to get bored with endless playing for rewards and rewards only.


    Can't upvote this enough, hit the nail on the head. Of course along with this is the whole been a while since last update and people scared cause of the PWE rumours.


    But yes, story! Lore, quests and etc will thicken out the game brilliantly.

  4. HEK. 


    It was my favourite gun of any in the game and then it got nerfed and felt real crappy to use.

    I gotta say I did force myself to buy a Sobek yesterday and no matter how bad it is I'm gonna make myself fully pimp it out because the gun feels awesome it's just no Penta if you get what I mean.


    Oh and Melee wise, Dual Heat Swords. Got them when they were the best melee weapon, put alot of time into 'em. Now? Venkaaaa!

  5. My Saryn "4" ability Instagibs everything (beside elites and bosses... they get stunned for 3 sec and taking a huge amount of dmg) thats lvl40+.


    My bad, probably should of specified I meant like High Level on Defense Missions. All the normal missions are usually trivial. DE Needs to make stuff harder. :\

  6. You have to take into account that at later levels the #4 Win buttons don't do as much damage, so Utility usually becomes king. (Not to blow it all out of proportion though because the game is actually really blood easy). Meaning that every Frame does 'good damage' because it'll be the weapons that are usually used for damage and the skills for utility.


    Early/Mid level range though the obvious options are anyone with the said #4 Win button skills. Mag being a good example as one of the starter frames. Luckily she has Utility for later levels so she stays relevant.


    Also...Excalibur...spammable 25 Energy skill that is basically a Linear Win button skill. 

  7. I think I'm one of the few who is happy with the Glaive. (Other than the no BP in Market thing) The only issue I see is when it's flying around you have no Melee.

    There are 2 good suggestions for a quick fix for this in my opinion. 


    - Click Melee Button again to return the Glaive to you while it's in mid-air.

    - Make the Glaive a Side-Arm. <---This one could be a little too silly though.


    As far as how it plays now, I actually like it. The ricochets are really rewarding too.

  8. I was thinking maybe, if a certain amount of Mobs exist in the area the mission will turn to extermination so that people who rush modes like capture or raid will have to walk back.

    I do like this idea. It's similar to the killing cameras to progress thing.


    Also: I think this is one of the cons with it being a non-room based sort of team based online game. If there were rooms, they could specifically be titled for rushing or whatever the host wants. May not solve all the issues but this could filter things out.

  9. I don't personally like the idea of a debuff, because more often than not I can imagien it being ignored because it;'s easier to left click once for a shot from your gun rather than debuff, then attack. Maybe it'd be more useful on high level defense, other than that I can see it being a neglected trait.


    The concept reminds me of Cyber SubZero from Mortal Kombat. Looks pretty cool, may need some more tweaks to give it a more unique look but yeah it's got a nice style. I like the pipes - if they contained some sort of animated effect like Mag's visor that'd be a nice design too.


    +1 though. The skills need some work, and the debuff needs rethinking in my opinion. The visual's  nice, a little generic but it's a good concept.

  10. I read your thread, the title seemed aimed at Infested. Also I thought you were mainly bringing the spawn time into light. From the new maps I've played this one that I'm specifically talking about seems to have the biggest issues so far due to how complex it is and how poorly the AI interacts with it.

  11. Well if you're only interested in invis/smoke screen, loki is better lol. 


    On top of having better invisibility, he has faster movement speed.


    As far as looks, Ash's 2nd Helmet looks great, his body is bland. Loki's body is decent looking but his helms are hideous.


    I dunno the 2 second difference in Invisibility just doesn't sway me to Loki over Ash. That's why I think if that's the thing that people want most out of their kits then aesthetics seem to be the obvious decision maker. I'm not saying I prefer Ash over Loki or vice versa, just that the 2 seconds seems negligible to me. (I can hear all the min-maxers getting angry at me saying this, Mwahaha).
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