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Posts posted by Blancmark

  1. I was a bit underwhelmed with the design at first, but all I needed was some color configuration to make it a bit less bland.

    I kind of like the more "infested" approach to it. Perhaps the Orokin wanted to add some of their bio-weapon to a Warframe, make it more toxic as it were.

    As for the lack of gold adornments...maybe this frame was created later in the war with the Sentients, and a more functional design was preferred over an intricate golden one. When at war you can't really worry about how pretty your vehicle looks. It just needs to do its job.

  2. The Machete. Wielded by Grineer Scorpions. Often considered the weakest/worst weapon in the game. Even so, I want it. It just looks so damn cool, and I want to slice people with a heated blade. Not to mention gain the mastery points for maxing it.


    Yes, I know the Machete Wraith is available from Baro Ki'Teer, and I will get it when I can. I don't care how weak/bad the regular one is, I want it. >/<


    I know it was given to players as an apology for a delay a few years ago, but other than that, is there a reason why this weapon is simply not available at all? I mean, the Boar is now back in the game... rather than just in the Rhino bundle. Why is the Machete still unavailable? For such a prominent weapon for the Grineer, it pains me that I am forever unable to wield it.


    My suggestion is to add the Machete to the Grineer Chem Labs in the Dojo. If not that, make it available through the Market for plat, and make its blueprint either purchaseable for credits, or add it to a drop table (Scorpions perhaps? Scorpion Eximus? Drekar Scorpion?).

  3. Hey there.

    I've noticed a bug while playing as Vauban. Say that I plant a few Tesla mines (his 1st ability), and then summon a Spectre (say, one of the Spectres from the Syndicates). Once the Spectre spawns, the Teslas in range will immediately fire their lightning at the Spectre, and probably kill it. I *think* it's because when you summon a Spectre, they are level 1, and take 1 or 2 seconds to become the appropriate level for the mission. I don't think the Teslas should attack them as if they were enemies, though.


    No, I did not try this with the Tesla Link augment yet.


    Temporary solution: Summon Spectres outside of Tesla range.


    I would've posted this in the bug reports section, but apparently it's locked due to being for Beta? Anyway, sorry if this is the wrong spot for bug reports. Didn't know where else to put it.

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