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Everything posted by Katt4567

  1. Hi Digital extremes! I’ve noticed after the new Jade shadows update that the free roam zones have a bug where the animation’s for the glaive’s as well as when you are completing exploiter orb the animations for throwing canisters aren’t working, it’s a small bug and I didn’t know if anyone said anything yet, but I hope you guys can look into this because I really love the glaives in your game . Besides this I haven’t noticed anything yet that is game breaking, side note I’m so proud of how far you guys/ and your team has come I have been a fan for a long time now and I couldn’t be more proud I find that most game companies today no longer care for their communities and only care for a quick buck, while your team strives to be the best example of what a game company should stand for and for this I as well as the community here love each and everyone of you for having such love for us, thank you. Ps Jade shadows made me cry I love the story and the direction you guys are going I hope one day to create a fan made anime in honour to your amazing story,keep up the fantastic work. All the love ❤️
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