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Posts posted by Ailia

  1. Survival durring the event was fun and somewhat challenging. How it is currently, is more about standing around waiting for the percentage to tic down to press 'X', run to next, repeat. Even pluto survival is borringly trivial with a difficulty ramp that is slower than defense.


    What makes Void missions, defense, and mobile defense popular besides the end rewards? Difficulty, constant action, xp, and tons of worthless loot because we all need a 100th copy of 'Pull'.


    Of this, survival delivers on end rewards and xp, but feels more like a chore than an action game, pump the enemy counts up and up the percentage of heavy units.

  2. This thing needs help almost as bad as the grakata after having used it for a few runs. Fun concept, but horribly ineffective in actual combat. Either bump the damage to near where the lanka is, or change it to using shotgun mods/ammo and up the rate of fire a bit.

  3. "This is, for all intents and purposes, a bug. Something goes wrong. The most accepted speculation is that it has to do with corrosive projection stacking additively, and not multiplicatively."


    This isn't quite right, just how it might have come about. The likely "problem" is that the armor isn't reduced before calculating, but rather compensated after, else everything would work as expected.

  4. http://www.iforce.co.nz/i/d3b3243i.vz0.png


    Seems when they cross 2000 armor is when the excrement hits the high speed rotary air circulator. Really in T3 def, its just the ancients that break vs bullet damage. (corpus crewmen break vs fire, elemental modifiers and armor are applied before corrosive). Cant remember the link for grineer and corpus armor charts.


    AFIK Ancients break wayy early compared to everything else, around wave 25 xini, grineer don't break till quite a bit higher.

  5. I'de assume it was just an unintended effect of the way they coded that part of the damage calculations and not something intended or foreseen. No real intent behind it. They are essentially exceeding the precision limit of the data type they are storing the value in (assumed float), resulting in a "zero times near infinity". The exact circumstances resulting in this are pretty contrived, i wouldn't be surprised if they were using fixed-point calculations instead, which tend to have this issue in much simpler cases.

    I don't think corrosive stacking additively was ever meant to happen, at which point this formula breakage couldn't happen. It was multiplicative prior to u9 changing a lot of formulas from multiplicative to additive, this may have been an unintended or at the very least careless change.

  6. Test it ingame if you don't believe me, its pretty damning.

    My theory is corrosive is being applied at a late stage in the damage formula as a modified inverse of the armor multiplier, which explains how we end up doing extra damage when past 100% instead of healing the enemies ( healing caused by multiplier being negative due to negative armor). It also explains why immunity happens. Damage post armor is zero, zero times the huge number required to reverse the drop to zero, is still zero.

    Clarification: it works exactly how you think it would prior to the point where armor would reduce it to zero

    Everything does exactly full damage at 100% corrosive up until that point. Elemental modifiers still apply. (ex. infested take extra fire damage, ect)

  7. Unfortunatly, no. At the point where armor would round fire damage to zero, it stays zero even with corrosive. Arguably a bug or a feature depending on how you look at it. Tested that heavily at 100% and 120% with embers world on fire. Quite sad to go from doing thousands of damage per tic to 0's as soon as the enemy level broke certin thresholds. Reconfirmed the levels it does it after with a braton + fire mod only under corrosive.

  8. Damage modifiers such as the elemental modifiers (ex. fire vs infested) are applied as well as armor unless it is also a damage type that ignores armor, or a weakspot that doesn't apply armor to that damage type. It is a bit complicated in that regard. In general, body shots apply armor to all non-ignore damage types, some weakspots exempt some damage types from armor (ex. fire vs ancient limbs).

  9. Armor applies to everything that isnt "Serrated Blade", "Armor Penetration", "Physics Impact", or "Poison". That includes all elemental types, bullet, laser and a few others.


    Even armor ignore guns benefit more from corrosive projection than rifle amp due to a large portion of them still being elemental when modded.


    Look at it this way, if elemental damage wasn't screwed by armor, we probably wouldn't be having this discussion since the gap between ignore and not would be a ton smaller. A bit $&*&*#(%& that enemies become immune to their elemental weakness in a lot of cases, such as ancients eventually going fire immune on their body.

  10. Really already is a "thing" for t3 defense, completely trivializes it when you run an exact 100%. Outside high wave defense, you won't see enemies that break the calculation. 105% and higher break the calc in t3 def unfortunatly. but taking ancient damage reduction from 94% to 0% is 16.6x more damage vs ancients and around 3-5x more vs everything else, a whole nother world apart from things like rifle amp. Applies to non-armor ignore abilities too. Vauban, ember blow everything to bits, nova trivializes the rest due to doubling damage again with her ult.


    "Fixing" corrosive to not break the formula would really break the game unfortunatly, non-armor ignore ults one hit kill everything with armor at 120%, even ancients and about half of the bosses. Ones that can hit the same enemy multiple such as ember can take down any boss that doesn't have invuln stages in one cast.

  11. 4 corrosives beats 4 rifle amps without a doubt, the problem is 4 corrosives doesn't solve the armor problem. As for why, it comes down to pistols being ahead of the DPS curve compared to rifles, plus corrosive applying to frame abilities like world on fire ( can tic as hard as 12000 on 3 enemies at a time due to inverse armor scaling ).


    Past the armor breakpoint it doesn't really matter, get your acrid/flux ect.


    TL;DR Armor is broke, fix plz.

  12. Ingame, we did a 4 corrosive run at 100% corrosive, and at 120% corrosive on Xini multiple times, as well as T3 defense, the result was pretty damn conclusive. Even with 4 corrosives, acrid remains the best choice due to the high armor mobs still going immune. The results are a bit different between 120% and 100% though, the immunity point changes a bit, 105%-120% ancients go immune at level 96-97, at an exact 100% its 127. No inverse armor scaling at an exact 100% though.


    Easy content gets easier, doesn't really make hard content any easier than stacking siphons.

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