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Posts posted by Ailia

  1. Ammo, plain and simple, dominate the effectivness of any mission that is going to require killing more than a dozen high level enemies. Damage per bullet of most weapons in relation to ammo avaliablity from drops is poor to non-existant, the few exceptions being Strun, Hek, Lex, and Bronco. Shotguns start with ~110 ammo at the start of a mission, pistols at ~210 and rifles ~520. The rate of depletion however is staggering even in the same categories.


        Damage per pickup
    Bronco    2100
    Lex    1400
    Hek    1400
    Strun    1300
    Snipetron    1000
    Paris    1000
    Kraken    900
    Latron    720
    Boar    720
    Sicarus    520
    Akbolto    500
    Gorgon    480
    Aklato    480
    Burston    420
    Boltor    360
    Braton    340
    MK1-Braton    320
    Twin Viper    320
    Afuris    280
    Grakata    180


    If that seems to match up retty well with weapon usage outside the snipertron for issues regarding its scope and bronco for its reload bug, its not much of a coincidence. Rifles in general have awful ammo economy, adjusting for the fact pistol ammo seems to drop more frequently than the other types further skews things against using a rifle or sniper over a shotgun and pistol. Giving burst fire and full auto weapons doubled ammo pickups would help reduce the gap by a huge factor.


        Damage per pickup
    Bronco    2100
    Kraken    1800
    Boar    1440
    Lex    1400
    Hek    1400
    Strun    1300
    Sicarus    1040
    Snipetron    1000
    Paris    1000
    Gorgon    960
    Burston    840
    Latron    720
    Boltor    720
    Braton    680
    MK1-Braton    640
    Twin Viper    640
    Afuris    560
    Akbolto    500
    Aklato    480
    Grakata    360


    The Grakata is still looking horrible though the chart neglects its high crit potential as a damage factor, the rest of the bottom of the list is populated by pistols which tend to have better ammo avalibility from drops. The majority of the assault rifle type weapons reach the middle of the pack rather than being below every dual pistol.


    There are two factors in play here, damage per round per pickup, and time to kill. High damage per shot weapons currently dominate both, this lets low damage per shot weapons remain competitive without making either strictly better than the other.


        Damage per pickup
    Boar    2160
    Bronco    2100
    Kraken    1800
    Gorgon    1440
    Lex    1400
    Hek    1400
    Strun    1300
    Boltor    1080
    Sicarus    1040
    Braton    1020
    Snipetron    1000
    Paris    1000
    MK1-Braton    960
    Twin Viper    960
    Burston    840
    Afuris    840
    Latron    720
    Grakata    540
    Akbolto    500
    Aklato    480


    For reference, the previous chart with tripple ammo for autos, double for burst.

    Is this better? Im, not sure, but it definetly distributes all weapon types pretty evenly in terms of ammo economy.


    Regardless of how the issue gets addressed, ammo is currently having more of an effect on weapon choice than any other factor for long difficult missions and causing seemingly workable weapons to be written off as non-viable for ammo reasons alone. The fact enemies using auto rifles holding 60-90 round magazines dropping less than 20 is a bit odd anyways.

  2. There are 10 mission types, 7 of which can have additional objectives.


    The exempt ones are Assassination, Endless defense, and Exterminate.


    The other 7 types, it depends greatly when the objective change happens in the mission; most happen after you complete the first objective, but exterminate can be triggered at any point between starting and entering extraction. Some may make the mission faster such as exterminate on a Mobile Defense, while often times they extend the mission time by 50%-100% or more and the reward by 0%.


    Have had extermination trigger while walking across the extraction room and having to backtrack and kill over 90 enemies. Assuming up until this point you are a few minutes into the mission, aborting and rerunning would be faster than hunting them down across the map and running back again.


    The other compound issue is when you run Spy and an additional Spy or Deception while solo, you can't carry both cases solo exponentially increasing the ammount of backtracking to complete the mission.


    Suggest limiting extermination objective change to pre-completion of the objective, makes Lotus seem phsychotic at times switching between a rescue and mass murder, this includes first-part completion such as retrieving the hostage, and starting the first timer on mobile defense.


    Further suggest adding additional credit reward for completing a mission that had an additional objective to disincentivise aborting the moment you get a secondary objective that would take more time to complete than rerunning.


    Finally suggest preventing Spy from having an addional Spy or Deception objective while solo due to the undue burden on a solo player.

  3. I'm not really sure about this new all-or-nothing approach to Defence missions. It's already a gamble with the average public group, but now you're adding that kind of risk to it? I strongly doubt we'll ever go past wave 5 again. Farewell, my chances of ever getting that damn Banshee helm.

    Between that and people unable to join a defense after wave 5, anyone who leaves just cripples the run for everyone else.

  4. - Aborting missions now forfeits any obtained credits, mods, resources or blueprints, earned XP is still rewarded


    Does this include failing like mentioned in the other thread or just aborting?

  5. The reward tiers do get better, I will make sure its set up correctly though.

    Please get back to us on that, have had many games where by wave 35, we've been offered 5 damage mods, a common, and a streamline. Prior to 7.7.3 there was a bit more variety but firemods were still much much too common for a claim reward.

  6. spend some time, read DE_Steve's responses in the thread, there are 30 other posts like this and he has said they are going to consider "appropriate" rewards for higher wave #s.


    Mostly just the issue of leaving an entire gamemode broken until the next time it is updated where it is currently playable. If the changes to rewards make it in this patch, great, if they don't then there really isn't anything to do but easymode farm for a week.

  7. Same....also mod drops now suck 95% of the time and defense rewards suck 100% of the time (hellfire, streamline, heated discharge)


    To me all there is left is better weapons and gathering mastery, which is all doable at lowbie levels. We really really need better rewards. I kinda miss CB, while we would not always get good mods, but we would always farm because it would yield at least credits for our efforts. We were constantly looking for that particular special double stat mod. Now you get one copy of that one said mod and it's just like meh, meh meh meh meh all day long because you can just fusion everything.


    Well atleast credit farming for weapon isn't farming Mercury anymore, but I definetly agree, You can make quite a lot of credits off selling useless class mods by the page, seems like 70-80% of infected drop them now and theyre worthless for fusioning. Unless the rewards get some improvement, Endless Defense is dead, All Hail Mobile Defense.......


    Not really much else to do but grind easymode with no reward for trying something difficult.

  8. Really just have no motivation to play tonight considering these changes, the only real challenging gameplay is high-wave defense which is usually very firmly now on the nothing side of all-or-nothing; I feel this just further encourages not allowing anything but highly geared frames that borderline exploit defense such as Nyx and Trinity stacking. That leaves credit farming, which admittedly is pretty dull Vor or not.

  9. in pugs yes thats true thats why you find some squadmates you can trust or RL friends


    That comes right back around to a squad not having the issue at all due to accepting the reward and rejoining every 5 waves since the slots cant be stolen by pugs. Public games are the only ones that suffer since a host migration blocks new players joining but doesn't stop friend list joins for private games.

  10. Fixing Vor and credit issues does a lot to encourage play on more difficult maps aswell as some teamplay to the limit required to complete them. That said, geared/maxed players are still going to rush. Classic Prisoner's dilemma.


    The hit to defense really does the opposite, encourages abandoning your team just to take the reward rather than work together to a difficult goal.

  11. This also won't fix the problem of host leaving if the loot he wants doesn't drop. (I.E. Host is looking for Ash Chasis and boss drops Systems instead, he aborts since it wasn't the BP he wanted, everyone else doesn't get systems)


    Would like to see this adressed as well, especially since you tend to not get what you want more often than not now that Vor is fixed.

  12. Especially consider this: Most missions have little to no risk of failure by experienced, geared players, there really isnt much risk at all, especially with 4 free revives per frame, per day. Also worth noting, there is likely to still be a large number of boss farmers quitting if a BP doesnt drop, or the wrong one drops anyways, this does nothing to fix that. The only mission type that encourages players to push themselves and has a risk of failure has nothing better to offer in rewards other than bragging rights, and now the rewards are either gone, or only gained by exploiting leaving and rejoining every 5 waves.


    Yes, you can rejoin a defense game you left taking rewards on currently.

  13. PSA: Speed run, loot then disconnect considered harmful.   <---- Don't think anyone disagrees with this, even the ones that have abused it to no end


    The damage this does to endless defense (currently the closest thing this game has to an endgame) really isn't doing the current longevity of the game any favors though, really feels like getting shafted via collateral damage. Can you hold off on the defense change until you are able to improve rewards approperiate to the risk of waves 25-50?

  14. Endless defense is going to need some serious improvements to justify any gameplay beyond wave 5-10, especially on difficult maps like Xini. One mistake can end a run on waves over 30 currently, thats a lot of wasted time if you get nothing for it now. Also, players can leave and take their rewards and then rejoin the same game and continue farming, the only player that gets screwed is the host.


    Really, half the fun of endless was seeing how far you could get, now that is entirely unprodutive time, in an activity that already was very credit-poor.

  15. It seems like an issue with the spawn system in general; it wont ever spawn mobs in a players line of sight. The map in question seems to run real well when all the players are bunched up and have limited LOS coverage of the map, spawn rate collapses horribly when they spread out. Seems to be that the LOS checks are having false positives on the two new maps, likely due to how much clear LOS there is compared to the old ones, especially the map used for Xini and all its doors.

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