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  1. I posted this topic to get the knowledge about the state of the game, as the title says, not to rant. Seeing, however, how people can curently play it without much problems led me to conclusion that the problem is on our side, not the game's - and that was its purpose. We did all we could in two evenings to get the game running without at least crashing, thus I came here looking for a possible solution. I'm still going to play, from time to time, but alone it's not the same as with real life friends. The graphical side of 'Frame was just one small thing. The most important remain overheating, crashing and fps drops. I managed to make my game run, although my PC heats up quite alot, and one more of my friends managed to run it too, but it's choppy at times. For the other two of us the crashing is just too often no matter what we do and they lost the will to put their limited time into this. They just don't feel the drive to try to fix it, especially that we've exhausted pretty much every option available to us, for the sake of a game that, as they state, lost its charm. The reward at the end of all the effort just doesen't compensate for it, for them. I'm still going to play, though.
  2. HDR options are grayed out for me, my monitor does not support HDR. After two more hours of playing I can confirm that this excessive darkness and color palette problems are most visible in Sanctum maps. On other tilesets (tested Gas City, Earth Jungle, old Corpus and Grineer ships insides) they exist too, but rarely and not as badly as in Sanctum. At least the crashing ceased - for me at least. I think I'll just change colors of all my frames and equipment and try to play like that. Today we concluded that Warframe lost its graphical identity, looking generically modern right now, which drives away three of us. Well, thank you very much once again. I'll see you between the stars, Tenno~
  3. Update on the situation: First of all, I'm running Ryzen 5 5600 with RTX3060 and 16gb ram. Currently I only have problem with Warframe and no other game or program. I tried all the standard things, like drivers update, optimizing/integrity checking etc. before posting here, I wouldn't bother you guys if I hadn't, but thanks for your concern. I was having crashing and heating problems personally, my friends experience FPS drops (their configurations vary, but none are older than three years). However I did some tests and discovered something peculiar about some of the settings... Sometimes when I change some particular settings, after hitting confirm the game freezes for half a second, and sometimes it goes smoothly back, independedly on what it was set before. If it goes smooth it will crash. Usually within 10-15 seconds of wandering on the ship, sometimes have to start a mission and usually it crashes within first minutes, then. If that slight freeze happens it will not crash - or at least that setting seems to not cause crashing anymore. It happens mostly on: Shadow Quality, Dynamic Lighting, Velumetric Lighting, Local Reflections, Volumetric Fog Quality and Glare. After setting and confirming with all slightly-lagged attempts, it stopped crashing all together for me, tested on two hours of gameplay. Could it be that sometimes, when you confirm the changes, the game fails to load the correct setting pool, maybe loads it partially, and then when it's needed to happen it crashes? Also, as Psianide73 sugested right, I should have posted some screenshots on the effects, so sorry for the late update, but here they are: Pseudo lens flares (Is there a way to erase these?): And about the darkness, it seems to be happening mostly, but not exclusively, in Sanctum Anatomica tileset. That tileset also has problems with colors being faint, while white and black are very strong, examples below. Thank you once again everyone.
  4. Thank you for your replies, guys. To make Liset somewhat bearable I had to turn off dynamic and volumetric lighting and fog. The one problem remains, though, that especially on some maps (like Sanctum Anatomica and its nodes) the game is both extremelly dark with patches of solid black and blindingly bright, with colors being flat and very faint, barely noticeable. I tried every fog and lighting option, including contrast setting which didn't solve it at all, is there anything to be done to combat this opressive darkness? Also, is there a way to turn off that horrible pseudo lens flare on buttons (like Liset's consoles, Nora, Crafting, Arsenal etc) or on Helminth's flowers? They look as if I was wearing a really greasy pair of glasses... I'll pass your sugestions to my pals.
  5. When the new lighting system was implemented two months ago me and my friends decided to leave Warframe for some time. The reasons were numerous - from small, like the new lighting being just ugly and very un-warframy, to serious like constant crashing, severe overheating and drastic FPS drops we all encountered. Now I came back, probing the game whether things have improved and... it crashed ten seconds after logging in, when I turned towards Liset's back and the hideous blue mist. So here's my question to the community: has anything improved since then? Did the overheating, extreme memory leaks and, most of all, FPS stability go back to what was before? Can the new lighting system be turned off at last? Is there an option to open the window to vent that smoke? I'll continue to test the game, but I won't have much time for an extensive test. Is it reliably playable by now, without the risk of crash every thirty minutes? Thanks in advance for sharing your current experience.
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