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Posts posted by (XBOX)Veytok

  1. On 2024-01-09 at 8:16 PM, (XBOX)TehChubbyDugan said:

    I didn't use the blast/shield shard thing, but I do find it hilarious that you had time to pop in for nerfs, but zero time to fix these horrendous drop tables.  Really glad I never invested in any topaz shards now.

    Drop tables arent something that needs to be fixed. Since 2018 and counting, the running in place bug is still in the game from the old tenno rework

    • Like 1
  2. On 2023-09-18 at 12:24 PM, PublikDomain said:

    I would like to hear an update regarding Heirloom packs, as would may others. There are over 2,200 responses on your last update with more than 180 thousand total views. Clearly players remain unsatisfied with your initial response, which addresses only one of many concerns.

    • People still don't like the FOMO, it's just yucky and there's no need for it.
    • People still don't like the exclusivity, nor the harassment or elitism that comes with it from both sides of the aisle. The Founders program has shown you for a decade what this invites into our community. Have you forgotten?
    • People still don't like that it's cash-only. Why is the plat and Regal Aya I just bought no longer good enough?
    • People still don't like that they can't purchase bundle contents separately. You do this for other bundles, why not this one?
    • People still don't like that the only "10 Year Supporters" you choose to recognize are those that buy these packs. Is the hundreds of dollars of support I've given over these years not good enough?
      And that's just through Steam! Personally, I find this insulting. It's just ugly.
    • And the only concrete reason you've given for why you won't make further changes is that it would be """unfair""" to players who bought specifically for the exclusivity, but you're using "unfairness" to defend an inherently unfair system. Is serving such a petty desire to be better than everyone else really more important than all the players who cannot afford these packs with cash right now and all the players who join will our community during Warframe's next 10 years?

    Absolutely agree with all of you, i should totally have a chance to still get excal prime and his weps 

  3. His ones CC is awful. Stop it. Making enemies flop around like fish out of water is S#&$. The dmg or anything it has to offer, the augment, awful

    2nd only good for moving but so what? Worthless

    3 is awful, stop the cope. Lack of CC because if you move the enemies leave it. Energy drain is awful. Dmg isn't as good if you actually do anything worth while.


    4th? The CC is OK at best but still annoying and obviously the dmg is trash


    Let's not forget the range and casting on all the skills is bad too.!


    There's other frames that are great so why can't he be one? Why must all water frames be bad? How about this:

    1 should be a debuff

    2 can stay the same but have a second effect with 3

    3 should be a big CC bubble(water) similar to limbo but have the 2 when casted on an enemy, spread the conditions affecting the hit enemy to anyone in the bubble. Possibly slowing everything in it for around 30 or so %(not modable)

    4th can have 2 options. Quick cast would be the normal skill or hold which would cost double the energy to send the kraken into your bubble to attack enemies inflicting scaling toxin dmg based on enemy level



    Survivability in 2022 doesn't mean anything because of shieldgating as long as you have some CC... Good CC

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  4. 6 hours ago, TheKazz91 said:

    So I am sorry but I just need to point this out. The new infinite gear wheel is just horrible on PC. I can completely understand that is was created for console players and I am sure that with a game pad this is fine but for a mouse and key board this is just awful design. To my understanding Warframe was released on the PC before it was even ported over to consoles. PC players also provide pretty much free Beta testing for new updates and end up finding the bugs that get fixed before the update gets pushed to consoles and what do we get for basically bug testing the game? Detrimental UI controls designed for console players. Why can we not have a list or a grid we can scroll through? why do we need to draw circles with our mouse? like sure you give us "infinite" gear slots but why would anyone use more than one wheel with this awful user interface? Who tested this with a mouse and key board at DE and said "yeah this feels good lets do this" because navigating to any item past the first page is terrible. Maybe DE is just playing their market? maybe console players give them more money than PC players? I don't know. All I know is that is spiral gear wheel is NOT fun or convenient to use on PC and It would be great if we could replace it with a scrolling or paged list instead please and thank you. 

    Before it gets said YES I know you can keybind everything on the first ring of the gear wheel. That doesn't change the fact that this change never should have been pushed to PC users. The old gear wheel would be preferred because at least then all my emotes where on the same page and anything past the first page might as well not even exist on PC so what is the point. 

    Again can we please get this replaced with a UI that is actually made for PC a scrolling list would be ideal preferably a list on each side the the screen with the left side being for gear and the right side being for the emotes.

    You act like we want that S#&$ too 

  5. 6 hours ago, Loviam said:

    It makes it more controllable. If you cast a long larva then get swamped with more enemies you'll want to be able to cancel and recast 

    If you're using your 3rd, being swamped isn't an issue plus the regen from your 4th if you really need it. 

  6. 3 hours ago, Loviam said:

    Outside of guardian and Grace, what are peoples arcane suggestions for this build?

    Steel charge, cunning drift, umbral fibre, umbral vitality, umbral intensify, augur reach, streamline, continuity, larva aug, rage.


    Larva Aug is trash btw

    And guard grace is the way to go. I've tested 2 guards and 2 grace also. The dmg mitigation from his 3 works better with just 1 and 1


  7. On 2018-07-28 at 5:46 PM, FierceRadiance said:

    It's possible, but NVDL (Not Very Damn Likely). Technically, the builds have to be in sync, which only happened once, when WF was first introduced to each platform. Then of course there's the politics; since XBone is built IIRC on a flavor of Windows, cross play there is presumably much easier than with PS, which IIRC is built on a flavor of Linux. Plus, Sony supposedly dislikes the idea of crossplay with it's competition as a matter of policy.

    So....prolly don't hold your breath.

    Pretty easy solution 

    If there's an update on pc, give an option if you'd want to do it and a warning that you won't be able to play across platforms. Boom

    Chat should still work tho

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