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  1. I did not see any prompts, nor did my wife, nor have a number of other players who I have read online about this same issue. I just noticed my platinum was missing. Even something that just popped up and said "You don't have any weapon slots, purchase one for 12 platinum?" with the little icon for plat would have been enough, but we didn't have anything like that. We absolutely did not receive these prompts. This would have been clear. Definitely sounds like a bug then.
  2. Because you're unnecessarily hostile, and not just to me, but it looks like to everyone on this forum. I took 5 seconds to look at your other posts and it was depressing seeing how awful you are to everyone. You seem to be a generally unpleasant person who doesn't play nice with others. It's sad and you should work on that. You know there's a saying, "If you run into an A****** int he morning, you ran into an A******. If you run into A******s all day, you're the A******". You should maybe try to reflect on that, and your experiences on this forum.
  3. My god what is your problem @Zakkhar? Firstly, this is a new user experience feedback forum, I'm telling you about the experience of a new user, which you clearly are not. Right now, the experience for new users is poor. It is not clear when you're spending platinum on weapon slots, or that weapon slots are even a thing in this game as a new user. What I want is better UI design to make it obvious that weapon slots are a thing, that they cost platinum, and that you are spending platinum to open them. As I said, not myself, nor my wife, or literally dozens of other examples I found online with a simple google search who all had this problem, saw any sort of prompt, confirmation, or warning that the action they were taking was about to cost them 12 platinum. What I want is for them to make that clearer, why would that ever be a bad thing? And why would you want users to have to contact support to find out what they spent their premium currency on? It's a simple feature to add which adds a lot of value, takes the burden off of support who shouldn't have to look through my history to find what I purchased, and leaves a poor user experience. That's also bad design. And finally, your comment of "And? What me or any other player reading this has anything to do with it? You do not like a service, you do not use it. This is not google review." is so god damned pointless. The reason it matters is that I'm a new player, potential revenue for the devs. This forum exists for user feedback FOR THE DEVS. I am saying that I am less likely to give the devs money because of this experience, therefore, it's important feedback to give them. Your comments are pointless, miss the entire purpose of this forum, and are needlessly hostile to new users. Be better.
  4. It also happened to my wife, and after looking online it looks to be a common problem. It's clearly not obvious enough to new players if a number of players are having the same issue. It also wasn't clear that weapon slots were even a thing and I only found out about them because of this experience. And as I said, I was being particularly careful not to spend platinum and still missed any potential warnings. That's not negligence, it's bad UI/UX design. How could giving players the ability to see what they spent their premium currency on be a bad thing rather than forcing them to contact support? That makes no sense. And as I've said, this experience has made me extremely reluctant to purchase platinum in the future.
  5. I've accidentally purchased 2 weapon slots somehow. It probably didn't help that I wasn't aware there was a limit to the number of weapon and warframe slots in the first place when I started. I have no idea how I purchased them, but I don't recall anything popping up saying something would cost platinum, I just noticed it was gone. The worst part is I was intentionally being careful not to spend platinum until I better understood the game and what would be most efficient to spend it on. The exact same thing happened to my wife who started shortly after me. The game really needs to make it clear to new players that there are limits to the slots, which is really easy to do with UI design, and they need to make it really clear when you're about to spend platinum. The experience has made me really reluctant to purchase platinum going forward if there's a chance I could accidentally spend it on something I didn't want to spend it on. Also, add a purchase history for what you spend platinum on. I had to spend far too long trying to find out what could possibly cost 12 platinum for it to have gone missing. It's a terrible user experience.
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