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Posts posted by Tempest

  1. 43 minutes ago, [DE]Megan said:


    • Changed the "Regenerate Shields when you inflict an enemy with Blast Status" Topaz Archon Shard embed bonus to no longer apply when Shield Gate is triggered. 
      • An unintended degree of invulnerability could be obtained using this effect while continuously triggering Shield Gate, so it was changed to function similarly to Caliban’s Lethal Progeny ability, where the Shield recharge is disabled when Shield Gate is triggered and only resumes when the Shields begin to regenerate themselves. 

    This is a really disappointing change. It was a very niche use based on a situational status/element, that only made a noticeable difference to a small number of frames and builds.

    For me, fitting a single shield regen Topaz Shard into my build was the final touch for really smooth Caliban gameplay, since it allowed me to ignore other less efficient ways to kickstart Lethal Progeny's recharge.

    • Like 1
  2. 19 minutes ago, [DE]Megan said:

    The bug was that an Inbox was sent in the first place. Feel free to delete it 👼 

    So, no collectible for finding lore fragments this time, or is something different planned? I thought it would be similar to Cetus/Fortuna fragments.

    • Like 2
  3. Something needs to be done about it, preferentially before any newer modes that require some progression start to become plagued by leeching as well. It's a problem that happens on a much smaller scale to every endless mode but the core of the issue has never been truly looked at, only inconvenient/inconsistent band-aid solutions exist as of now.

    I have no issue in helping out a player or two that take unleveled weapons there if they're honest and simply ask for help, it's even better if they still choose an appropriate frame and try to contribute. However, as of the past few weeks it's getting increasingly difficult to find just a normal squad to play with, at least in my experience. So many times I have to quit and try to join different groups because I've landed on those "three useless players hoping for a random Saryn or Equinox to join" situations, sadly many of them aren't even low MR, and the worst of all is that it's not unusual for them to be clanmates or friends absolutely doing it on purpose together, just because they can.


    I don't think this is the place to make complex suggestions on how to solve the issue, since so many ideas are compatible with this situation and definitely worth exploring to see if they fit in the context of Warframe, e.g. a robust/efficient party finder, reputation systems promoting positivity without fracturing the community, that sort of thing.

    My only request is for this to be looked into as fast as possible, before the toxicity becomes ingrained and truly ruins entire gamemodes later on.




    • Like 1
  4. I remember at least more than one and a half year ago when Scott openly mentioned on a devstream that Chroma's numbers and mechanics were off and at some point they would rework him, but probably didn't at the moment because it wasn't so prejudicial to the game or bigger priorities took over.

    What he really needs is a complete rework, a new identity based on how to legitimately make use of his full kit. The damage nerf was a palliative solution to avoid allowing vanilla Chroma to freely oneshot whatever he wants, now if you want to instantly kill Eidolons you'll at least need to have fine-tuned equipments and stack some buffs, which is far different from a single frame doing it all by himself.

    Just like Nezha he's not meant to be "another Rhino", but because of limitations, be they technical or merely based on deadlines, it's what we got and it ended up piling dust until now. Fortunately for the first time ever DE's doing a pass on larger groups of frames, and right after we got the first batch they already said a second one is going to happen while feedback on the first is incorporated as well.

    If we keep writing concise and realistic suggestions they'll certainly listen, however, your topic says very little and doesn't contribute at all to Chroma's current state.



  5. 33 minutes ago, Maka.Bones said:

    o/ Appreciate the comment. That's a fair point.  To that effect, increasing ember's WoF energy cost would make sense. So would reducing the range... But if it was that much of a problem, then why not just make it a drop-down power instead? Like banshee's resonating quake.

    Or why not bring back overheat, but tweaked a bit?  Or replace WoF with something else lol.  "Linear changes" might not be necessary, but they literally equal out to be *unbalanced changes* whether they're for better or (in WoF's case) worse. 


    Because part of game design involves meticulously creating new solutions to avoid making your product stale. Imagine if pretty much all AoEs worked just using the same vanilla principle of "it's just one tick of immense area damage", most likely all abilities would have the same issues, some would be objectively better or worse than other options, and the list goes on... The ideal situation is a fine balance between creating something too gimmicky or too simple.

    Surely there's always room for improvement and I trust DE on this one because more than once they have candidly acknowledged and acted upon it, even though they show a little bit of resistance to certain suggestions, sometimes justifiable.

  6. DE isn't against exceptionally strong weps/builds/frames unless they're truly OP, absolutely out of scale in relation to the rest of the game. In general, they're against promoting passive gameplay that trivializes entire missions, because from a game design standpoint it's terrible to narrow down the whole experience to just standing still while everything around you melts effortlessly.

    Their balance mindset is consistent, and fortunately we have proof of that on the patch logs people have been posting on the wiki since the beginning.

    Now, the game modes are a good suggestion I could definitely see happening in slightly different contexts.

  7. Fashionframe, creative but viable warframe builds and messing around with underrated weapons.

    Trying to make unusual loadouts completely viable during the endgame is really fun in my opinion, it involves a deeper knowledge of almost all mechanics to be creative and successfully min-max forgotten weapons. Unfortunately, sometimes you'll need to grind a lot of kuva if the weapon needs a riven or has a disposition too strong to be ignored.

    Beyond that, I just try to constantly get better and challenge myself, become less dependant on spamming abilities or raw stats and instead try to take my movement/aim to a higher level, which consequently allows me to comfortably use more varied frame builds and loadouts.

  8. 31 minutes ago, RealPandemonium said:

    That's sortie levels, so what's the problem?

    The problem is keeping the pressure like many other non "meta" but still completely viable weapons can comfortably do, killing stronger units consistently in less than five seconds without needing to hit 100% headshots and draining ammo like crazy, or when second/third stage long sorties have armor/eximus/elemental enhancement conditions. I had already mentioned this in my previous reply.

  9. 42 minutes ago, Horonelius said:

    Last I checked about 2 weeks ago, the Braton Prime was still amazing. It is a status weapon, not a crit or raw damage weapon.

    It's very usable up to level 80~90, but beyond that point the high status chance by itself starts not being enough to take down stronger enemies without exclusively headshotting them and spending many seconds along with 3/4 of a mag, and that's a lot if you take into account it has 600 total ammo. Up until recently the ammo economy was unviable, forcibly using the secondary was pretty normal because ammo would always be on the lower side.

    Even with my very decent Riven I've never taken the Braton P to "difficult" sorties because it tickles enemies in comparison to popular weapons or even hidden gems like the Strun Wraith and stuff.

  10. Title says it all.

    I always wanted the most iconic/vanilla weapon loadout to be at least remotely viable during the endgame, but the Braton and Braton Prime are still behind by a huge margin both in stats and disposition in comparison to most rifles, which makes no sense.

    If the plan is to really keep MK1 and normal Braton at a lower tier, at least bump the prime variant stats up a bit or give it a strong disposition so that experienced players can revisit the weapon and have some fun with it.

  11. 6 minutes ago, FinkLord said:

    Senteints adapt to anything around them almost instantly. I don't see any infested do they same.

    Yep, the Infested incorporate themselves into whatever they come into contact with, while the Sentient immediately mirror what's threatening them.

  12. 4 minutes ago, FinkLord said:

    They adapt to any damage they receive. Chroma's vex armor is very similar to that. When shields are hit his armor increases and when his heath is damaged his weapon damage increases. That sounds very sentient like if you ask me. Also again you can also see a resemblance to sentients in the way his pelt and wings look. 

    +Hunhow's participation on Chroma's quest.

  13. We don't know exactly how long it takes for the void to completely desintegrate a normal sentient, not to mention we currently have two very distinct groups of sentient units in-game, both in appearance and mechanics against void damage, which certainly relates at least a little bit to the lore.

    I'd say it's plausible, Geoff and Steve repeatedly said over many devstreams that one of The Sacrifice's key moments will be about warframes and their origins, plus I've never seen DE take so long to release a warframe or specifically say they need to release a main quest before it, a declaration that only makes sense if you're gonna drop a lore bomb. 

  14. 30 minutes ago, NeyoSemperDux said:

    You realize you are the one insulting people right now? The only people being toxic in this thread are the people who didn't care about raids in the first place. The people who cared about raids have said nothing other than "I don't want to play this game anymore" and "Please don't remove raids." They haven't attacked anyone.

    How am I insulting people or being toxic? I'm really trying to maintain the politeness even though my replies are a little bit harsh sometimes, I'm not trying to make this a "us vs. them" issue in any shape or form.

    You are cherry picking quite a bit, ignoring all the snarky replies in this very thread (some of which got apparently deleted even), ignoring that attempt at review bombing Warframe on Steam immediately after DE's post on removing Trials, or how many extremely toxic posts both here and on reddit were created since then without any real intention to create a dialogue. There's a clear difference between being understandably disgruntled for some time and systematically promoting hate.

    I sincerely don't want people to leave permanently, my key argument is about staying calm and how it benefits both you and the devs. I wish the absolute best for every composed and friendly raid player, but unfortunately they are the exception within the exception.

    • Like 3
  15. 54 minutes ago, MaidGalaxy said:

    The classic argument of "just play a different game" is not helping out in any discussion, neither does generalizing the admittedly small portion of the community that runs raids regularly with the even smaller but vocal portion of that part of the community that is indeed displaying toxic behaviour (which you did in your initial post before the current one, even if not intended), at which point I have to agree, that it won't help neither them nor DE, other than expressing their distaste for the current changes in an unproductive manner.

    But with that being said, it is just not the right move to make, to essentially neglect the needs of the people who did enjoy a niche aspect of the game, who together spend probably spend decades worth of time playing the aspect of the game they truly loved, even if others did not. Just removing it without an outlook into the future surely is a paining experience, because god knows when raids actually make a return at all. For all the small part of the community currently knows, it may or may not take longer than the dark sector rework did, which, as a reminder, took nearly 3 years by now.

    Without a new thing to tend their wounds with and spend some time at in the game, those player may even consider leaving the game, some of which are loyal tenno, people with several prime accesses obtained, uncountable hours spend helping other player and the one or the other founder even and that, regardless of what you personally may think, is a tragedy which shouldn't happen.

    You are justifying/explaining topics I already understand, everything I said was with this in mind.

     I'll say it for the third time: obsessing this much over a game is not worth it, having 2k+ hours played per year isn't something to be proud of nor does it validate your feedback automatically, it's much more complex than that. 

    If DE hadn't removed raids, that same old "Yeah but this specific bug" would keep showing up every update thread. People would keep complaining nonstop about something minimal for the rest of the game/community only to eventually stop playing Warframe anyways, probably claiming lack of support or other similar reasons, since it was already being widely ignored by DE until it started to actively drain their time and resources, forcing them to take a stance about it.

    This kind of situation is just bad PR, band-aid solutions won't solve the issue because the only way to do it is by completely restructuring them, and it's much better to do it without pressure. Being able to focus on other relevant plans while creating new ideas for Trials without being rushed will be something positive for the game, I'd rather lose raids and see ample improvements throughout the year than desperately pressure DE into fixing something so dated and broken.

    Now what else can help out in this discussion? The devs decision is clear, we already know everything, the players ragequitting will certainly come back at some point when everything fits their necessities again. There is nothing more to be talked about, my only wish is that DE communicates everything about the development clearly like they usually do.

    • Like 6
  16. 39 minutes ago, NeyoSemperDux said:

    You are being just as toxic, if not more. People don't want to spend time on something where their time has obviously been ignored.

    So? Don't do it, don't play Warframe like your life depends on it, it's completely unhealthy and there's plenty more good games available in each genre.

    My point is that acting immaturely, hurling insults left and right, and posting rage-fueled threads ranting without purpose won't help yourself or DE, you'll just make yourself look like a spoiled child and degrade your own mental state over a temporary change in a game.

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  17. I'm pleasantly surprised with the current situation. I didn't think the majority of the playerbase would be able to understand DE's side and future ambitions for Warframe in just twenty days. At the same time, the most toxic, obsessive, spoiled and absolutely worst but luckily very tiny fraction of our community is """leaving""", some of them audacious enough to think their momentary absence is relevant to the point of being formally announced on forum/reddit posts like it would change the world.


  18. 3 minutes ago, -AoN-CanoLathra- said:

    Then why does a Rhino with a 100% damage buff deal the same damage as a Chroma with a 400% damage buff? And why does Chroma now have less EHP than Inaros or Bless+Link Trinity or even the new Atlas?

    I can understand them wanting him to do less damage, but they either messed something up or lied to us when they said it would work like any other damage buff, and they definitely failed to mention that his tanking capabilities would be impacted as well.

    I don't know the exact answer to that because I don't work at DE, they probably don't know it themselves if nothing has been informed to us. What I can guarantee after five years playing Warframe is that it won't be left untouched. If it's a bug they'll fix it next week, if it's an intentional nerf but it was too much they will certainly revert it back or at the very least tone it down, which I would agree because having over 90k EHP in a game you're supposed to constantly be moving and avoiding hits is way too much.

    My last sentence about subsequent tweaks already answers general concerns about pretty much every balance patch or frame rework we'll ever get, it's almost impossible for a developer to absolutely nail it when so many mechanics and numbers are involved, especially in an expansive game like Warframe.

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