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Posts posted by -_Highlander_-

  1. I have no idea if this is an good idea to interfer with ps4's but maby this can help or not

    Who was the host on that moment you or the second person ?..

    if he was the host and you the client .. then maby you should host the relic .. if you have those for derelict ( dojo solar rails lab contains the derelict keys if iam correct .. )

    Did you ask that person if you know who that was if his junction where completed after that .. 

    idk if he or she already did the assination before you .. but i hope this can help i realy do

    mostly if clients join host things starting to become an real pain sometimes

  2. I use redeemer in melee mode .. block with right mouse button and shoot with E

    1 shots .. and still moving 

    2 shots and standing more still 

    but this works only on the melee 

    if you use an primary + Redeemer you need to charge shot enemys for full effect damage

    but option 1 i use more XD such power in an small packadge

  3. Just now, --DSP--Jetstream said:

    Get in a squad, farming toroid solo is no good.

    5 days to get 10 Toroids? wow you can get like 40 toroids in 20 minutes last time i farm those.

    What are you talking about man

    solo not good .. well i beg the differ .. but becuase you typed before me and iam not gonna make my content after this 

    i was typing almost an whole page with good explaination around solo play .. but this does it .. 

    OP good luck with those people 

    --- never getting an chance here ----

    I do solo farming toroids and swimming in it 

    how i do it .. search my topics and read .. sorry guys .. wasting time here

  4. 21 minutes ago, Jokie155 said:

    The stats are increased for use on ground and such, which is why they appear different when you switch between the two modes. And yes, two configurations is the way to go as they don't have separate instances in the loadout.

    i see absolute diffrence between Space and Earth 

    here are my stats atm 

    This is for ground 


    And this is for Space


    same weapons .. same mods .. diffrent stats

    Correct me if iam wrong

  5. 6 hours ago, Rekkou said:

    I swear Destiny threads are like saturday morning cartoon villains. 


    Turned out Meh


    1 year later


    Still meh


    1 year later


    You all know the rest


    Thats Activision in an nutshell

    Lets see what bungie can do now .. if they remove the paywall Tess from it then maby ,, i said maby .. iam starting to have intrest once again

    But warframe will come always on #1 for me 

    Digital Extreme can handle so much content and trying to keep it ongoing as much as possible they have proven to much that an game needs there community .. 

    Destiny however doesnt need there community .. only money .. Warframe shows the diffrence

  6. We need dedicated servers .. like we have with pvp ( conclave )

    that would be better solution towards this host dilema 

    If connections keep going back and front all over the globe only to sync host and clients thru an couple of servers that are way to far to reach but mades an connection anyway

    then this would improve the connections overall .. less pressure towards the main servers . and instead we all can help to reduce the stress on the networks

    more stable situations than it is now ..

    This algorithm that is active atm became worse after we saw CC points got removed .. its scrambles to much now with almost non perfomance clients

    while high end pc's have to deal with people with way to low end pc's and see there connection dropping into an horrible game play .. lags lags out of sync and more lags

    .. Dedicated servers thats what we need ..  :angel:

  7. Are you using an powerline adapter during games ? ( you need extra power for the Gpu and Cpu . Be sure you connect the powerline adapter )

    How is your energy manager settings . ? ( if its set to powersaving then you should change it to max performance ) Open Worlds Need Extra Power Consumption ) Gpu & Cpu calculation are needed with full performance to render

    Do you hear an jet comming out of your laptop ?.. if so then ( Cooling is needed ) time to cleanout the fan from dust it may collected .

    Or if you have support on the laptop bring it to them to clean it for you if needed and adjusting the thermal paste 

    The more heat it make the less quality of life it gets .. 

    Be sure you have all the connectors hooked up properly .. screw the cable on the monitor tight so it can't jump out of the Digital video Input socket and from the laptop to the screen itself

    .. Check if the internal cable isnt damaged .. Wiggle the laptop screen up and down when you play the game .. if it makes conflict then ..i advice you what SevenSinsofHell reccomended you .. to bring it for repair on the damaged cable // try also what i gave you as advice as iam an IT myself like SevenSinsofHell is .. 

    and we are happy to help you as much we can

    let us know how it goes along the way :thumbup::cool:

  8. 26 minutes ago, peteed1985 said:

    Stupid plains I accept a bounty and step into the walkway out and get put in no group and then am left defending consoles from so many enemies that no matter if i'm attacking non stop taking them does easy there is so many of them that they kill the console and also i'm tanking all the damage and dying alot on the higher level ones.

    It's stupid the only times I get put into groups is if I randomly exit without a bounty to fish or mine and forgot to switch it to solo...

    This is so much bull and it's making Gara impossible to get since I fail all the bounties on like stage 3 and the like and there doesn't seem to be an option to wait for the group to fill before starting the mission.

    Do you always check the node servers if they are busy or calm

    leave the node then check again only join busy servers if you need an squad in the mission 

    if you jump in the mission itself just wait an couple sec 20 Sec or so .. then people will join 

    you can't tell me that people don't join missions public if its crowded .. 

    only if the elevator or hallways is empty then i would be worry'd

    but if you see allot of people around it .. then the chance is bigger that you end up with people .. but only if you have set matchmaking to public ..

    its no supprise when you do bounty and your matchmaking is set to friends only or invite or solo .. 

    p.s maby if you would set you settings for ping higher than normal so you get an wider range to search matchmaking -- under setting - network

    - check check -

  9. 49 minutes ago, (XB1)xBLADEPANTHERx said:

    I am kind of noticing some spite in your language, but I'll go on...

    I understand you want to keep it simple, but just saying something needs to be fixed is still not good enough, you need to elaborate on the issue, the devs can't search all around the forums just to better understand your issues, if you want them to fix it quicker, then add more detail, that way they'll have a much clearer vision on what you feel needs to improve, for all we know you might have a different outlook than other players.

    I really shouldn't have to say this again but....My complaints are not to make my life better, but the devs lives better since they won't have to go on a wild goose chase to acquire information towards your criticisms, which is pretty much what you're expecting them to do right now since you are not willing to improve your answer.

    If you want to report and ban me, go ahead. it's not going to fix this game though. 

    I'm gonna stay away from this thread now since I know that things are getting really heated between us two right now, again sorry if you are offended, but in all honesty, your responses aren't exactly kind and guilt-free either.


    Hey you knocked on my door .. not the other way around

    you shouldnt response to me in the first place ... 

    i said what i needed to say and if you arnt happy with it .. then don't 

    but don't start pointing fingers in my direction as you already know that not every topic has its complete page full with content around it .. 

    And if the devs only should take an look at the bug reports then everything is in there what they need 

    .. i dont have the time to copy paste every topic in this topic to make you clear whats going on .. or devs .. they never read my topics or comments .. so why wasting so much text if i can keep it simple .. they can ignore the comment or not .. but over the years i have faced more bashing towards my idea's then people have any constructive to tell ..

    and no iam not offended by you .. not by an long shot.. and don't worry i won't ban you or report you .. thats not worth my time 

    and pls show me where i did wrong .. as you pledged me guilty as charged for something i didn't do .. this is gonna be intresting

  10. Fix that Hosting migration

    Fix Fortuna Bountys (Profit Taker Bountys )

    Fix Drop rates for toroids

    Fix Archwings ( when you start to fly like an drunk musqito )

    Fix Heavy Weapons ( Status are way off )

    Fix Profit Taker Stage 4 ( The battle of ridiculous homing rocket )

    Fix Frame Rates dropping quickly

    Fix the delays during bountys ( Host an clients have an big sync issue )

    and there are so much more to do .. Fix that what is broken already 

    You do me an big favor 

    • Like 1
  11. 32 minutes ago, matityah said:

    long story short.

     i had 227  plat bought an armor set then a network error occurred, in the market it said i had bought the armor even took 100 plat for the bundle.

    when i went to the arsenal it said i didn't buy the armor, i logged out and re-logged in now i have the armor but i am missing another 100 plat. 

    is this just a bug or should i fill out a ticket?

    You should make an screenshot of the item and send it to support desk 

    they can help you on this .. dont sell or buy anything else atm .. let devs help you first before things can't be fixed

    such an bummer all those crappy bugs preventing you from having fun in warframe

    i hope that 1 dev can help you so you can buy and sell things in a normal way

    • Like 1
  12. If you think you are innocent then send ticket to support desk

    If you are guilty as charged then Lotus may have mercy on your account


    -- I have no idea whats going on these days .. things acting bit weard maby an bug that did that ---

    its awfull quiet around devs . no support no hotfixes nada nopes 

    But i do hope that support can help you in an short time

  13. On 2018-12-30 at 1:17 PM, PotatoWithLuck said:

    Okay so, me and my friend started playing the game a while ago and I really want him to get back into the game. He's really hard headed and doesn't want to get back into the game because claims that Chroma is unplayable since his rework, and wants him to get buffed and gets "playable" again.

    I really want to play with him again but I just don't know how to get him back because there is no way of Chroma getting buffed any time soon, so if ANY DE staff is reading this I'd really appreciate if you gave chroma some funny buff, like for example; 5 dmg buff for his abilities or 0.01 movement speed buff, something like those. Doesn't have to be anything big or absurd, just something to show him that I really want to play with him again and have a good time.. 

    Anyways thank you for reading this thread even though it's something so ridiculous to ask for. 😁

    - Fellow Tenno 

    Iam building this one :)


    not played Chroma much .. so i give it an new try

    because i blew at fortuna bountys ( Thanks to Profit taker spider i felt small with almost every warframe i have . time to adjust i gues )

    don't let your friend stay away becuase of an underpowered warframe that you just can adjust to an overpowered warframe .. 

    not much of an big deal .. just build the right deck and your friend will be playing once again

  14. 6 minutes ago, ChaoticEdge said:

    then we get afterward from all that Gara prime, and other warframes.

    Yes indeed .. 

    Inaros and Atlas can use some dust cleaner

    left to much in dust over the past years

    hopefull they become more supportive than before so they can be used again 

  15. 28 minutes ago, Rogue.Runner said:

    This is probably not something that can be done but thought I'd throw it out there.

    I really like the different Warframe-themed glyphs, but it seems silly to run around with Rhino sporting a Mag glyph, or an Octavia glyph on a mission with Inaros.  I change my Warframe a LOT, choosing the 'best tool for the job" before each mission. Changing the glyph every time I change my Warframe is just silly (and far too much work for a quick mission), so I end up using symbols or other non-Warframe glyphs.

    It would be really cool if the glyph could be assigned per Warframe in the Arsenal.  That way it would 'match' in either theme and/or symbol.

    Maybe I'm just an odd duck, but I think this would be a cool addition to the game.

    DE:  Might even sell more glyphs if that were the case.  😉

    I like the idea so far .. :thumbup::satisfied:

    we can use something new around glyphs 

    Still i hope on Custom Clan Glyphs

    • Like 1
  16. :sadcry: the old good days in void ..

    well that was something to remember

    Sewer Camping for hrs

    farming parts until you fall in sleep

    and in the end we all got burned out 

    Becuase there wasn't any challenge to this system 

    The old void system well iam glad that its changed to something more worth

    now you need to grind for each part instead sitting still in an corner and spam 4

    So to much camping to much parts and to quickly burned out of the game .. 

    o and i did forgot Ducate abuse .. how people got easy ducates while others struggled for it 

    Devs rebalanced it to many times now .. 

    don't change it back to the old ways

    Camping is useless now .. so the old system that came with it

    -- Devs need to make the relics more accurate towards the void fissures .. Intact flawless radiant 

    wasting to much radiants for relics that only give rewards from the intact

    make this better than the system should be fine again 

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