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Posts posted by Nadoschka

  1. 10 minutes ago, PsychedelicSnake said:

    Ay brudda. I'm just sayin' we should get the Al Bhed to take care of the Infested. I don't see no reason for Yevon's faithful to be in danger, ya?

    So...is Sin Lephantis cousin now or have I missed something? :O

  2. 16 minutes ago, Wopel said:

    All joking aside? Just play. Practice practice practice. Either that or you can try installing the drivers that let the PlayStation controller work on the PC. You won't have the full functionality you do on console but the basics for game play will be the same. Also, Steam has a big picture mode or some such that is supposed to implement controllers. I haven't used it personally so I cannot say how well it works.

    As for keybind, if you have a high rate of fire weapon, I've seen people suggest making it the scroll wheel on the mouse as it will fire faster than you can press keys.

    As was already meantioned: practice.

    Play endless missions, or play all the missions in a certain style (practicing aim, movement, everything you need)
    Take certain weapon types with you and play those missions with them, to practice your handling. All is possible :)

  3. Some people in the trade chat seem to be very focused and serious about selling their (and often buying) items - too serious sometimes to be honest, which leads to the fact, that the whole "money-making-thing" - exchanging/earning platinum - becomes way too serious for them and they forget the fact that they are actually playing a game.

    Which leads to them blocking other players for things like "selling their items too cheap and thus dropping the whole market worth of said item"; simply for making mistakes - as is common for humans - or other things that are neither worth mentioning nor a reason for blocking players.

    Why you ask? Well. Money. Greed. Too much free time. Or simply the fact, that they take everything involving something similiar to money - in this case platinum - and thus the whole trade and business thing, as I already said, way too serious.
    Call it whatever you want but the sad truth is: we cannot (always) change how people are. Yet, especially while playing a community heavy game, we wish we could, because guys like them - for whom the game stopped being a game - are the ones who cause others a headache, give them bad eperiences with the game.


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