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Posts posted by Gestalt


    So now we need to visit a fan-run wiki to get all the ins-and-outs of a damage system.


    DE really didn't think this through did they?


    The original PC player base is one thing... but did they really expect those people who started playing WF solely because they picked up a PS4 to go online and read confusing charts to figure how to play their F2P title?

    Expect the PS4 WF playerbase to dwindle to nothingness.  Just as well.  Then they can cut the PS4 section and revert the forum to the old version again.

  2. Agreed. A lot of the bonuses tend to cancel themselves out, like how Magnetic's damage bonuses against shields are immediately shut out by the equally huge bonuses against health. It's now "average" against Corpus Crewmen, which is not how it should be working. Ice is a direct upgrade to Magnetic in this regard.


    Fun fact: Fire no longer deals extra damage against Infested.


    No no no!  They don't cancel themselves out if you put one element on the primary and another on the secondary!  Say if you mod your primary to eat through the shield fast, and your secondary to eat through the enemy health instead.


    BRILLIANT EH!?!??!


    Bravo, DE!  You really weren't kidding when you said we'd better bring a primary and secondary modded different to a single mission!


    Now that Speed Holster aura will get some much needed use!


    *citizen kane clap*

  3. Was just getting comfortable gearing up for infested on Palus.  


    So I guess an entire faction that can be hard-countered by Fire and/or Slash weapons alone was too much of a hindrance to DE's new philosophy of making obscurantism and convoluted damage mechanisms out to be "sophisticated" game mechanic.  


    No no no!  We need each faction to have MULTIPLE types of enemies, each having MULTIPLE types of HP that then need to be countered by MULTIPLE types of damages. Bring different primaries and secondaries folks, and make good use of that new Speed Holster aura.  That's what we want for this game.


    The infested was just not cutting it folks, sorry.  They're too easy to farm.  We wouldn't want players to figure out a counter-all way against a faction and then -- heaven forbid -- be able to actually feel powerful and enjoy the action that an ACTION-shooter should provide.  


    No no no!  Get to hiding behind cover folks.  Keep switching your weapons against different enemies!  TACTICAL SHOOTER!  Tom Clancy's Warframe.

  4. Trying to think of a question, any question to ask... haven't done this in a while...


    How does the team feel about the Beginner Experience™ now that plenty of PS4 players (as well as new PC players) have had the chance to try the game out in its current state?


    From most sources I hear (website, friends), I get the impression that people new to the game find the game extremely grindy and giving very little tutorial.  Are there any efforts to improve the presentation of the unique aspects of the game's mechanics (like the acrobatics and team-class dynamics) to new players who might otherwise just see Warframe as a generic TPS?

  5. My only question is: What would you do in the game if you obtained everything right away and had nothing left to play toward?

    The only reason I still play is because there are weapons and frames I don't have yet.


    Then DE has failed on a fundamental level in the design and execution of this game.


    It's a fast-paced co-op action-shooter game.  It's a type of game that should be played because it is fun.


    Why did people play counter-strike over and over when you couldn't level up in any way shape or form.  Because it was fun.


    Make Warframe fun.

  6. It'd be cool if they do another sound team dev livestream.  I'd love to see how they decided to make each character sound like.  Especially the Corpus voices.  They all seem very different.  Some are robotic, some are regular, and some are foreign/strained English.  Very interesting.


    Plus it'd be cool if they said they took some cues from SC cus they're fans.  lol~

  7. I did roughly 140+ capture missions to get the ember prime. It's cosmetic and when you use overheat it looks identical to the normal ember. Nobody's forcing you to farm for the skin and it doesn't give you an added advantage, heck their isn't even an additional polarity slot.


    If it's just a skin, they should've made it plat-only.


    Come now, De.  Start drawing a clear line between plat-only cosmetic items and game-effecting items that can be grinded for OR purchased with plat to skip the grind.

  8. I think it was worse in reverse.


    Hey guys, I'm looking for a good side arm!


    'Just use the brakk'


    But I don't have the brakk. D:


    'Oh, then you don't have a good side arm.'


    The amount of times I went through this conversation was just staggering.


    I also will NEVER approve of a limited availability event weapon being the best weapon in the game, for, well, see conversation above.


    Well, then it's the fault of people who min-max (and yes, I do mean both people who suggest you only use brakk AND those who listen to others telling them you should only use brakk).  There are so many weapons in the game, you can use whatever you like and many of them would be viable.  I personally found the brakk to be super strong, but I haven't used it since getting it to 30 and have been leveling/modding/trying out other sidearms.  I just thought of it as a fall-back to if I need to do a particularly difficult mission.  


    But I guess not anymore.  Since some unimaginative people whose only mode of acquiring ingame information is to regurgitate talking-points by their clanmates/forum gurus have managed to make the game just a tad bit less fun for the rest of us.


    Damage 2.0 Mod Builds: SPECIALIZE ALL THE WEAPONS!! If you don't focus entirely on one faction, then YOU'RE DUMB!


    Hard-counter rock-paper-scissors game mechanics is FUN!!!  As proven by many a game before!


    *watches as the entire StarCraft 2 pro-scene dies*

  10. Merged the bunch of Brakk threads into this one to avoid forum redundancies.


    While we're at it, is there a chance the mods can merge all the wts/wtb trade threads into a trade megathread (if that's not already done)?


    That's the single most annoying aspect of surfing the forums these days.

  11. My reaction: HELL YES!


    Now people might actually use other sidearms if they have the Brakk.


    I still think it needs to be brought lower, honestly.  It was the king sidearm by a huge margin.


    Why do people insist on wanting to tell other people how to play the game?


    "I don't like how you use that gun.  I hope they nerf that gun so you get to use other guns."


  12. dem lips look like a pair of $* or butt cheeks


    --o )( o--


    If ya got a Loki, using his cloaking helps. Running melee or Glaive only tends to be how I do it. Least Leech and Mine Ospreys sit still for substantial periods, unlike the Shield ones.


    But but but... that's so much work T_T  Time to fire up some solo Loki games :X





    LAWL.  You wouldn't want to see Rhino very angry.  Except if he's in yui's comics.

  13. Alright, I've noticed this with Alad V a while back, but chalk it up to coincidence.  


    But now Darvo too.


    I am under the impression that so folks in the DE office like to play StarCraft....


    Does that explain why Darvo sounds 95% like the Raven pilot/AI, while Alad sounds very similar (75%~) like the Science Vessel? 


    I understand SC is not the first scifi game to use those admittedly somewhat cliche voices, but this is beyond coincidence here.


    Damage 2.0

    It finally happened, and it’s a lot to take in!

    With displayed damaged types,

    • Impact, Puncture and Slash

    And four primary Elemental Damage types:

    • Heat, Cold, Electric and Toxin

    It’s no wonder that people are busy testing out Damage 2.0. Each weapon is affected and each enemy has been prepped for this new system. All feedback is appreciated so we can update the system to get it just right.


    We have put in resistances and weaknesses in the Codex as of yesterday, get scanning to learn more about your enemies!


    Uh, I'm sure this is pretty good for the longevity of the game, and it's certainly pushing the game more towards the RPG side of things.


    However, doing math and rock-paper-scissors loadout in an action shooter just seems a bit slow, tedious and not so fun to me.  When I want to do math to come up with specific builds to deal with specific enemies, then do more math to min/max my damage output, I would alt-F4 out of Warframe, then click on the icon right below the Warframe icon on my desktop marked "Path of Exile".

    I hope the new damage system gets smoothed out to be less "sophisticated" and just more fun in general.  In the meantime, I will just put on a gun, a sidearm and a sharp/blunt object, load a mission and try to shoot, stab and bash any object into oblivion in a hopefully expeditious manner.  When said method stops to be effective and starts to impede on the killing, I'll just take a break and go throw a few spectral hammers into some monsters on my Scion.


    Edit: I should add that I'm 100% supportive of the new shotgun.  I think it sucks (probably because I'm still leveling it; also, not bothering with learning which damage is better against what enemy probably didn't help), but I applaud the idea of introducing new weapons with new mechanics.  That's what this game needs above all else: new ways to deal out the damage.

  15. Imo in any online game where i started out, most of hte motivation was running into uber players that would leaving me drooling and determined to become awsome too. 


    Or it would just frustrate them and turn them away from the game, Clare.


    From what little twitch streams I saw of new players trying out the game, the beginner experience is rather... frustrating actually.  The last thing this game needs is more random factors to annoy the beginners.  We need new bloods to keep this ecosystem healthy.  We really do.

  16. Wasn't the damage that the extractor takes supposed to only be during its idle state after a 4-hour gathering run?


    What's the point of a randomly-taking-damage drone that could be killed during a run?  Mine's first run took it down to 3/4 hp, second run down to around 3/5 hp, and it died randomly from 1/3 hp 2 hours into the third run.  It was at 1/3 hp > I entered a mission for 5 minutes > came out and it's destroyed.



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