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Posts posted by Lavantant

  1. exactly my point, and if youre worried about the other people, do a game with people that dont know eachother, or with just guildmates

    personally what just happened to me is that i was in a mission that lasted 40 mins with my 2 friends, t3, using it to level a bit and get the last nova part. right at the end of the mission i die and try to res, but to no avail, it glitches out, they both run to the extraction to try to beat my afk timer, but end up not making it in time

    i did 60% of the damage, took 50% of the damage, killed half the enemies, activated the most life supports, gave everyone overshields nonstop
    and i got nothing? for 40 mins of that?

  2. Hey everyone!
    So it was recently brought to my attention that the afk timer is a real problem.

    Here's how it currently works; if someone has not moved more than 3 meters in the past 60 seconds (unsure of distance and time) they are afk and get no rewards if the game finishes then

    this brings up several problems;
    if i get to the end of a level and sit in place as nyx to stay alive in wait for another person to have the timer start should i get my rewards or not?
    if i sit at the beginning of the mission until everyone else finishes it, and THEN i run around; should i get rewards or not?
    if i prop my controller to move me in a circle constantly, and then walk away should i get the rewards or not?

    you see how this solution can be pretty problematic, and there's always gonna be a way around it for the AFKers if we dont make a serious change to the basic structure of it, and there are going to be many people who are innocent that will get marked as AFK due to the current structure

    My solution?
    vote to kick
    plain and simple;
    if the person is voted out by every other user in the mission(or more than 74% of the people other than them) they get kicked
    thats it
    if it was their key, dont spend the key, and kick everyone out of mission, if it was their key just do it as if they left

    this way of doing it allows for much better ruling, you could;
    make the required vote lower if they fit the other afk timers rules
    make the voting lower if they've done and taken no damage
    make the voting higher if they've done a lot of damage

    and much much more

    but the basic idea is that the current system is, while partially functional, doing harm to more innocent people than to guilty people, and the system really needs to change

  3. Hey DE, while we're on the topic of buffing that balistica, i assume you didn't give it more damage because its stealthy, and that's alright with me, but could you please remove/lower the sound it makes? whenever i try to use it to be stealthy, even if I'm invis and there's no other enemies in the room enemies still come running to me, I've tested firing it not even at anything to test if it was death sounds, and to no avail, it just sadly has firing sounds.

    I would REALLY love for this to happen and in my mind, dispite what others say that would make it more worth it for me, as then it is actually a stealthy weapon (which makes sense looking at its design) for a stealthy syndicite

    PLEASE write a response saying if you will remove/reduce the detection sounds, and if you guys dont want to, can you guys at least say no to me so I know that you guys even saw this so i don't have to spam it everywhere until you guys ban me from forums?

  4. Is there any hint of planning of buffing Red Veil stuff?

    I'm just looking at everything and realizing that Red Veil got the short end of the stick in a lot of ways...

    1. no primary blight mod, so you cant proc your syndicate on any primary weapon, not even a really bad one
    2. mire mod was bad; it really only gives the mire it should have had a long time ago, and even with it its still only a 3/5 star weapon, if that, and one of those stars is due to blight
    3. dark dagger mod; NO ONE USES THE DARK DAGGER FOR ANYTHING OTHER THAN FLYING, and so giving a bit more status chance really isnt gonna help us on the dark dagger, which should again not be a syndicate advised weapon
    4. and this is my biggest one:
    they took an already weak weapon, gave it wraith colors and froze the colors and stuff, and then made it WEAKER AND THEN PUT IT INTO A WORSE DAMAGE TYPE, when most of the syndicate weapons are stronger than the majority of the primaries in the game.

    so my question is; are they gonna buff things? change things? add things? refund my 100,000 standing for the balistica? let me pick a diff synd to instantly max out in trade for this one? refund the orokin catalyst and reactor?

    really not understanding how these mods were worth any of this...........

  5. Last night (12/6/2014) i was playing Warframe and found this alert for a reactor "blueprint blueprint"


    I was intrigued as to what it would cost to make a blueprint, even if it was a non reusable blueprint.
    In fact, I WANTED it to be a 1 time use item, I NEEDED the difficulty of that 2 step process to make the reactor. And you guys falsely advertised about what you would give me, you instead gave me a plain and simple orokin reactor blueprint... what a waste...

    DE Please take one of my reactor blueprints and make it into a blueprint blueprint. I am in DIRE NEED of this item.

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