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Posts posted by Knastcore

  1. Sadly there will always be Fanboy and Trolls, but overall it will be a win for the Community. I looking forward to this and really hope to use my existing account, can´t effort another Founder Package :(

  2. Jep, there was a cross game(Xbox360, PC/Windows Live), Lost Planet(The Colonial Edition) But the Top 100 Player in the Listst of K/D and Accurate where PC player only.

    So the mainly M+K is the Better choice for a shooter no matter if 3rd or First Person.

    (and yes i know there are 100 Headshot hardcore Controller Players out there but normally it´s not the case ;)


    anyhow, we still don´t know if playing via M+K will be available for PS4. at Least for Unreal Tournament 3 and Dust 514 it´s possible and work just fine

  3. So it´s a while till the Next Gen Consoles arrive, but me as a PC and PS3 Player, i like that News!


    So what do you think? Will someone else move on to Consolo then?


    and one question right away, will i be able to use my existing account on the PS4?


    Here is the News on PS-Trophies



    Here the News:


    Darkness II and BioShock 2 developer Digital Extremes has today announced its free-to-play third-person shooter Warframe, for PlayStation 4, with a playable demo of the game to debut at E3 next week.

    “The fact that we’re developing Warframe for the launch of the PS4 this fall is unbelievably awesome,” said Digital Extremes' Creative Director, Steve Sinclair. “The irony is not lost on me that our original sci-fi concept for this game was the first ever seen footage for the PS3 generation that never came to fruition until now.  Exciting times are ahead with this next-gen transition.”

    A co-op focused title built around community and clan-building, Warframe aims to make full use of PS4's social connectivity aspects with the DualShock 4's gameplay streaming, integrated audio and touchpad all to be utilised.

    You play as a Tenno warrior armed with ancient exo-skeletal tech that only they can operate: the eponymous Warframes. These Warframes grant the Tenno unimaginable powers and skill, giving players unique defensive and offensive attributes to master.

    Warframe will also have second screen functionality via the 'Warframe Nexus' app for Android and iOS, enabling players to perform in-game tasks away from their PS4. You'll be able to form a team of up to four players or go it alone, with co-op raids to uncover ancient artifacts available to help customise and upgrade your Warframe.

    Warframe is scheduled for release on PlayStation 4 this autumn.

  4. I just want to know, which weapon the player uses. If there would be 3 or more custom skins for each weapon, it would be hard to remember all.

    Ask the other Player in the ingame chat: Problem solved

  5. Very good, wheat. Im sure there was pressure from the team to release two warframes under the patch. So as a plan B, the art director said to the artists, stop modelling something new and take old assets and make them female.

    ...Which is weak by the way...and a cop out

    At least i prefere a placeholder warframe look and get a new Skill set. instead of just having one new. This is a beta they should be aloud to use placeholder until they rdy with the more important stuff

  6. We talked about that in the Designer Council way befor Nyx Release. So you´re not alone with that complaining

    It isnt a secret that the Base of her is Excalibur and i don´t think thats a bad thing. She looks like a Female deffinitly.

    Why not let Nyx wearing the same "Cloth" as Excalibur? and they use zbrush to make a male model to female - Yea but is that a bad think eather?

    I mean me including many were complaning about her way befor release but i fine now. It´s not that big problem. many like the Excalibur look and whould love to switch gender.

    I think this will come in future and this is still beta. cause they probably bringing Gender Switch the Nyx model will chance cause there whould be too much eaquel when there is a Female Excalibur so just wait.

    remember Ember she was having a gender switch a few updates early. and many hope to see the "Male" version again or at least a few parts of it.

    Edot: Damed this could be the start of a Rap carrier: Remember Ember she switched Gender ;)

  7. If you could get it back you just whould need one at all, and you whould probalbly swicth it back to the neccessary weapon each time you need it.

    Ofcourse they want money it´s an company they need it for food employees and else. If it that eas to play the game to the fullest without any cent no one whould by anything. yes there are people with no money but seriusly from all f2p games this one gives you plenty of oppertunity to nor spend a sigle dime.

    Just think twich befor you super charge a weapon and then you should be happy with it

  8. almoat 20 hours now, switching between Hyena and Jackal from time to time. Got a complete Warframe lvl from 0 to 30 while i farmed for Rhino System, but go a dozend Helmets and Cassis ;/ - so you´re not alone ;)

  9. Prestige Points (on Ash example)

    PP are an extra way to specifie you Warframe abilitys. With each Accout LVL-Up(Mastery/Profile) you gain a piont to spent for each of your Rank caped (Rank 30) Warframe. The Maximum Points you can get for each WF is 6.

    So basicly ist a Ability specific Skill tree.

    I think of this cause the actually Update (6) have this additional Skill tree but overall this just adds more Mod slots and Standart Skills like Health, Power and Shield. So Personnally there is still less reason to rank up a secound Warframe of the same type, and PP whould at least ad a reason more than it has now and brings varity into a team with 2 or more warframes of the same type

    With this idea you can skill the abilityes itself in the way you want and personally i think thats what the Warframes about – what makes them different and uniqe, adds more opportunity and give the player a good reason to may lvl up a secound Warframe of the same Type.

    So with 4 abilityes you will have 24 Skill slots but just 6 points to spend you can invest them all into your favorite or just one into each or else and if you like the way your skills are you have the possibility to spen thoos 6 pp to get 2 additional mod slot instead of pushing any ability (so 3pp per slot)

    As you can see in Smoke Screens left tree part there ist he possibility to share your skill with Teammates. That gives an extra way to push the Coop part and each Warframe should have at least one ability tree part with an „share“ option.

    I took 2 abilities of Ash for my example:



  10. also you have to complete a small rank up mission once your xp bar is full to actually advance in rank. If your account xp bar is full click on it and you will be asked if you want to start the challange and that if you fail you have to requalify. Don't worry, they are pretty easy.

    ahh didn´t thought about this, could really be his issue

  11. you gain 100 Level xp (rank is for warframes and weapons, Lvl is your account "rank")for each "mini" mission within a Misssion like: 30 Kills, HAck a Consol ect.

    And 100 xp for each time you rank up a Warframe or Weapon. So i don´t know how much xp are necessarry at all but if you just use 1 warframe and the same Pistol, Rifle and Meelee Weapon all the time it can take a while.

    On the other hand it matters how much you play ofcourse.

    But if you got a Rank 30 Warframe and minimum a weapon at 30 is could be a bug.

    Check how many xp are reamaining then do mission and also finish the bonus "mission" within if you didnt get a plus of 100ist buggy

  12. I think they look really cool. An addition to customisation is great, shame you can't buy the Nyx Alternate Helm. It's not relly Pay 2 Win if there is a drawback.

    I whould like to see them (Frost and Nyx) befor spending that money, also i bought oth warframes already in a hipe :( and dind check bundles Befor ;/

  13. Yep i love (exepct Trinity) and bought (exepct Trinity) them all, and as a side note, i didn´t knew abot thoose extra stast they gave so i had bought them with them just as cosmetics in mind!!

    only thing i dislike is the new got extra helmes just in the set, bought the new frames right away and didn saw the bundles with 2. helm :( they may looking great

  14. So that is mine:

    Primary: Light brown - let his head amor look like Bone

    Secoundary: Dark Puple

    Tint Colour 3: Dark Gry/Black

    Tint Colour 4: Light Brown

    Energy: Light Brown

    Edit: PiC ;)5jty7dot.pngfaadzcbc.png

    You can use a brighter Purple it still looks cool, at least i think so ;)

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