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Molecular Prime Should Stay As Is, But That Serious Range It Has Needs To Go.


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I'm not asking/demanding the damage to be reduced, not asking/demanding for it's debuffs to removed ( even though they probably should since it's just too much for an ultimate ).


I'm just suggesting the range at which you can prime enemies reduced by half.


M.Prime's range is all I would like to see reduced, I don't really care about it's damage rating, it's still reaches it's own limits eventually. You can mention the damage debuffs or whatever, but it's reaching it's limits against the stronger heavies that just end up absorbing it's damage whether you bring up the debuffs or not.


And this is that I use Nova alot, so I am definitely not watching from the side lines. The team needs to pull their own weight so instead I'll use M.Prime as a last resort if 1-2 players are down and in need of reviving while someone tries to hold off enemies from the pod. This way it keeps the game challenging without totally ruining it by just pressing 4 to kill everything cause I'm Nova #dealwithit.

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Nova's ultimate is unique in that its effectivity increases with enemy count and density. On small to medium groups, the chain reaction is actually less likely to go off. It's clealy designed for late game defense situations, but every nova will have a maxxed Mprime by lvl 3.


When Phobos came out, I felt like the larger environments with more spread out enemies was a way of nerfing Nova. But I also think Mprime recently got a slight damage nerf.

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Larger environments and higher level defense missions are what weaken MPrime. It's fine as it is really. If anything the explosion radius may go down.


I know I personally bring Nova on a defense because I have a Vauban with me. Together then Vortex-Drop for immense damage. Prime just helps heavies go down faster, it's really not used for the damage. The damage just helps clear off little minions. If anything at all must happen, the blast radius will be reduced to prevent map-chaining which seems to be everyones beef with it.


Look at Rhino Stomp now that Rhino finally has been fixed.

- Damage (lower than most ults)

- Long Range (Longer than most ults)

- Hard CC (Stronger than most ults)


Now, hard CC ults. There is only two I know of: Vortex and Crush.

Vortex is limited by where it is placed and has lower range.

Crush has a much shorter radius and only CC's while it is cast.


Really Stomp and Prime are examples of "good" designed Ultimate Skills. Perhaps the cost of the Ult should go up to 150 instead of 100 but really the skills are fine as is. I made high note of that in the thread I already had started about Nova and Rhino's ults. Mainly as a means to get off the "Nerf don't Nerf" whining that other threads had.

Edited by Estred
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