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The Next Enemy In Warframe


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/Hyperbolic satire on

I believe the next enemy should be tiny and almost impossible to hit with melee, immune to all elemental damage, have 90% flat damage reduction [Armor piercing doesn't effect.] It should also be very fast, high hp, have the ability to fly, capable of staggering and knockdown. Oh and it spawns in hordes of 10-20 at a time.

/Hyperbolic satire off

I just really want to have an enriching enemy type that requires a bit of strategy. Not another sanic staggering miniscule monstrosity. I can't say exactly what sort of enemy type I'd want, but I know I don't want an enemy where the counter is simply "Dont get close to it."

I'm very open to any ideas you lot can come up with for enemy types.

One idea I've got, is a sort of Mega-Moa. It has 3-4 high powered, slow-firing [but fast moving] projectile launchers that face forward. These guns can be destroyed, and it's easier than destroying the Moa itself. To counter it's high power, it's slow at turning around, and it cannot shoot behind itself.

A tweak to the shield ospreys: Make them produce a shield like the Volt, instead of empowering individual units. Aswell, instead of flying, it would roll around on tiny-tank treads like a cute little shield bot-tank.

For the infected... Still waiting for those ceiling crawlers you promised us DE!

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how about toxic disruptor ancients the size of ospreys, with shields (from the shield lancers) and pull? :>

I really like the idea of the Mega-Moa, something like a jackal in your everyday non-boss missions

Edited by Nevrmoor
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Right now, the Corpus don't really have heavy units, they just have Shockwave and Railgun moas. I think I may have heard once that Rocket Moas are coming, though I could be mistaken. As for a future boss though, I'd be fine with a super-moa. Heck, a 2-story Mech would be fantastic to fight against period.

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Right now, the Corpus don't really have heavy units, they just have Shockwave and Railgun moas. I think I may have heard once that Rocket Moas are coming, though I could be mistaken. As for a future boss though, I'd be fine with a super-moa. Heck, a 2-story Mech would be fantastic to fight against period.

Do you really want Hyenas spawning on your Corpus runs?

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