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Ω [Omegas Legion] Ω Recruiting


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omegas_legion_clan_emblem_by_musashimiyaOMEGAS LEGIONomegas_legion_clan_emblem_by_musashimiya





I am s3kShUn08 (pronounced séksh'n ayt) you're warlord for the evening. OMEGAS LEGION is a casual clan currently with 7 members. Our purpose to have fun and kill a few things along the way.





We have SKYPE, ooVoo, or we can get Teamspeak 3 depending on who has what, or whose on this or that at the time.

Mainly you'll find us on SKYPE for chat and ooVoo for voice chat.




Omega, the leader of the legionnaire of elite troops, the training alone has a mortality rate of more than 90%. Those that remain are the elite and battle hardened veterans worthy of being called a legionnaire. Omega Lord, is a warlord of unsurpassed strength and is the sole leader of the legion. Under his orders the legion spread its influence throughout the omniverse bringing stability through strength. (More to follow as its still under construction)




1 DO NOT Harass other players, ESPECIALLY NOT IN CLAN CHAT.

If two people have a personal issue take it to PMs or just ignore each other.


2 DO NOT Be a smartass, especially towards the Warlords.

Everyone is free to chat and there are no taboo topics, but insults or threats

of any kind, whether to a Warlord or other members WILL NOT BE TOLERATED!
This will result in either a warning or immediate expulsion depending upon severity.

­• 3 DO NOT randomly start missions of those that are idling/afk/changing loadouts.
Simply ask in quad chat if they are ready. If no reply assume AFK and find another lobby

­• 4 DO NOT Start S#&$ with other clans. Last thing we want to deal with is a gigantic flame war.

­• 5 DO NOT invite every Tom, $&*^, and Harry you see if you are Legionnaire or above.

Please direct any new recruits towards either Appsin or myself for approval.

­• 6 Contribute to the dojo whenever you can. We have already made

several additions between 3 people with the majority of it really being 2 people

at the very beginning. Main things we need are Forma for more rooms other than that
contribute to flags and other decorations you see as you please. Nothing is required,

but help is always greatly appreciated




How to join?
PM me on the forums s3kShUn08

[DO NOT PM me ingame, I'm mostly likely either AFK in a mission, or editing in the dojo and not looking at chat. Also I WILL NOT accept in game PMs until I have been contacted prior to request]

Feel free to post in this forum as well as I am usually following it.


Whisper Appsin in game between the times of 13:00 - 03:00 PST

[DO NOT PM him on the forums. He will most likely never see your post as he rarely logs into the forums like myself]

Legionnaire and up may present new potential members to either Appsin or myself before any recruitment is officially recognized.






Simply to gather like minded players to have a good time and a few laughs. We enjoy competition for the sake of competing and the fun of the game. We aim to expand our clan into the 100+ members potentially. 1000+ is too much work, but if we ever get there we'll divide the clan structure for others to help manage the clan.
And lastly TO HAVE FUN! Its a game and I plan on entertaining myself with it for a long time to come.





A team to:
• Do Void Runs
• Do Defense missions for Void Keys
• Grind a Boss
• Hitch a ride to alerts
• Complete the map
• Relax and have fun with




Edited by s3kShUn08
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