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Melee Weapon Idea: Hookblades


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I've always had a strange interest in these weapons, probably because of Kabal from Mortal Kombat.

Anyway, I think these would be a pretty neat addition to Warframe as it would not break the ninja-feel very much. After all, we have giant axes and hammers already.

It can be acquired in both single and dual form, but the dual would far outperform the single sword variant purely because of the way these weapons were traditionally used. 

If an enemy was just out the swordsman's reach, he/she could link the hooks and potentially double their striking distance. Basically, the charge attack for the dual variant of this weapon would comprise of your frame linking the blades and spinning for a large range AoE or a long forward cone. 

Attack speed should be relatively quick due to the light weight, similar to Dual Ether. The charge attack would be somewhat slow though due to the linking and then the spin. 


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I remember suggesting these a while ago.

They'd be a nice addition (although, we already have plenty of melee).


Some weapons with new mechanics would be welcome.

Hook swords, for instance, have the whole connecting both blades together for a longer reach.


When you connect the swords you would get slower attack speed (longer arcing swings), but double the reach.

Plus, hook swords are badass. Have my +1

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I remember suggesting these a while ago.

They'd be a nice addition (although, we already have plenty of melee).


Some weapons with new mechanics would be welcome.

Hook swords, for instance, have the whole connecting both blades together for a longer reach.


When you connect the swords you would get slower attack speed (longer arcing swings), but double the reach.

Plus, hook swords are badass. Have my +1


This. All of this.

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I do agree that there are too many melee weapons and that they lack any real mechanics. Some just hit harder and slower with a larger range, others vice versa. 

I suppose instead of a heavier damaging attack, holding E might simply link the blades and turn every consecutive regular melee attack into slower but longer ranged blows and it will switch back to faster but shorter slashes when you hold E again. A toggle, basically. Maybe even give the two forms a different damage type so that they can be used for different situations or enemy types.

Anything to make melee at least somewhat fun.

Edited by Ennokk
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They do suit Warframes rule-of-cool design philosophy, and I certainly wouldn't mind having them.

Now with that out of the way I'd just like to point out in real-life they where almost never used for combat. They where not listed in any official armament listings and where most likely the Qing Dynasty equivalent of those fancy but useless show swords you can buy from flea marts and pawn shops :P

They have been adapted into routine weapons in most Chinese martial arts schools since then but that's because they look fancy and it takes a lot of skill to use them at all, not because they have any practical use.

I'm not saying it's a bad idea, I just wanted to use my armchair weapon historian powers :D

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